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what's going on with the players

Chocolate Kitty

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i swear every single person i've battled bar 1 has been a piece of shit asshole

they get critted, claim it mattered and ragequit despite me calc-ing and proving it didn't

then I get harassed by them for a good hour while showdown mods do jackshit about it

i get matched up again against the same fucking players and the same shit happens

more harassment

I leave and don't come back for a good 2-3 hours

guess what happens when I go back

more shitty players who have to hax me to win(I calc, I know)

followed by guess what more harassment

is it just me or has this been happening a lot lately

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this used to happen to me a lot back when i played ubers. it also happens whenever i mess around on ou recently. idk why. i found it doesnt happen a lot in nu, ru, or pu. and only occasionally in uu. so no its not just you.

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i've heard of this happening a lot. it doesn't happen much to me, though that's probably because i get up the ladder quickly so i don't end up playing people who don't know sh*t about damage ranges on their teams.

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really? because normally i play pu and nothing, but recently i've been in ru because i enjoy gallade and that's all I've been dealing with

that actually kinda surprises me, then again i dont play ru more than 3 times a week so i guess i wouldnt know it that well. still kinda shocked.

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This makes me worry about Smash Bros... I don't want to wind up with players like this and see insulting taunts online or bitchines at local tournaments.

Sadly,this is will most likely happen.The world is filled with sore losers and the like.Like idiots who bring a knife to a high school fight.

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i swear every single person i've battled bar 1 has been a piece of shit asshole

they get critted, claim it mattered and ragequit despite me calc-ing and proving it didn't

then I get harassed by them for a good hour while showdown mods do jackshit about it

i get matched up again against the same fucking players and the same shit happens

more harassment

I leave and don't come back for a good 2-3 hours

guess what happens when I go back

more shitty players who have to hax me to win(I calc, I know)

followed by guess what more harassment

is it just me or has this been happening a lot lately

I remember back when Showdown wasn't a thing and something like this would happen to me in BW1 Random Matches almost 24/7, except without the swearing. Players I face online would power off their systems and disconnect the instant I'm about to win. All of the multiplayer wins recorded on my Trainer Card were from local battles because of salt like this.

Except I downright gave up on online play and never went back to it after I got sick of "no-loss perfectionists" disconnecting.

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