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Been thinking about how Ferox has the khans and the annual tournaments that determine which will have authority over the other. Thought I'd make a topic about it because, it's interesting, and Basilio is so funny xD

Did you like this little culture thing IS put in? And, what do you prefer in terms of successors? Should they be able to choose someone related by blood or not?

I think it's canon that Basilio picked Lon'qu for that. That's cool, that would make my avatar both a famous tactician and eventually the khan's wife. As long as she's known for more than just being the khan's wife...pretty awesome. Anyway this leads me to believe that a khan isn't born into their rank like the exalts of Ylisse. Then again, Basilio apparently doesn't have any kids. Or any other family that we know of...but, as awesome as Khan!Morgan sounds, I think it makes sense that they're not allowed to make their kids or other family members their successors. That would give people a reason to want to be in the tournaments. Do well enough, you might be offered that position. And it gives the khans a reason to interact with their warriors as well. Whereas if it was the other way, they'd probably always choose their kid/little sibling/niece or nephew/etc. Discuss.

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Anyone should be fair game if they're good enough fighter

If Morgan (ignoring gameplay for a second here) is a chump then no, if they're actually really good then I don't see why not

Gotta win by muscle and skill and if they end up getting seriously hurt in the tournaments the person responsible should not be penalized for it

They take the chances, their own risk

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The Khan's remind me of the Kai's from DBZ. Disappointed we never got to meet North and South Khan's if they were even a thing.

Not familiar with Dragonball. But yes, there's no North and South khans because Ferox is split into just East and West.

Anyone should be fair game if they're good enough fighter

If Morgan (ignoring gameplay for a second here) is a chump then no, if they're actually really good then I don't see why not

Gotta win by muscle and skill and if they end up getting seriously hurt in the tournaments the person responsible should not be penalized for it

They take the chances, their own risk

May be true, but, they would probably always pick their family members, which wouldn't be fair to everyone else. Idk...maybe it should just be direct family. Cousin might be okay.

Edited by Dragoncat
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And how would you feel if you picked your kid, they failed and got mashed in a tourney, and your line was both out of the running because you picked for aesthetics over strength and ended because your kid died?

There could be Kahns who have now gone extinct because of that. There also could be Kahns who successfully ruled for a few generations. Or it could even be banned. I don't think it would be banned solely to stop Kahns from spamming family, but whether it is or not anyway is something we'll likely never know.

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I actually doubt that Lon'qu ever becomes Khan; he's not Feroxi (if the name and his presence in the tournament are ANYTHING to judge by), and Basilio and Flavia both seem to be. The actual Khans and heir-apparents probably don't enter those tournaments... or, at least, shouldn't. There really isn't any method presented for Khan succession.

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And how would you feel if you picked your kid, they failed and got mashed in a tourney, and your line was both out of the running because you picked for aesthetics over strength and ended because your kid died?

Yes exactly!

Lon'qu not being Feroxi is actually full canon, though the source is incredibly obscure (ask Vincent if you're curious).

Or ask me. He's from Chon'sin. Everybody from there has apostrophe names, Say'ri/Yen'fay etc. It is very obscure though. Even in his backstory support(Cherche)it's not said. But if you put two and two together it becomes obvious that he was from there before Basilio took him under his wing when he was a teenager.

As for him being next in line, have you read the comic on the main site? If we say that's canon, he is. That would prove that you don't have to be Feroxi by birth to be khan, you just need the skills.

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That's not what canon means- Putting two and two together does not a canon make. Just because all two of the Chon'sin folks present in the game have apostrophes doesn't mean all Chon'sin names have them, and it also doesn't mean having one makes you from Chon'sin- Lon'qu and Ke'ri aren't stated to be from there ingame, so if that's all you're going off then there's a 50-50 chance that it's not a rule and they're from somewhere else.

Going by the theory of "close enough", we could assume that Virion is a Manakete if you knew he had Wyvern and Mage but not what his base class was, because both Tiki and Nowi are Manaketes with Wyvern and Mage. But, well, things don't work that way.

For it to be canon that Lon'qu is from Chon'sin, it has to be specifically stated by either the devs or the game that that's where he's from (also acceptable would be if he were recruited in Chon'sin itself and never claimed to be from elsewhere). And it is stated on an official website somewhere in Japan, but never in the game itself.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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No, it is canon that he's from Chon'sin. Just not because of the apostrophe.

My point is that you need more conclusive proof than similar naming conventions for something to be canon. Lon'qu happens to have that, but a lot of time things don't and people assume them to be canon anyway.

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No, it is canon that he's from Chon'sin. Just not because of the apostrophe.

My point is that you need more conclusive proof than similar naming conventions for something to be canon. Lon'qu happens to have that, but a lot of time things don't and people assume them to be canon anyway.

For what it's worth, I didn't see any confirmation of him being Chon'sin; I imagined the naming convention could be shared by multiple Valmese cultures. That said, Lon'qu appearing in the tournament seems pretty clear-cut, and I assumed he was at very least from Valm the continent.

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Virion is definetly NOT a manakete. Bad example is bad imo. That's a gameplay thing...gameplay things =/= canon things, so if somebody said that, of course they'd be wrong.

Good to know I was on the right track...it DOES make sense for Chon'sin to have that naming tradition.

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iirc--and i could be wrong, but--didn't Gregor challenge Basilio directly sometimes and got his ass whooped


That doesn't sound like Gregor xD I don't think he'd be interested in holding an important rank like that. Unless of course that wasn't his intention...

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That doesn't sound like Gregor xD I don't think he'd be interested in holding an important rank like that. Unless of course that wasn't his intention...

It's in his supports with Lon'qu. He actually was Basilio's equal, if Lon'qu is to be believed.

Gregor: Oy, Lon'qu. Why are you having furrowed brow and narrow eyes? Gregor is ally and friend, not foe.

Lon'qu: I know all about you, Gregor. Basilio told me. He says you are the only sellsword to ever match him in single combat.

Gregor: Oy, that is from distant past. Gregor barely remembers those times.

Lon'qu: I have also heard that you were once a candidate to become khan of Regna Ferox.

Gregor: Ho ho! You send Gregor on trip to memory street. He was forgetting about that!

Lon'qu: So, stories are true? In that case, I challenge you to a duel!

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It's in his supports with Lon'qu. He actually was Basilio's equal, if Lon'qu is to be believed.

Okey. Still, I can't see Gregor wanting that.

In other news...I'm tempted to draw/write something involving Khan!Lon'qu. Basilio would have to die first, probably...which would be sad. But Morgan would strut around like he owned the place feeling like he's hot shit on a silver platter because his dad is now khan, Lonky would be depressed for awhile since in my headcanon, Basilio was the closest thing to a father he had, and Rene(avatar) would be both happy and sad for him and go "meh, just don't get too much of an ego". She would much rather see the warriors of Ferox focus on bandits than each other, isn't a fan of the tournaments...

But I'm not as good at drawing as I want to be. Writing I'm better at, but...meh.

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Virion is definetly NOT a manakete.

Exactly. But one could assume he is if only told about his other reclass options, knew Nowi and Tiki's class set, and accepted the similarity as proof.

I was demonstrating exactly how silly it's possible for those kind of assumptions to make one look.

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Exactly. But one could assume he is if only told about his other reclass options, knew Nowi and Tiki's class set, and accepted the similarity as proof.

I was demonstrating exactly how silly it's possible for those kind of assumptions to make one look.

Yeah. It is silly to assume like that.

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