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Create a Starter Trio


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[spoiler=Grass Starter]

Trunkle -> Gourdnesha -> Armamut

Grass -> Grass -> Grass/Steel

An elephant starter. Becomes bipedal beginning at stage 1 and gains armor at stage 2. Its trunk is covered in wood and it's tusks are made of metal. Evolves at level 18 and 31. Based on Ganesha.

Armamut's Stats

HP: 108

Atk: 110

Def: 90

SpA: 73

SpD: 87

Spe: 62

HA: Guts

Notable moves - Power Whip, Leech Seed, Heavy Slam, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Hammer Arm, Iron Head, Poison Jab, Knock Off Bulk Up, Slack Off.

[spoiler=Fire Starter]

Bunfire -> Solhare -> Hopyrion

Fire -> Fire -> Fire/Fairy

A rabbit starter. Has red and whit fur at the basic stage. At stage 1 it's fur begins to burn off and be replaced with fire. At it's final stage, all of it's fur burns off, leaving a rabbit spirit made of pure flame. Has small deer antlers. Is the smallest and lightest fully evolved starter. Evolves at level 16 and 36. Loosely based on the Hare of Inaba and a Jackalope.

Hopyrion's Stats

HP: 68

Atk: 84

Def: 72

SpA: 108

SpD: 79

Spe: 119

HA: Prankster

Notable Moves: Taunt, Will-o-wisp, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Inferno, Moonblast, Megahorn, Horn Leech, Switcheroo, Foul Play.

[spoiler=Water Starter]

Tidewinder -> Slitharine -> Leviadr

Water -> Water/Poison -> Water/Poison

A sea snake starter. Blue and Black stripes cover it's body and it has vestigial stumps near it's upper region. Stage 1 has eyelike markings appearing near the bottom of it's neck and it's stumps grow into fins. Stage 2 has three heads and fully developed fins on it's fully grown front limbs and back. Evolves at level 18 and 36. Based on a hydra and Jörmundgandr.

Leviadr's Stats

HP: 100

Atk: 71

Def: 83

SpA: 117

SpD: 83

Spe: 81

HA: Regenerator

Notable Moves: Scald, Taunt, Glare, Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Hydro Pump, Nasty Plot, Sludge Wave, Sludge Bomb, Dark Pulse, Coil, Dragon Dance, Focus Blast, Poison Fang, Dragon Tail.

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Did this a long time ago. :P


Tawnog, Kinder, and Hippa.

Tawnog's evolutions:


Kinder and Hippa's stage two forms (I've yet to draw stage 3 for them):


Tawnog evolves into a Grass/Normal type, Kinder into a Fire/Psychic type, and Hippa into a Water/Fighting type.

Tawnog's line is based off of a ground hog. I would've made its evos Grass/Ground, but we already got a Grass/Ground starter evolution in gen 4 and I didn't want to repeat any starter type combos. This line's best stats are speed, attack, and sp, attack. Its final evolution is Punxaton. Although they're not exactly my most original designs...

Kinder's line is based off of a goat and the star constellation Aries (the ram). Its final evolution, Flaries, is based off of a ram as well. Ignihorn also takes some inspiration from gazelles. Kinder's line stays quadrupedal. This is the most balanced starter, with decent stats all around. Its attack stats are a little higher than everything else though.

Hippa's line is based off of a hippo and a sumo wrestler. It becomes bipedal after it evolves. It's the most defensive and slowest starter, with high defense and sp. defense, but pretty low speed. Its final evolution is Hydrotamus.

Edited by Anacybele
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Red bud (like Ivysaur's) with vines at its base, smoke rising from it -> Flower opens -> petals take on a flame pattern


HP: 99
Att: 65
Def: 100
spA: 120
spD: 100
Spe: 65

HA: Drought

An actual salamander this time, probably with a steam theme.


HP: 65
Att: 105
Def: 79
spA: 105
spD: 80
Spe: 100

HA: Adaptability


Yet another leafy sea dragon, probably evolving into more of a regular dragon in its final form.


HP: 90
Att: 70
Def: 100
spA: 80
spD: 114
Spe: 80

HA: Drizzle

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HA: Solid Rock

HP: 80

Attack: 110

Defense: 110

Sp. Atk: 90

Sp. Def: 100

Speed: 40

BST: 530

appearance: echidna/armadillo


HA: Infiltrator

HP: 75

Attack: 140

Defense: 80

Sp. Atk: 50

Sp. Def: 95

Speed: 140

BST: 530

appearance: tiger


HA: Marvel Scale

HP: 90

Attack: 110

Defense: 100

Sp. Atk: 50

Sp. Def: 100

Speed: 80

BST: 530

appearance: iguana

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