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Fear of Puppets


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So do any of you have a fear of puppets, or used to be afraid of puppets as a kid? Do you think it's a weird fear to have?

As a kid, I used to be deathly afraid of them and even just being around a marionette/ventriloquist dummy scared me like crazy. Hand puppets I had no problem with, but the more human-like they got, the more they started to creep me out (especially puppets with detached and movable jaws). They don't scare me anymore since it's highly unlikely that they'd ever actually come to life and do murderous things (unless someone rich enough actually put the time and effort into making that possible).

Also, I thought I'd post these two videos which basically sums up why puppets scared me as a kid:

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You better not watch the Jackie Chan Adventures episodes featuring the Monkey King then, Randoman. Those would freak you out. :P

But I've never been scared of puppets. In fact, they've made me laugh more often than not (Jeff Dunham's puppets, the Monkey King I just mentioned above, just to mention some examples). Now clowns, on the other hand... *shudder*

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I was scared of vampires as a kid, then I saw twilight.

I am somewhat scared of heights, especially if there's no railing/ shaky railing. Due to this, I don't like views over seaside cliffs or standing on skyscraper helipads.

I now kick any vampire cosplayer in the nuts if they wear a j crew and claim to be a vampire.

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