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My FE7 Project (The Wolf's Howl)


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You might know me already from the many questions I’ve asked over the past week. Lol Anyway, I decided to post my plans for a personal project that I am working on. (Not the one with Marisa)

In this simple project, I plan to tell the tale of a group of good-sided mercenaries, but most importantly, the tale of their leader: who’s known as Snow for his white hair. You’ll find out his name during gameplay.


Snow and his group worked in Caelin helping out the needy and helping out Lyn and her knights bring order to Caelin and its surroundings from the many bandit groups. One day, though, the group finds trouble with one bad-ass bandit gang that Snow and his group go after. Snow's mistake was taking his younger sister along with the group. His sister (an archer) is killed in one of the fights they had against this large group. From that crushing moment, everything ended for Snow. Instead of going after the culprits to finish wiping them as he and his group had done with other cruel bandit groups, he leaves feeling so guilty and miserable. He loses his friends’ tracks on his way to find solitude and spends several years just heavily drinking, throwing his life away in his felt misery, and far away from friends.

But some of his friends liked him too much and were very loyal to him that when word reaches them about how he is living his life, they go on a quest to find him knowing how much he must be suffering, not to mention to let him know that things are bad in Caelin, worse than when he left.

After tracking his whereabouts, his friends do find him, and as we all know...time heals everything, eh? Well, Snow has managed to move on, it seems. Though his friends find him in Sacae territory, they find him changed, married to a Sacaen woman and with a child on the way, with no thirst for vengeance whatsoever. Despite feeling happy for him and the life he has found, his friends tell him what’s going on in Caelin. Snow is living in true peace amongst the Sacae nomads, who knew of his earlier exploits and the several favors he did for Lyndis. Because of that, the nomads admitted him into one of the tribes, where he earned the nickname The White Wolf for his fiery looks. Snow doesn’t want to go back to that mercenary life. In fact, he tells his friends to let him be, that he’s finally found inner peace. But...when one of his friends mentions to him that his sister’s tomb has recently been disturbed by the bandits, (the same ones behind her death) her remains thrown to the wind itself in mockery, and that the leader has left notes that taunt him (Snow) to go face him and his “many” friends so they can finish it, Snow agrees to go back, but mostly because of the stinging insult to his sister’s grave, who despite being dead, is sacred to him.

This project will be short, maybe 5-7 chapters, and it’s just so I can test my learnt skills so far.

I don’t have a title for the project yet, but I guess one of these could end up being the title:

FE7x: The Wolf’s Howl

FE7x: Snow’s Revenge

FE7x: Bloody Moon

I could have posted some screens for you folks, but not now until I get to chapter 4 at least.

Here are some things I need help with, in case any of you are wondering.

--I could use help deciphering what is wrong with the House event code, which is not working for me. A hack without house events sux, in my opinion, but if I can’t get that to work right, guess I will have to go at it without houses.

--I could use help with a template of how the DefeatBoss and Seize codes work correctly, an example. I still can’t get those two down.

--If you want to contribute with custom mugs, sprites, be my guest. I will surely give credit.

Will I need a team?

Well, some help wouldn’t hurt me. If you want to help out and be part of this short project, just let me know how you can help. I am looking for the following:

--Map Maker (I can make maps, but I am not that good and I want to concentrate on the other stuff. Still, if no one signs up, I will surely make the maps.)

--Custom Music Inserter (If possible, if not, I will just use the cool music from FE7)

--Any other form of help is welcomed, but if I can do it, I won’t let you help me with it, lol.

Can you provide a character for the project?

Well, I dunno. I think I can just come up with the characters by default. But if there is anyone out there who wishes to join in, lemme know and we’ll see. By the way, if you contribute a character, you have to help out somehow. Credit will be given to you, though.

For now that’s it. I will post updates when they become available.

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  • 2 months later...

Due to one of my helpers having been banned for lord knows how long, I haven't really worked on this project. But I assure you that it is not abandoned. I might leave it as it is and instead make a smaller hack, however, that is flour from another sack. That means I will make a thread for said project. So, I will leave this project unworked for now until he/she returns, then I'll see where I am at.

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