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How do you talk to a big sis who you have not seen in years?


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I have a half sis who is 11 years older then me and I'm trying to start a relationship with her after she sent my family her address. The last time I saw her was 9 years ago and then she moved and my type one diabetes got really bad and I lost touch with her. My family did not have internet for a long time until I started college and needed it for class. I used to spend my free time at school looking her up but I could not find her at all. She sent my family an invite to her wedding last year but my mom had to work and I could not go, I don't have facebook and don't want one and I have written letters emails and texts but I normally get no response. If anyone has some advice for how to get it so I can talk to her please tell me. Thanks.

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I know exactly how you feel. My older brother came all the way from the other side of the country to visit my family a few weeks back, and that was the first time I had seen him in at least ten years. The only thing I can say is just be persistent. I don't know your sister's situation, but it's entirely possible that she simply doesn't have the time to respond to all of your letters and whatnot. I would also reconsider getting a Facebook. I can definitely understand why you wouldn't want one, but it might not hurt to give it a whirl if it would help you keep in contact with your sister. If possible, see if you can make plans to visit her in person. Letters and emails are fine, but they're no substitute for actual human contact.

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I sorta know this situation too, as last year, my mom found a cousin of mine that I had actually never known at ALL because I was a baby the only time I ever saw her. So I was pretty shy about meeting her. You just gotta be yourself really, and take a deep breath.

I'd also reconsider getting a Facebook. Sure, there are some things I don't like about it, but you're always going to find things you don't like about something. And Facebook was how my mom found my cousin and how other people have found old friends and family members from the past.

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I'll think about Facebook but I still don't know about it, because most of the people at school would not even talk to anyone unless it was for class or through Facebook. I mean I've seen people sit right next to each other and they are talking to each other on Facebook when they are right there together. I am planning on going to see my sis some time but my mom is the one who would go with me and she has a hard time getting off work. We are related though our Dad but he is hard to deal with and will not leave our house except to go to the store. I will keep trying but it is hard when she can't be bothered to just say hi every once in awhile which is why I'm asking for advice.

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You can't force it.

Send an e-mail every now and then, and feel free to use that as a status update. Find HER info on FB, and make sure she didn't do something like change phone numbers/e-mail addresses. If she wants to reopen that relationship, she will. Otherwise, there's not much you can do about it.

Alternately, create a locked-down profile and use it to communicate only with her.

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