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Some base stat leaks for Megas

Lord Raven

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I nabbed these off Smogon's facebook page but post any others you see and comment I guess

           HP Atk Def Spd SAtk SDef
Steelix    75 125 230  30   55   95
Glalie     80 120  80 100  120   80
Swampert  100 150 110  70   95  110
Sceptile   70 110  75 145  145   85
Couple things;

Glalie looks marginally viable now

Steelix doesn't impress me

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Mega Steelix is inferior to Mega Aggron.

Mega Glalie is very scary, both appearance-wise and competitively.

Mega Sceptile is perfect.

Mega Swampert is also perfect. I do not want to go against that thing in the rain.

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