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Rey's JPN SSB4 3DS Screenshot and Video Request thread


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I'm actually kinda curious to see what Lucina looks like in the alternate palettes after using her taunt to put on the mask...kinda silly to think about, I suppose.

Edited by Dai
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Just in case Smashboards didn’t post it:

Rufure/Robin Tomes:

Up B: Elwind. 9 Uses. Regenerates 5 seconds after ditching a broken one.

Side B: Gigafire [Arcfire] 6 Uses. Regenerates after 10 seconds.

Down B: Resire [Nosferatu] 4 Uses. Regenerates after 35 seconds.

Neutral B: Regenerates after 10 seconds

Thunder: 20 Uses

Elthunder: 7 Uses

Gigathunder [Arcthunder]: 4 Uses

Thoron: 3 Uses

Thunder [Levin] Sword: 8 uses (Smash and Aerial)

Regenerates after 8 seconds.

Also, booty:

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Just in case Smashboards didn’t post it:

Rufure/Robin Tomes:

Up B: Elwind. 9 Uses. Regenerates 5 seconds after ditching a broken one.

Side B: Gigafire [Arcfire] 6 Uses. Regenerates after 10 seconds.

Down B: Resire [Nosferatu] 4 Uses. Regenerates after 35 seconds.

Neutral B: Regenerates after 10 seconds

Thunder: 20 Uses

Elthunder: 7 Uses

Gigathunder [Arcthunder]: 4 Uses

Thoron: 3 Uses

Thunder [Levin] Sword: 8 uses (Smash and Aerial)

Regenerates after 8 seconds.

Also, booty:

lol, bootycall.

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All I'd really like to see is screen-shots of the alternate colors for Dark Pit, Dr. Mario, Duck Hunt Dog, Ness, and Lucina. 8U I try to find videos on YouTube, but they only show the icon, which doesn't show the entire outfit. It's mostly Dark Pit's alts I'd love to see full-body, though...

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Hello sir, my crow tengu-loving pseudo-aquaintance. I wish to ask of you to have a match with whatever character your friends decide you will play as. (yes, they are choosing.) You will try to defeat three lv 9 CPUs. Of course, you don't have to, but that's an idea I came up with.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well... it looks like there's no more use for this thread.

Enjoy your Smash people. I couldn't really get to the requests all that much.

Quick question: do you take requests for battles? I now you stated you don't make friends with random people whom you don't know and vice versa, but, hey, sometimes that's how new friendships are born, eh? Nonetheless, that's your decision, not mine.

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It depends on the day.

I'm one of the weird people that don't give out Friend Codes unless I know you from something.

So it's kinda like Dan, Ray, Annie, and the people in Teh Flock and all others that I can't remember their names right now? Makes sense.

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I would like to see some replays of our matches, Rey. (Because I forgot to save two of our matches. Robin vs. Robin and Shulk vs. Captain Falcon, I think.) Of course, you don't take requests anymore... ;m;

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