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But I do hit the shield and dodge buttons and I still get hit anyway. The projectiles are just too fast, is what I'm saying. And I don't want my shield to break on me. Or maybe I'm just too slow and need to react faster...

I don't know...

But okay, I'll play some more if you really want me to. I mean, I do wish that for once, I could learn to deal with Link's projectiles, regardless of who I use. And I don't want to keep saying "STOP PROJECTILE SPAM IT'S ANNOYING" and sound like a sore loser... I hate sore loser attitudes and I'm probably a hypocritical brat here because I might act like that every now and then. Which is just no. >_<

hugs you No worries Ana, I get frustrated too when I get my grabs broken by Luma in a Rosalina MU, and that's more ridiculous than projectile coverage. You just need to avoid and block interchangeably, and force me to make an approach more, because that's when Link is more vulnerable.

Link isn't such an agile character, and gets beaten by speed easily. But wit and patience will work too.

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Link seems agile to me. Very agile. That's why Toon Link is unusable against him too. He's the same, only with more range, more power, and a better boomerang. The only thing TL has over him is running speed.

Also, I've concluded that I am just not good and can't get better. I couldn't even do well against your DK, and DK is a bad character. I also couldn't do well against your Ike and I know him really well. You'd think he'd be my best matchup. But no.

I was right when I said I shouldn't be playing. I just don't get better because I don't know how to "read" people and I can't learn because I just don't know how. And I'm too slow to react since my Toon Link couldn't hit your Ike before he hit me and TL is faster. I don't know how to react faster, even against slow characters like Ike. Brawl worked out for me because it was a slow game, so slow reacting didn't hinder me as much. SSB Wii U is a faster game.

This honestly really makes me sad. Why can I not have an understanding of "reading" the opponent or react faster? I don't get it... It's ruining my fun of this game and makes me not want to play it...

Oh, and this is just nitpicking, but that Ike palette is ugly as hell. I can't stand looking at it. >_< I'd honestly rather see Chrom palette Ike (and I hate that one too).

EDIT: They weren't ggs to me, sorry...

Edited by Anacybele
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Link seems agile to me. Very agile. That's why Toon Link is unusable against him too. He's the same, only with more range, more power, and a better boomerang. The only thing TL has over him is running speed.

Also, I've concluded that I am just not good and can't get better. I couldn't even do well against your DK, and DK is a bad character. I also couldn't do well against your Ike and I know him really well. You'd think he'd be my best matchup. But no.

I was right when I said I shouldn't be playing. I just don't get better because I don't know how to "read" people and I can't learn because I just don't know how. And I'm too slow to react since my Toon Link couldn't hit your Ike before he hit me and TL is faster. I don't know how to react faster, even against slow characters like Ike. Brawl worked out for me because it was a slow game, so slow reacting didn't hinder me as much. SSB Wii U is a faster game.

This honestly really makes me sad. Why can I not have an understanding of "reading" the opponent or react faster? I don't get it... It's ruining my fun of this game and makes me not want to play it...

Oh, and this is just nitpicking, but that Ike palette is ugly as hell. I can't stand looking at it. >_< I'd honestly rather see Chrom palette Ike (and I hate that one too).

EDIT: They weren't ggs to me, sorry...

Link is faster in Smash 4, but he can still lose to faster characters quite easily as he's very vulnerable during his 'rang windup and when pulling out bombs. Toon Link has faster attack speed, but weighs less and has less killing power, I couldn't ever really like him as much as Standard Link, because his physics are different compared to Link's.

Also, DK is not a bad character; DK has power, range, speed, and even weight. Smash 4 DK is not Melee and Brawl DK at all; he's even better in Smash 4 than in PM I feel. All of DK's moves are great except probably his F-air, which lack a lot of horizontal range in this game.

Thirdly, the thing about Ike vs. Toon Link is that Link is my main, and I know how to counter a Link because of that, so I had great knowledge of how to avoid attacks from Link and then punish with Ike for maximum effectiveness. I waited for my openings when you threw your 'rang grounded and then went it with either a nair or neutral-b, depending on your damage levels. Ike's neutral-b is a great move since it's a blast radius around him, and it gets bigger the longer it charges. It also explodes below and above the sword at a longer range as well, making it a great surprise move.

About your lack of being able to read and react, all i can say is focus on dodging and defending against opponents first, then when you finally get a feel for how to be able to avoid properly and safely, learn on being able to punish missed attacks.

This one is just a controller preference, but I personally play with my tap jump off, and with the pro controller, I swap the shield and grab buttons on the shoulders because they are easier for me to use, and i also assign Y from jump to grab, for easier access to grab.

And I pick green because green is my favorite color, even though I don't know who that is supposed to represent in FE.

You just need more practice is all Ana, don't give up. I've been playing Smash ever since the 64 days, and have done so a lot.

I'm not saying I'm a pro, I'm far from it; I just have a lot of experience.

Edited by N7 Commander John
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People said DK is one of the worst characters in the game though...

And yeah, I can see that it's possible to play okay without being able to read or react. My Luigi is decent, I noticed. But that seems like as far as I'm going to get if I don't ever learn to read or react. I tried to dodge and block your attacks a LOT, but you still landed them before I could do so. Because my reaction time is so slow.

I use Toon Link over regular Link because I just always did better with him (even though I usually prefer more strength and weight over more speed. I'm not really sure why the case is different with TL). I also think he's way cuter and I'm a big fan of Four Sword Zelda. :P

You do have a point there about the Links being similar enough to where you can have knowledge on fighting both even if you main only one though.

About the controller thing, switching up which buttons do what sounds like an idea. I should experiment. I use the Pro controller too. I'm surprised to see that someone else does, it seems like every single other person wants to use the GC controller. lol

I like green too (I DO main Luigi and use his Fire Luigi palette after all), just...not THAT shade. xP Way too bright for me and imo, it just clashes with Ike. But it's your choice. :P

I see. Someone that's played since the 64 days would definitely have a lot more experience than me. I only have Brawl experience besides Smash Wii U/3DS. I played Melee, but not much.

Well, you're a very good player in my opinion. :P

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Does anybody want to legally smash each other across a screen

after i eat, we can.

People said DK is one of the worst characters in the game though...

And yeah, I can see that it's possible to play okay without being able to read or react. My Luigi is decent, I noticed. But that seems like as far as I'm going to get if I don't ever learn to read or react. I tried to dodge and block your attacks a LOT, but you still landed them before I could do so. Because my reaction time is so slow.

About the controller thing, switching up which buttons do what sounds like an idea. I should experiment. I use the Pro controller too. I'm surprised to see that someone else does, it seems like every single other person wants to use the GC controller. lol

Well, you're a very good player in my opinion. :P

I'd say one of the closest characters to being bad in Smash 4 is Mars and Falco, but that's just me not having someone who can consistently defeat me using those characters when I'm using my green fairy boy main.

As I said, practice makes perfect. It takes a lot of patience to break habits of attacking blindly, not thinking about how it would leave you open.

I use the Pro Controller because I was set on using it, even after they announced the GC adapter. It's wireless and feels great to use, and I never use the C stick in Smash, so the stick placement doesn't affect me.

Thanks Ana.

Edited by N7 Commander John
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I'd say one of the closest characters to being bad in Smash 4 is Mars and Falco, but that's just me not having someone who can consistently defeat me using those characters when I'm using my green fairy boy main.

Falco's nerf hurts so freaking much. Everything I loved doing as Falco, I can't even do it anymore. Every attack has so much lag it's unbearable. Even his aerials which he excels at lags.

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Falco's nerf hurts so freaking much. Everything I loved doing as Falco, I can't even do it anymore. Every attack has so much lag it's unbearable. Even his aerials which he excels at lags.

Yeah, i can't use Falco at all because all his attacks just don't feel agile. I don't ever see a Falco anymore, and I liked using him too. I might look on Smashboards sometime though to see how other players use Falco.

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Yeah, i can't use Falco at all because all his attacks just don't feel agile. I don't ever see a Falco anymore, and I liked using him too. I might look on Smashboards sometime though to see how other players use Falco.

yeah I've been trying to look at what people are doing with him and even they can't seem to find anything. No good tutorials, no combo games at all compared to fox, knockbacks are crap, back aerial got nerfed hard and he's so goddamn slow.

I feel he's borderline not even playable for 1 vs 1. So sad to see after all this time that I've used him and he's been reduced to a status of a bum. The only time I won with him in 1vs1 was if someone screws up or opponent was not equivalent skill.

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Ready, john?

So they're finally here, performing for you

If you know the words, you can join in too

Put your hands together if you want to clap

As we take you through this fun-ky rap! HUH!

D. K.! Donkey Kong!

H-H-Here we go! DK! Donkey Kong!

He's the leader of the bunch. You know him well.

He's finally back to kick some tail!

[break: 2 Measures, Monkey Yells](1)

His coconut gun can fire in spurts

If he shoots ya, [Monkey Yell] it's gonna hurt! (2)

He's bigger! faster! and stronger too!

He's the first member of the DK crew!

D. K.! Donkey Kong! HEY!

D. K.! Donkey Kong is here!

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I'd say one of the closest characters to being bad in Smash 4 is Mars and Falco, but that's just me not having someone who can consistently defeat me using those characters when I'm using my green fairy boy main.

As I said, practice makes perfect. It takes a lot of patience to break habits of attacking blindly, not thinking about how it would leave you open.

I use the Pro Controller because I was set on using it, even after they announced the GC adapter. It's wireless and feels great to use, and I never use the C stick in Smash, so the stick placement doesn't affect me.

Thanks Ana.

Mars? You mean Marth? Tier lists generally put him high, but I disagree with that myself. Marth's nerfs this game really hurt him. But poor Falco man, I was thinking of trying him out because I think he's cool, but then people said he got bad nerfs...

Yeah, I suppose I just need more patience and just really miss the skills I had in Brawl (and the skill I started building in Smash 3DS. Randoman said I was pretty good there, pretty solid).

Yeah, I was set on using it myself even before the GC adapter was announced. I used the second stick on the Wii Classic Controller (I used this one for Brawl), but I haven't used the second stick on the Pro controller. It just doesn't feel as comfortable, I guess.

You're welcome. :)

Edited by Anacybele
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I was thinking Olimar is also close to bottom now. The general nerf of his Pikmin really hurts him. I've had a much easier time using Nolimar than Olimar with Pikmin.

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Smash anyone? Within 3 hours of this

Figured out how to change my nickname, now I'm finally Knife

After I eat lunch, sure.

Actually I think I can play now, if you don't mind a break in the middle since I don't think it'll be ready too soon.

Edited by PKLucas531
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I'll play today. I still have Christmas cookies left to decorate (wound up making more than I expected lol), but yeah. :P

I want to try keeping in mind what John has told me about improvement. And maybe, just maybe, I can learn to "read" my opponent. I remember playing with someone on the 3DS version, I think it was Jave (or it might've been Jedi. So many short usernames beginning with J around here! xP). I eventually did start "reading" him, though I don't think I realized it at the time. I have to do it with the realization that I'm doing it.

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