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Rei Rei

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I stopped watching after Shawn Micheal retired. He was the most entertaining wrestler I have ever watched.

Still doesn't excuse how much of a douche he was backstage back in the '90s

and i'm going to stop myself right there

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Billy Gunn is one of those guys that I could never get the appeal. I guess hanging out with a 100x more charismatic guy really does wonders

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No, don't stop! That's maybe the biggest part of wrestling, bro

Well if you say so

I just did not like the way Shawn was just able to get away with whatever he wanted to do because of both his skills(which you have to admit that he does know his way around the ring) and his friendship with Vince. Like how The Kliq was able to to just kill Bam Bam Bigelows momentum by refusing him to win the title later in his 2nd WWF run. (iirc the highest honor Bam Bam got was the main event of WM11 against LT, which still baffles me). And how Shawn was able to bully FUCKING VADER for the "ungodly" crime of treating him a bit rough, take away The Bulldogs European title at a UK show even though it was agreed Davey would retain, and play a part on The Montreal Screwjob, to me are prime examples of Shawn and how far he would go to still be top dog back in the day. Thank goodness he found religion but from what I heard he didn't change as dramatically as hoped. if there are any more examples of Shawn's behavior worth sharing please go right ahead and post

Edited by Formerly ShockMaster
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Didn't know abouti the Bam Bam case. Interesting.

The problem with The Kliq is that most of the guys involved already were quite big in the company. IIRC only Ripple H suffered the consequencese, but he's still the biggest dick now. Bangin' the boss' daughter is a surefire way of getting absolute power later on.

But anyway the biggest "behind the scenes" asshole is and always will be Hulk Hogan.

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Well, he pretty much has the biggest ego ever, since he IS the biggest name in professional wrestling.

He had creative control for quite some time, and it was more notorious in his WCW's stint. It was HIS decision to make that shitty Bash at the Beach 2000 ending, which in turn caused Vince Russo to make a (worked?) shoot promo afterwards. Also that infamous Fingerpoke of Doom episode, which kinda makes him responsible, in one way or another for two of the moments that killed the company.

Also there was that weird Wrestlemania 9 main event which made Bret look a complete tool and turned all the spotlights to the Hulkster. Pretty much a "stolen" title.

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Hart seems to really like him despite all that, though. If you go look up the columns on his site, he's dedicated at least one post to Hulk Hogan and how he was the same person as before, even after all the fame and stuff. I dunno if anyone else believes in him like the Hitman does, but it's at least one thing to get you thinkin'.

EDIT: And wasn't Michaels always a Christian? Born again, I believe. I think the only thing he found, after several years, was maturity.

Edited by Nightmare
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His period in TNA wasn't the best either. Forcing the ring to be 4-sided is not really a wise decision as it was maybe the biggest selling point they've had, and their biggest differencial. After that there was a bigger emphasis on him and Ric Flair than TNA's own talent.

He's an attention hog.

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Hart seems to really like him despite all that, though. If you go look up the columns on his site, he's dedicated at least one post to Hulk Hogan and how he was the same person as before, even after all the fame and stuff. I dunno if anyone else believes in him like the Hitman does, but it's at least one thing to get you thinkin'.

EDIT: And wasn't Michaels always a Christian? Born again, I believe. I think the only thing he found, after several years, is maturity.

Then explain this


He isn't much fond of Ric Flair either, but that's a given. I'm pretty certain most guys that were booked by Flair or worked with hims don't like him. Besides the obvious exceptions like AA, Triple H and the like.

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Not denying him being an asshole. Any wrestling fan knows that! I'm just wondering what got the Hitman so into the Hulkster. He's one of the few figures who defend him (though I dunno what he thinks now but I doubt it's changed any).

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He had creative control for quite some time, and it was more notorious in his WCW's stint. It was HIS decision to make that shitty Bash at the Beach 2000 ending, which in turn caused Vince Russo to make a (worked?) shoot promo afterwards. Also that infamous Fingerpoke of Doom episode, which kinda makes him responsible, in one way or another for two of the moments that killed the company.

You can't mention WCW dying, bring in Hogan , and NOT mention Kevin Nash's role

Want to take this one Night?

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I think the problem with WWE is that they can't be bothered trying to make top notch quality stuff all the time. While we are having this nice batch of young and upcoming fellas around, the competition is goddamn TNA. If that's your biggest concern of competition then you are cool.

The result is that they can just fuck up royally sometimes, there won't be any consequences.

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I think the problem with WWE is that they can't be bothered trying to make top notch quality stuff all the time. While we are having this nice batch of young and upcoming fellas around, the competition is goddamn TNA. If that's your biggest concern of competition then you are cool.

The result is that they can just fuck up royally sometimes, there won't be any consequences.

Like when it comes to completely talented guys on the roster. Like Tyson Kidd, probably one of the most gifted guys on the current roster, the only thing bringing him down is mic skill. there's probably more, but Kidd is like the defector guy i use as an example of talented guys who are currently getting the short end of the stick

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I dunno, is NXT anything to go by? He seemed to be pretty over as this smug heel motherfucker who wore BEATS HEADPHONES to the ring.

One can hope that while most of those guys will end up on the upper midcard, at least two can be full fledged main eventers. I still am waiting for that Cesaro World Title.

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EDIT: And wasn't Michaels always a Christian? Born again, I believe. I think the only thing he found, after several years, was maturity.

Christian born again...hmm...Mr.T is the same, right?

Edit: Eh...how is Mr.T as a wrestler anyway? I heard he promoted wrestling in some ways or another.

Edited by Magical Amber
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I was listening to that AEPodcast Royal Rumble 2000 episode, and SHIT


The Street Fight is at least in Trips Top 5 matches.

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