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I'm not the best, but I'm by no means awful.

Not a bad set of matches. Shame I only won one, but they were pretty close.

Edited by Dai
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Sorry for leaving, my annoying brother wouldn't stop bothering me. I keep telling him I won't order pizza (I already did last night) and he won't stop fucking asking.

Anyway, yeah, I suicided the match that you won, so... But I managed to NOT suicide in any of the others. That's quite a feat for me, honestly. xP

And yeah, close games, some of them. Not that impressive though, I'm not as good as people here. I get beat a lot and that's why I wanted to play good players to get better. I know some combos (like Luigi's bunch of d-throw combos and some magic + sword moves with Robin), but I still have some trouble reading people. I'm also still not nearly as skilled with Robin and Toon Link as I am Ike and Luigi.

And it seems that Toon Link isn't that great against Marth. It's probably the range difference. TL has just as much speed, but a shorter sword. >_<

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I left before you did, actually. My hands were starting to hurt even more, and I didn't want to have them start bleeding again.

Also...I wouldn't exactly call being launched by Counter a suicide. Maybe if I had spammed the move a lot during that last stock, but that was a last-second action.

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No, I mean in the first Toon Link vs Marth match, before either of us got any KOs, you launched me, but not far enough to KO me. I could've recovered, but I just fell to my death because I hit the jump button, but didn't know I somehow used my second jump, and then I failed to spin attack my way up in time. >_<

Damn, your hands bleed from playing a game for a long time? Man, that sucks, I'm sorry. I'm glad I decided to leave when I did then.

Edited by Anacybele
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No, not from playing videogames. I work the night shift at a fast food restaurant, and they've been putting me at Drive-Thru. Which involves the bitter cold. I don't handle cold well. It dries my hands out badly, which makes them start to crack and bleed. Not the only one in my family with this issue, either.

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Oh. Damn, that's not good. You should tell your boss that working in that section is hazardous to you like that. Seriously, that doesn't sound good at ALL. I kind of know how you feel too, I don't handle the cold well either. I start feeling numb from it easily and my ears and other parts of my body start to burn (that "so cold it burns" thing). I've never had bleeding though.

But now I should say that you played Smash pretty dang well for someone with that kind of hand issue.

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Meh, that was alright, I guess. Sorry, but coming so close to winning so many times was just frustrating, you know? xP

But somebody turned on items in one match and I wound up getting somebody with Luigi's Poltergust. lol So that was fun.

Also, just saying, but I happen to think that ZSS, Rosalina, and custom Palutena are OP. I know Palutena isn't that great with her default moves, but her custom moves are on an entirely different level as far as I've seen. But those are the only three characters in the game I find OP and don't recommend people to use. I myself had originally wanted to use Rosalina as a secondary, but then I saw how high people put her on tier lists and say that she's this game's Meta Knight. And honestly, I have to agree now that I've faced her a bunch. Not even ZSS is as OP as her. Geez...

Edited by Anacybele
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Meh, that was alright, I guess. Sorry, but coming so close to winning so many times was just frustrating, you know? xP

But somebody turned on items in one match and I wound up getting somebody with Luigi's Poltergust. lol So that was fun.

Also, just saying, but I happen to think that ZSS, Rosalina, and custom Palutena are OP. I know Palutena isn't that great with her default moves, but her custom moves are on an entirely different level as far as I've seen. But those are the only three characters in the game I find OP and don't recommend people to use. I myself had originally wanted to use Rosalina as a secondary, but then I saw how high people put her on tier lists and say that she's this game's Meta Knight. And honestly, I have to agree now that I've faced her a bunch. Not even ZSS is as OP as her. Geez...

have you seen what diddy can do. down throw to up air is stupid, great mobility, great pokes, projectiles, BANANA, etc...

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Meh, that was alright, I guess. Sorry, but coming so close to winning so many times was just frustrating, you know? xP

But somebody turned on items in one match and I wound up getting somebody with Luigi's Poltergust. lol So that was fun.

Also, just saying, but I happen to think that ZSS, Rosalina, and custom Palutena are OP. I know Palutena isn't that great with her default moves, but her custom moves are on an entirely different level as far as I've seen. But those are the only three characters in the game I find OP and don't recommend people to use. I myself had originally wanted to use Rosalina as a secondary, but then I saw how high people put her on tier lists and say that she's this game's Meta Knight. And honestly, I have to agree now that I've faced her a bunch. Not even ZSS is as OP as her. Geez...

Two of those are my mains... :(

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No, I've yet to face a Diddy Kong in this game, truth be told.

But Rosalina has ridiculous range with Luma, she's immune to projectiles (because she can absorb them), she's heavy, she's powerful, and she isn't slow either. She also has good recovery. She just has no weaknesses. Losing Luma doesn't even hinder her.

Two of those are my mains... :(

Well, I'm sorry. I suppose we shouldn't play with each other anymore. :(

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Fun times I forgot how fun online is and I didn't know you could play custom stages. I got to go to church tommarrow. I'll be able to play some more tommarrow though. I've also gotta say as much as Marth is nerfed he's piqued my interest.

PS and Ana that was me in the Polterguist :P

Edited by TacoMan42
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We were playing on a custom stage? I never noticed any...

Ah, well, I kinda wish I'd gotten everybody though. XD I almost always miss with that thing. Is it really that easy to avoid the Poltergust? It doesn't seem to have any less range than Negative Zone in Brawl did and I used to nail people with it all the time.

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