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The dragon(cat)'s shiny pixels: 4/2/2015 Extreme Makeover: OC edition


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The Tier II heron and crows are p' nice for your work, but I think this is old work to begin with?

I think it'd be beneficial for you to try straying from the bases a little more for each class. The Fox/Coyote/Cat branches look the same at first glance, as do the dragons. Once/if you get to changing their colors and poses around it'll be hard to tell the difference between them.

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Well felines have shorter muzzles and longer tails than canines. And the coyote has a tufted ear...

I'm not the best at custom and as far as the dog tribes go, I had trouble coming up with differences between foxes and coyotes, appearance wise. The wolves were given manes/fluff on the neck in canon. When I put them in their own tribe...yeah. Originally had it so that foxes have white tipped tails like tigers have stripes, changed it for some reason. It's hard to vary the bases when there's so few to begin with...the mauthe doog and gyliggi (how dafuq is that spelled) are the only beast bases in FE. And there's dragons, but I chose to use wyverns cause the manaketes/dragons are either too big or look stupid (Fa) I'm lucky I was able to find a base for bird laguz that looks like it could be in FE.

These are...slightly old. Just did the dogs this morning. The rest I had, but did some touch ups.

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You know most of these laguz sprites have excessive amounts of straight lines and pillow shading and very little anti aliasing

Also there's hardly and differences between the T1 laguz and T2

I can't please everybody, it seems...

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The facial structure and the tails of the foxes should be more fox-like, and their bodies less bulky.

The Lion's mane is too far back, and the body not bulky enough.

Tigers have the same build issue, and are not feline enough.

The hawk needs more a bird of prey head - too close in resemblance to the herons.

Merc Lord pretty much nailed the other stuff.

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This might help in identifying some points for helping you distinguish between the canids, at least. Foxes also have a very distinct coloration (although I'm not sure why you choose to go monotone in your sprites).

I would very much suggest just trying your hand out at drawing out and then customing the animals instead. It's a bit better than saying 'I can't do that with splicing'. (I think you certainly can, but you have to get creative and think beyond the 'exchange same body part between characters' thinking.)

And there's dragons, but I chose to use wyverns cause the manaketes/dragons are either too big or look stupid (Fa)

Imo, I think Fa / the FE6 dragons were really well done. Fa has a babyDragon/chickyBird vibe and is adorbs in both forms, unlike the Tellius and FEA dragons turn into the sameish model regardless of the human form behind them.

Edited by Lenh
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I might redo the laguz, guys...but atm I like them how they are. I do appreciate the input though :)

For now, have some skills. These are the mastery skills, things like Wrath and Vantage are custom skills, which will be added later. The difference being mastery skills are specific to certain promoted classes, custom skills can be taught to anyone. And of course there's class skills, like the stealing for thieves...

Some icons were taken straight from FE4. Some I had to make. Some classes are completely original or tweaked from canon, will add info on them later.


Edited by Dragoncat
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I think in RD Aether is that way? Idk...

I got a little lazy, you're right. Hard for me to shade in those small areas though. And some of the custom icons DO have shading if you look closely.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Old mug is old. I'll be putting up a lot of mugs I made ages ago when I show you guys my OCs...just know if you see a mug with a battle sprite the mug was probably made years ago. Battle sprites...I'm improving on them all the time, so they will likely be new.

Name: Cerai
Gender: female
Race: beorc
Class: wyvern rider
- Steed name: Blaze
- Steed color: orange
- Steed gender: female
Affinity: thunder

Friendly and quick witted, anything can become a joke when she's in a good mood. Can be hyper and childish at times. Fiercely competitive and tends to gloat when she wins. Mostly fun to be around, but likes to annoy people, and she will continue to do whatever the person finds annoying until she gets bored. Highly intelligent. Speaks fluent sarcasm and in some cases, profanity.

She was born, along with her twin brother Leo, to a couple of Crimean Air Force members. Their mother was a commander, while their father was a mere soldier. Cerai is one minute older than Leo. The two of them had what can be considered an average childhood, they got along well mostly, even if the getting along often meant causing trouble. Their parents adopted an orphaned beast laguz when they were four. They quickly bonded with him, and still consider him their brother. At the age of twelve they began Air Force training, following in their parents' footsteps. Cerai had the option of getting a pegasus, but decided on a wyvern because she had always liked them more than pegasi. She named the fiery colored wyvern Blaze.

When the twins were eighteen, their parents were jumped by bandits in the middle of the night while on a trip to one of the smaller towns in Crimea. They didn't survive the attack. Because of this tragedy, the siblings left the Air Force to start a group called the Whitefire Mercenaries, and make a living smiting bandits and other thugs. When the Mad King's War broke out, they heard of another band of mercenaries that had gotten themselves directly involved in the conflict. They searched for them, but were always just a few steps behind. Later when rebellion broke out in Crimea, they finally caught up with the Greil Mercenaries, and an alliance was forged. Cerai eventually developed a romantic relationship with one of the members of the other group, causing the allies to be united by both blood and friendship.

Ethan(father, deceased)
Riara(mother, deceased)
Leo(twin brother)
Samba(adopted brother)

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Name: Leo
Gender: male
Race: beorc
Class: wyvern rider
- Steed name: Frostbite
- Steed color: white
- Steed gender: male
Affinity: thunder

Bold, blunt, level headed. Can be stubborn. Doesn't give up easily, with more difficult tasks he will often keep at it, sometimes until he ends up losing sleep and/or hurts himself or others. Competitive and a major sore loser. Sulks, stomps, and even throws things at times when he loses. A bit of a jokester, and quick witted. Loyal to his friends and family. His never giving up nature makes him a valuable ally, and a big danger to the opposite side.

He was born, along with his twin sister Cerai, to a couple of Crimean Air Force members. Their mother was a commander, while their father was a mere soldier. He's the younger twin by one minute. The two of them had what can be considered an average childhood, they got along well mostly, even if the getting along often meant causing trouble. Their parents adopted an orphaned beast laguz when they were four. They quickly bonded with him, and still consider him their brother. At the age of twelve they began Air Force training, following in their parents' footsteps. Leo named his wyvern Frostbite.

When the twins were eighteen, their parents were jumped by bandits in the middle of the night while on a trip to one of the smaller towns in Crimea. They didn't survive the attack. Because of this tragedy, the siblings left the Air Force to start a group called the Whitefire Mercenaries, and make a living smiting bandits and other thugs. When the Mad King's War broke out, they heard of another band of mercenaries that had gotten themselves directly involved in the conflict. They searched for them, but were always just a few steps behind. Later when rebellion broke out in Crimea, they finally caught up with the Greil Mercenaries, and an alliance was forged. Leo crossed paths with a Crimean pegasus knight one day. He had always found most pegasus knights attractive, but he found himself liking this one for her personality, and the fact that she was a new Air Force recruit, so they had something in common. After about a year, he went with his gut instinct and proposed to her, and she agreed.

Ethan(father, deceased)
Riara(mother, deceased)
Cerai(twin sister)
Samba(adopted brother)


Name: Samba
Gender: male
Race: beast laguz
Class: cat
Affinity: ice

Usually cheerful and fun loving. He will often shift into his cat form at random times throughout the day just because he feels like it. It's not uncommon for him to spend an entire meeting/debriefing/etc shifted, but he only does this around those he knows well. If it's a formal event in which laguz animal forms would be a problem, he won't. Has zero tolerance for those who use the term "sub-human" and he has clawed or threatened to claw people who said it in his presence before. Enjoys joking around, and will be friendly as long as people stay on his good side.

Like most laguz of the beast tribe, he's originally from Gallia. His mother was a lion laguz, his father was a cat. He inherited his mother's gray hair and fur, but with stripes the color of his father's hair and fur. When he was a young child, a family hunting trip ended in disaster. They chased the deer across the Gallia/Crimea border on accident, and were confronted by a group of beorc who accused them of stealing wild game. The beorc refused to listen to their explanation and a fight broke out that ended with Samba knocked unconsious and both his parents dead. When he came to, there was a priest, and a beorc couple with a set of four year old twins. He was amazed that he had survived and that there were kind hearted beorc in the world who would see two shifted cats and a shifted lion beat up on the side of the road and want to try to save them. The couple ended up adopting him, and he is still extremely close to his adopted siblings. Three beorc youngsters call him their shapeshifting uncle. He is somewhat interested in romance and possible kids of his own later on, but for now, his adopted nephews and niece are enough.

Kile(father, deceased)
Senna(mother, deceased)
Cerai(adopted sister)
Leo(adopted brother)
Naroc, Milo(adopted nephews)
Ciara(adopted niece)

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Have some type icons. I had to use miiverse to grab the base for Armored. Took a screenshot of Kellam's stats, then retrieved the icon from there and worked with it. Cavalry and dragon just needed minor recolors and touch ups, no sense in fixing the GBA icons too much if they're not broken. Canine and feline were the fang icons from Radiant Dawn, and flying...was the GBA pegasus icon! Just gave it a bird head, but it's not limited to bird laguz as we know.

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I'd consider lining all the numbers up on the left edge, like the strength looks like it should be scootched over to the right a bit. It'd look a bit more organized, and I think the supports and final stat totals would benefit from uniformity as well. (It also seems odd that he only has 8 attack with 14 strength) I think I'd also make the weapon screen the same height as the other two, as you have some uniformity going on with the other 2 .

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I think the atk is just for the weapon before adding str? If I'm wrong...then what's the formula for that?

Also I didn't entirely make it, the template I used had the weapon and skill thing shorter.

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  • 3 weeks later...


From left to right: Rene(avatar), Lon'qu, Morgan, Tricia(second kid who doesn't exist ingame)

Tried my best...the first 3 probably look nothing like they do ingame.

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Yeah, they don't much resemble their in-game counterparts... :P But they still look pretty decent. Just need a bit of light touching up here and there. Also, is it just me, or do Rene and Tricia lack eyebrows and Morgan is missing one? o.O

Edited by Anacybele
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