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Serenes Forest Smash Club! 3DS Friend Codes/Nintendo Network IDs, screenshots, videos, and more inside!


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Sent you a request.

I'll respond to it in a few minutes, thanks~

EDIT: I had to exit the last game I played, so you'll have to wait 8 minutes before we can play. Sorry.

EDIT 2: And now I have to leave... Sorry, but I can't play against you anymore.

Edited by ClarinetsandOboes
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I'll respond to it in a few minutes, thanks~

EDIT: I had to exit the last game I played, so you'll have to wait 8 minutes before we can play. Sorry.

EDIT 2: And now I have to leave... Sorry, but I can't play against you anymore.

It's ok.

Anyone else want to play?

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Alright, I guess I'll go get on! I don't want to play for real long though, I still haven't opened Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam. :P

Radiance: Well, even though I had said I didn't like FF on, I concede that it's probably better than having it off, so I don't mind.

Edited by Anacybele
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Btw first come first serve. So far I have Ana and Kira once they come in.

Edit: One more slot left. Join while the slot is free. Join team blue when you enter.

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Sorry, I wanted to switch out one of my Frederick Mii's moves. Because I'm sick of almost never grabbing the ledge with that Up Special I had. -_-

Also, Cloud is so OP. What the heck is with that crazy speed, power, AND range?

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I don't need to be made fun of. I seriously think Cloud is OP.

Also, I left because I'm tired of fucking Jigglypuff and her OP Rest. That move is so stupid. Why does it even do damage, let alone is an automatic 1-hit KO move that appears to be really easy to land?

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Except it's not an Automatic KO move, just like KO punch isn't

and they're super hard to pull off and super difficult to recover from if you do it at a bad time

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Then why was that Jigglypuff player KOing me and at least one other so many times with it? It doesn't look hard to use at all. Or maybe I actually haven't learned anything at all and I'm still really bad...

Edited by Anacybele
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