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Just made this for people who need help with pairings.
Chrom x Olivia (Sumia for better skill,Maribelle/Robin for support and magic)
Sully x Vaike (Or Donnel,for galeforce and better classes)
Lissa x Libra (Or Ricken,for non sorcerer with Luna or Vaike for Counter and strength user)
Tharja x Gaius (Or Robin,for full on magic user)
Nowi x Donnel (Or Robin for ignis and counter,or gaius for more speed,or Kellam for full tank)
Olivia x Chrom (Or Henry/Libra for magic user,or Virion for life taker+Galeforce)
Panne x Gregor (Or Kellam,for Pavise and better tank)
Miriel x Ricken (Or Lonqu,for vantage and better speed Or Gregor for Armsthrift)
Cherche x Frederick (Or Vaike,for amazing strength with Axefaire)
Maribelle x Lonqu (Or Henry if you dont do Henry x Sumia,or Ricken for a little more magic,)
Sumia x Henry (Or Chrom,or Robin)
Cordelia x Stahl (Or Lonqu,for better speed and skill without Luna or Robin)
(M)Robin x Lucina (Or Nowi,Or Aversa for magic)
(f)Robin x Inigo as Chroms son (Or Gerome as Vaike's son for strength,or Laurent as Ricken's son for magic)
Hope this helped.And give me anymore suggestions in the comments :D

Edited by BlazeX635
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There's a Pairing Thread already, though I guess this is a little different since its general rather than individual advice. I'll try to contribute a little, partly by parroting things more skilled players have said to me.

Sumia isn't just for defense. Cynthia gets Aether. Skill and Speed exist.

Lissa x Vaike... Not sure why you would want to make Owain physical. Counter kind of sucks on player units.

Libra and Ricken as options for Olivia?

Stahl and Virion as options for Panne?

Cherche x Frederick gives Gerome no physical Faires. That's pretty bad on a unit locked to hard support. Virion or Stahl could an option because of Bowfaire.

Cordelia x Vaike? Cordelia x Virion?

Severa x Male Avatar?

If the point of marrying Chrom!Inigo is Rightful King inheritance, not sure how you're going to fit that on Morgan's skill set (LB/Agg/GF/Faire/proc). If you're going no LB, then he could have two procs. If you're going no DLC at all then maybe.

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This thread will just confuse people, and contains several questionable pairings (Sumia!Lucina isn't defensive, Avatar!Lucina can be physical, Vaike!Kjelle is a waste of Spd and has no Auras for hard support, Sorcs stink in Apo, Counter is bad and Owain gets it anyway (and Owain should really be magical), Avatar x Tharja dooms Avatar without redeeming Nah, Donnel!Nah has no proc, Virion!Inigo has no proc, Fred!Gerome has no selling points).

If you want to write a pairing guide, that's cool. But please think hard about why you suggest what you suggest, why you dismiss what you dismiss, and keep in mind that Awakening's metagame is a game of good and better, not good and bad (just because something works well for you doesn't mean it's a high-tier pairing).

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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