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Ana can think whatever she wants IMO

It's obvious she's getting beaten, but everyone keeps pulling the "opportunity to improve" thing. No one seems to realize that no matter how skilled she could get, most of you are like extreme deities at Smash who probably never lose. Her frustration is easily justified and I'm getting tired of stuff like

Btw Ana quit saying your pathetic. Its really getting overdue, lets just keep having fun and improve. Self doubt is not the answer

I mean, it's no fun losing every single match. I know how she feels IRL with my brother. I lose a ton. She's obviously trying so being borderline patronizing isn't good

That's why if I ever come in here to play when I'm at my dad's, I'd prioritize playing wacky stages with wacky characters like Villager. Including FFAs. if I want to indulge in xenoblade music while playing as Wii fit trainer then no force in the universe can stop me

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Well, Miss Kira, I appreciate you defending me, but I understand their attempt to encourage me to keep trying. And I still want to keep trying. But when I can't even beat these people I'm playing on For Glory? Yeah, it's hard not to feel like a loser. People often say For Glory players suck...

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Trust me Miss Kira, if she did not want my opinion, I would have never have said it. I lose and I am fine with it, it encourages me to do better. If you don't want some motivation, I will stop and thats that. I am not saying "You're bad" because I would look like an asshole. If she wants to play regular stages idc we can play regular, I just favor tourney legal. I only say this stuff because I want what is best and if thats not the case then Idk what is. Point is she wants to improve and I will help out and encourage, otherwise It would be pointless. Don't take this as a Negative Kira. If no one wants advice or tips I will shut the hell up, and for those that do, I would be glad to :)

Edited by Radiance
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I'm fine with losing too, Radiance, that's not the point. I'm losing all the time, sometimes getting three-stocked or two-stocked. That's what's hard. I'm still trying to get better though, I just need to get past this rough phase.

I'm still willing to play some more with anyone here, btw. Even Aura, I guess. I favor tourney legal too, btw, but Omega stages and FD aren't the only tourney legal stages. Battlefield, Smashville, and a few others are tourney legal too. Which I'm glad of, because I hate FD.

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If that's the case then that is fine. I already said how I feel about when I lose. We are all different but there is no way I am trying to be critical. If you honestly think I am annoying as shit will the whole "Keep improving thing" tell me. I will stop right away. I want you to get better in a way that you feel comfortable with. I am grateful of your concern Kira, but how should I know what to say if Ana does not tell me. I don't know her in real life.

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Oh, no, I'm not annoyed by it at all. In fact, I really appreciate it because I was afraid my behavior was what was annoying. But maybe it wasn't. I'd still like to be a better sport though. And thanks again for encouraging me. In fact, if it wasn't for the encouragement here, I might actually not even be playing anymore at all despite how many times I said I didn't want to.

EDIT: Sure, Dotty. I'll be eating sometime soon though.

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Thats all I needed to know. I don't think anyone is annoying because we're all friends here. We fight for each other. Glad you are feeling positive :)

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Yeah, right on. :)

Dotty, do you not have much skill with Pit? Or am I actually getting better? Either way, it was nice to see me look kinda good for a change. lol GGs

Anyway, dinner's ready now, I'll be back in a bit.

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The answer is both! Your improvement is plain to see though, even from the last time we played to now!


Ah, awesome. :)

Well, I'm finished eating, so we can pick up where we left off or someone else can play with me, doesn't matter.

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Yeah, that's just three hours behind me, making it 3:40 PM there according to my laptop's clock.

So...anyone else going to play? I see a bunch of people online on my list, but not doing anything.

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Buttloads of fun with you and Horace, but I gtg, need sleep for an event tomorrow.

KO WHIFF, 7 techs at 191% for the counterkill in Gamer, Double Farts and PK Flash doubleKO was awesome

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