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Asset/Flaw for Hybrid character


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I need help picking a good asset/flaw for my character. Going to be playing as a hybrid character and playing on casual/hard. Was thinking of picking black knight as my class when I could but don't really know. So I need help picking my asset/flaw for him. Thanks

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Lucina > Chrom!Cynthia > Severa/Henry!Cynthia > Noire/Kjelle > Sumia/Cordelia > Aversa > Lissa/Maribelle/Olivia > Nowi > Sully/Tharja > anyone else. If you're not planning on using all the children, Sumia/Cordelia get bumped up to between Chrom!Cynthia and Severa.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Chrom!Cynthia means Cynthia with Chrom as her father.

I gave you the unofficial tier list for Avatar-M's pairings. If you care about gameplay, pick someone higher up on that list. If not, pick your waifu. If you don't have a waifu, it doesn't matter.

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