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And I said I wouldn't play against you anymore. You're not a fun opponent for me. I'm sorry. In fact, I'm starting to think that you need to go enter big tournaments instead of wasting your time here with players lowlier than you. That skill of yours is better off elsewhere.

It's fine if you don't want to play against him, but that doesn't give you the right to basically tell him he should not bother playing with the rest of us here.

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It's fine if you don't want to play against him, but that doesn't give you the right to basically tell him he should not bother playing with the rest of us here.

I wasn't trying to say that to be mean, I was trying to compliment his skills by saying he should use them for greater challenges, like official tournaments. I was saying that he's so good that he could probably win prizes and such.

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See, this only tempts me to throw my friend code out there. I consider myself an average Smash player, but hearing all the fun you guys are having... I dunno. Again, it's very, very tempting.

Oh! Speaking of...

I have both the Wii U, and 3DS versions, but I find it hard to play more competitively on the 3DS. Are there those here that play on the Wii U, too?

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See, this only tempts me to throw my friend code out there. I consider myself an average Smash player, but hearing all the fun you guys are having... I dunno. Again, it's very, very tempting.

Oh! Speaking of...

I have both the Wii U, and 3DS versions, but I find it hard to play more competitively on the 3DS. Are there those here that play on the Wii U, too?

Most of us play on Wii U now. And hey don't beat yourself up I'm average if that lol. Unfortunately I'm at school and they don't let me connect my Wii U to the network but I can play on the long weekends and breaks so feel free to add mine in my sig.

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I wasn't trying to say that to be mean, I was trying to compliment his skills by saying he should use them for greater challenges, like official tournaments. I was saying that he's so good that he could probably win prizes and such.

I see, that sounds better. Anyway the way I see it is this: You shouldn't take the results into consideration. A few weeks ago I played against him, and selected Random for every fight. Some were closer than others, but I don't recall winning a single game. I had fun, regardless.

Yeah it's nice to win, but when it comes to a game like this, you can't take losing seriously because by its very nature, there's always going to be a loser. And depending on how good you are, it may happen more often than not. So in short, keep playing against better players to better yourself. Or don't. But you will never improve by avoiding better players.

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I know. It's not so much the losing part though. It's getting beat without hardly being able to hit my opponent, let alone KO him at all. It makes me feel like I completely suck and I don't want to suck...

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Sucking is pretty subjective. When you get consistently wrecked by someone better than you, you may indeed consider yourself to "suck."

But that guy who wrecked you? Unless he's some pro like M2K, he's going to "suck" in comparison to someone better than him.

And there are people who "suck" compared to you, too.

Basically, just treat the game for what it is: A game. Don't take losses seriously, no matter how badly you got wrecked. When you get your ass handed to you, be sportsmanlike and take it on the chin - a.k.a. No Johns.

If you're not interested in playing with someone because you don't have fun playing with them, then make it fun somehow. Turn items on. Random characters. Random stages. That, or simply decline any invitations to play; no need to state a reason.

You say you don't want to suck, but fighting people better than you and making note of how they play is part of the learning curve. You'll never learn and improve if you don't get your ass handed to you. Win after win makes people become complacent and they will eventually become lazy as they expect to win more and more.

Aside from game knowledge, simply practicing and mastering your favourite fighters goes a long way. Ike requires huge game knowledge because you need to be able to read your opponents and make assumptions on their next course of action in order to shield, shield-grab, down-special, etc. As well as this, Ike's hella slow when it comes to attacks By the time you've picked that sword up after a failed Fsmash, you're being juggled by Link's Upsmash. Learning to make yourself unpredictable and putting yourself into such predictable situations as little as possible goes a long way towards being able to beat someone. But you probably knew this; you just need more playtime to practice, learn, and execute everything. Shit takes time and patience.

And I know patience is something you haven't got, so your hopes to improve are half-dashed before you've even begun trying. It doesn't happen overnight. It takes months of practice and playing against equal/better opponents to play on a high level. Complaining about getting beat won't improve your game. Simply put, keep playing. Actually learn things instead of ignoring everything you see and brushing it off as "pro play." You'll never improve with that attitude. Of course I'm generalising here, but maybe you can take something I've said here to heart and you'll find something in you that will put aside your stubbornness and excuses, and actually start improving yourself.

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Oh, I have patience, as it took time and dedication to get as good with Ike in Brawl as I did (to the point of being the second best Ike player on the site I was on at the time and it was a big site with a big group of Smashers). It's just that my patience is tested quite a bit by frustration of losing to good people constantly.

And I know about Ike's slow heavy hitting game. I try to avoid using his smash attacks unless I know for sure that they'll land because they're quite slow. I try to use his tilts and aerials more. Using his tilts isn't easy without accidentally using a smash attack instead though. -_-

Also, it's been two months since Smash Wii U came out. I'm not much better than I was at the beginning (though I have improved some). But maybe I just learn at a slower pace than some people here.

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That may well be the case. Some people learn new things at a stupidly high rate and absorb every single combo they see and apply that information into their own fights through practice and patience. Some/most people, not so much. If you don't apply all the good things that Ike can do into a fight, your chances of winning are going to fall considerably. Couple this with pure experience and your ability to read opponents. If you're no good at that, then you're going to struggle to win with such a read-dependent fighter like Ike.

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I'll go for 1 vs 1 or 3/4 player. Doesn't matter to me. :P

Have we played, Jave? I think we have, but I'm not sure. I want to say you're that Pac-Man mainer I played with awhile back?

EDIT: Ah crud, ninja'd. xP

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I'd play you, Jave, I'm not as good as Tsunami. :P But you did say you wanted to call it quits.

I'm still in the mood for some matches though. If I want to stop getting my butt kicked too, I gotta play some more. You game, Tsu?

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Mkay, just give me a few minutes to boot my Wii U up and such.

EDIT: Nevermind, I can't play. The TV is being used. I'm sorry. I'm pretty annoyed at this.

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Yeah, I have no choice. Though I was home all day and could've gone on the Wii U at any time. My stepdad had all afternoon to use the TV as well... Then we want it at the same time. Ugh.

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