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FE Logic.


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This topic is for things that don't make sense when you think about them. Things that can be described as video game/FE logic, but if it was real life, it would make no sense. Like...

How does light magic do damage to anything but undead monsters? I can see dark magic being like poison or acid or something, but light? Similarly, how does wind magic hurt armored units? Their armor should protect them from the high speed gusts...fire would make them roast in the armor, and thunder...metal conducts electricity. But wind doesn't do anything to heavy metal.

How do javelins/hand axes come back to the thrower?


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Talking to a person 4 times means you are officially a married couple.

Spinning yourself or a weapon around does 3 times damage.

EDIT: In response to answer your questions: Light magic blinds people but since it's so sacred they become temporarily blind then see again :'D.

Have you been in cold weather? In a windy somewhat cold day it feels like knives are penetrating your skin. It especially feels bad when you bend over.

Javelin or Hand Axes: Maybe they carry multiple somehow...

Edited by Zephyr
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If you give a sword to a thief it turns into a dagger. If you give it to an assassin it turns into two seperate daggers. If you give it to a mercenary it turns into a huge blade. If you give it to a lord it turns into a rapier.

Edited by Sikker
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This topic is for things that don't make sense when you think about them. Things that can be described as video game/FE logic, but if it was real life, it would make no sense. Like...

How does light magic do damage to anything but undead monsters? I can see dark magic being like poison or acid or something, but light? Similarly, how does wind magic hurt armored units? Their armor should protect them from the high speed gusts...fire would make them roast in the armor, and thunder...metal conducts electricity. But wind doesn't do anything to heavy metal.

I like the way that you start talking about "real life", and in the very next sentence start talking about magic as thought it exists in real life...

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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How are units like Mist and Mia able to use Alondite? lol seriously. Ike still uses two hands on occasion to swing Ragnell around and he's fricking Ike. :P

mist has my little pony power. i don't know how mia does it though.

sprinkling dust on oneself makes that person's magic stronger.

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EDIT: In response to answer your questions: Light magic blinds people but since it's so sacred they become temporarily blind then see again :'D.

Have you been in cold weather? In a windy somewhat cold day it feels like knives are penetrating your skin. It especially feels bad when you bend over.

So they run into things because they cant see lol? Or maybe it works like the confuse status in pokemon where they attack themselves xD

As for cold weather, yes, that is true. But wind magic isn't ice magic, which that better fits. Plus I just said armored people. I can understand it hurting if you're not covered in heavy metal.

I like the way that you start talking about "real life", and in the very next sentence start talking about magic as thought it exists in real life...

I meant if it did. Wasnt saying it does....but it would be awesome. Picture the pope being able to use light magic lol.

How are units like Mist and Mia able to use Alondite? lol seriously. Ike still uses two hands on occasion to swing Ragnell around and he's fricking Ike. :P

...Alondite isn't exclusive to the Black Knight? Wow...

Edited by Dragoncat
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1: Books can break.

2: Riders and horses/wyverns seemingly share HP.

1: My headcanon says that to make a magic tome, you soak a book in some kind of magical essence/potion/whatever. Every time you use the tome one of the pages crumbles into dust. When there's no pages left, the tome "broke".

2: In PoR/RD it only shows the rider dying, in Awakening the steed dies too. Idk...

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In chapter 15 of Awakening, Say'ri is defenseless despite the fact that she has two swords strapped to her waist.

Yeah I found that part of the swordmaster model in Awakening odd too. They're never shown actually taking swords out of those scabbards...shouldve just left em out.

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Yeah I found that part of the swordmaster model in Awakening odd too. They're never shown actually taking swords out of those scabbards...shouldve just left em out.

To be honest, if they were gonna do that to swordmasters, then IS should have made freaking unique sheathes for each sword, kinda like how bows get unique quivers.

Also, very CLEARLY high AOE spells like Ereshkigal, Apocalypse, Forblaze, etc. can be dodged by simply leaning backwards.

Edited by Foolishly Capricious
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To be honest, if they were gonna do that to swordmasters, then IS should have made freaking unique sheathes for each sword, kinda like how bows get unique quivers.

I noticed different arrows, but not quivers...

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So they run into things because they cant see lol? Or maybe it works like the confuse status in pokemon where they attack themselves xD

As for cold weather, yes, that is true. But wind magic isn't ice magic, which that better fits. Plus I just said armored people. I can understand it hurting if you're not covered in heavy metal.

I meant if it did. Wasnt saying it does....but it would be awesome. Picture the pope being able to use light magic lol.

...Alondite isn't exclusive to the Black Knight? Wow...

Have you beaten FE10?

Alondite is not locked to him there. It's just an SS weapon that's also infinite.

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Books can break.

Give someone a single boot so he/she can move further.

Robin:*Rips out the pages*Broken.

​Plus,I can imagine Hector wearing a boot to go farther.

A staff fixes weapons once when you can get a non-existent blacksmith to fix it more then once.

EDIT:How Eliwood's,Ephriam's and Eirika's horse can dodge anything by simply leaning to the side a bit.

And the fact Sacred Stones berserkers can get stabbed in the crotch and take no damage.

Edited by Shinehollow
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Also, very CLEARLY high AOE spells like Ereshkigal, Apocalypse, Forblaze, etc. can be dodged by simply leaning backwards.

Dodge the Sun by sidestepping (Cymbeline).

Forget about shields, only scrubs use them.

It is easier to dodge a lightning bolt than it is to dodge an icicle.

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Light can actually be very harmful in real life. Lasers, for example, are a form of light, and they can be used to cut through diamonds.

As for javelins, historically, javelineers usually carried several javelins on their person. That they suddenly reappear in a unit's hand after being hurled is likely just a case of IS not wanting to create a special animation for javelins.

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Light can actually be very harmful in real life. Lasers, for example, are a form of light, and they can be used to cut through diamonds.

Well explained...but I will now never again be able to think about light magic without thinking about "IMMA FIRIN MY LAZAR!"

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And the fact Sacred Stones berserkers can get stabbed in the crotch and take no damage.

Guess that's what you call 'Balls of Steel'

How does the steed die if you hit the riders?

And exactly how does touching a thing give you different clothes and the ability to use more weapons?

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Guess that's what you call 'Balls of Steel'


I too noticed how Ephriam does crotch stabs...like what kind of crazy combat training did he get? That's not a vital area. It just feels like one.

And...tomes. My headcanon is a combo of both.

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