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Anyone up for some matches?

*raises hand*

actually i can only do 3ds so fdkalf;asfklasj;dakldfdaddddddddddd

Edited by Comet
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I'd be willing to do some teams on 3DS if we can get enough people. Otherwise I'll just 1v1 Ray on WiiU.

I'll have to take a short break after a few matches, but I'll be back on later. I'll make a room~

Actually, scratch that. Just give me like, half an hour and I'll be ready to play.

Edited by Gemma
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Wow, ggs. I need to work on my Link ditto MU.

I need to actually be playing; it's been a couple of days now.

Yeah, you do your jab smashes too much. Jab grabs are safer in a way, and somewhat unexpected; i'm just really rusty right now.

Also, i want to upload the matches to my YT, but I don't want it to seem biased towards me. But I saved more of my wins than yours, so it's skewed slightly, only because I just forgot to save the replays.

I should have just done a full recording of all the matches so i wouldn't act on the impulse of getting to the next match. >>

No teams then? Daw :/

and sorry, not tonight.

I was only in a 1v1 mood.

You should add me though, if you didn't already that is.

Edited by N7 Commander John
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I need to actually be playing; it's been a couple of days now.

Yeah, you do your jab smashes too much. Jab grabs are safer in a way, and somewhat unexpected; i'm just really rusty right now.

Also, i want to upload the matches to my YT, but I don't want it to seem biased towards me. But I saved more of my wins than yours, so it's skewed slightly, only because I just forgot to save the replays.

I should have just done a full recording of all the matches so i wouldn't act on the impulse of getting to the next match. by

and sorry, not tonight.

I was only in a 1v1 mood.

You should add me though, if you didn't already that is.

Damn to be honest I thnk we both we're playing bad at some points. You getting gimped by my nair in the earlier matches, me getting my arrows/rang out prioritized by your bombs, me UPbing over the ledge, you sding, me pity sding (OK I was a little cocky there). I'll try jab to grab, though smash seems to hurt more at low percents without the pummel.

You can't get that rusty in 2 days. I can say I haven't played anyone good for a week. FG doesn't count.

Edited by Knife
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Damn to be honest I thnk we both we're playing bad at some points. You getting gimped by my nair in the earlier matches, me getting my arrows/rang out prioritized by your bombs, me UPbing over the ledge, you sding, me pity sding (OK I was a little cocky there). I'll try jab to grab, though smash seems to hurt more at low percents without the pummel.

You can't get that rusty in 2 days. I can say I haven't played anyone good for a week. FG doesn't count.

When i meant a couple of days, i actually meant more like a week just about. and yeah, i don't like pity SDs at all, so don't do that anymore in the future.

and the reason why i say jab smashes are too much is because it can be shielded easily, and sometimes you won't hit because the jab will lift too high. Jab grab is a nice combo so yeah.

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i don't like pity SDs at all, so don't do that anymore in the future.

I like pity SDs, I think they really help the flow of friendly matches~ It's like... getting a clean slate in the game and in my mind.

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OK. So you are my WiFi Link buddy. I really need to play more good Links IRL. And learn his ATs. I don't have bomb sliding down completely (which is why I kept bombing myself) and bomb planting doesn't work on other Links. Great for C Falcon and Sonic though. Will try out jab to grab.

I do tend to pity SD since its WiFi and all and SDS are usually lags fault. In a serious tourney match of course I wouldn't. But won't try that again with John.

Edited by Knife
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I like pity SDs, I think they really help the flow of friendly matches~ It's like... getting a clean slate in the game and in my mind.

I only pity SD if there's bad lag. There's not going to be pity SD's in many tourney matches, and i don't like to get in the habit of that.

OK. So you are my WiFi Link buddy. I really need to play more good Links IRL. And learn his ATs. I don't have bomb sliding down completely (which is why I kept bombing myself) and bomb planting doesn't work on other Links. Great for C Falcon and Sonic though. Will try out jab to grab.

Yeah i don't really bomb slide much, and bomb traps can still work quite well, as it gives them something to think about still.

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I need less lag >.<

I had a good time with you though last night on 3ds johnnypants. DDD is slightly better off in a laggy environment than Spamus I think and nothing beats my Ftilt outreaching your Clawshot grab (not the Zair)

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