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Also, I left because I'm tired of fucking Jigglypuff and her OP Rest. That move is so stupid. Why does it even do damage, let alone is an automatic 1-hit KO move that appears to be really easy to land?

I love that move. It's the ultimate Risk vs. Reward scenario in which managing to hit your opponent almost certainly kills them when used correctly while missing leaves you open for, well, death. Also, its hitbox is actually rather small and somewhat difficult to hit with. I mean, with enough practice I could understand the 'really easy to land' part but don't forget, the opponent can easily dodge, shield, or just normally move out of the way of the rest.

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Yeah, Rest is fine. In FFA it becomes easier to hit, and with how erratically I play, it hit quite often.

I need to work on WFT/Villager/Duck Hurt/Shulk. I think I've got something gold there. My Mewtwo was pathetic and Shulk got really lucky.

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Then why was that Jigglypuff player KOing me and at least one other so many times with it? It doesn't look hard to use at all. Or maybe I actually haven't learned anything at all and I'm still really bad...

Probably because you leave yourself open to it

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You sound angry. You saw me miss the rest a bunch of times, yeah? It can be hard to land. Usually only kills at around 60% so yeah not an ohko.

Also, I'm only landing it because Puff is my main. I've dedicated my time to trying to git gud with her.

Edited by sugar smacks frog
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Probably because you leave yourself open to it

It's impossible to see it coming, so how am I supposed to NOT "leave myself open to it"? It comes out really fast, has a big hitbox, and is very powerful. Most OP move in the game, imo. Rest is also meant to be a healing move, I still wonder why it even does any damage.

EDIT: I'm frustrated because I'm getting knocked out repeatedly by the same stupid move. It shows how I don't/can't learn anything because I didn't learn to avoid getting knocked out by said move. And I didn't see you miss Rest much at all.

Edited by Anacybele
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How would that help me avoid the move? I can't see hitboxes on the screen, you know. They're, you know, invisible.

if you see a jigglypuff coming towards you

you could try shielding, or spotdodging

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Except Rest comes so fast that I never see it coming. In fact, I never see a lot of things coming, because I can't and don't read my opponents. I just can't do it no matter how much I try to. I just try to use what move I think is best for the situation, that's it. And that's what I'm trying to get better at.

EDIT: Elie, obviously I attempt to do that...

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lol I never shielded once in any of those matches, did I?

I'm bad but whatever at least I can camp with Villager, Wii Fit, Lucas, and Duck Hunt and that's all that matters

I also never read. I just kind haphazardly attack and see what sticks.

Edited by Miss Kira
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Oh. I never liked camping either, though. I mean I have a sort of defensive playstyle that I'm trying to add some aggressiveness to, but yeah. Well, I'll play some more, I never meant that I would stop playing for the night.

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