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What the hell did I read?


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1) Frederick walks in on Chrom and Sumia

[10:52:02 PM] <Kendriin> So what if Frederick walked in on Sumia and Chrom hotboxxing the royal chamber

[10:52:25 PM] <Karitsu> he probably would pick up the pebbles around them

[10:52:32 PM] <noticemesenpai> my lord if you need me Ill be in the next room

[10:52:40 PM] <Tree> PFFFT

[10:55:47 PM] <Karitsu> Milord, I shall clear a path for you to continue your. current activity in a much more comfortable environment. I have also taken the liberty to lite the fireplace to set the mood. Do call if you

[10:56:00 PM] <Karitsu> need any of my services.

[10:56:10 PM] <tactician_liv> fucking Freddy WOULD do that

[10:56:33 PM] <noticemesenpai> *leaves a suspicious box on the table*

[10:56:38 PM] <Tiki> I have also brought you some of our finest musicians to also help the mood

[10:56:58 PM] <Kendriin> *Frederick shoves Brady into the room*

[10:58:16 PM] <Karitsu> Tree shall also be available if you need to discuss your strategy in completing this delicate mission of yours.

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Lol OMG. Ana needs to post in this.

I think poor Brady would be too traumatized to do anything. And...if Brady is around, Lucina would be too, so the royal bloodline would already be continued. Freddy wouldn't be able to call it a "mission". That mission would already be completed...

Edited by Dragoncat
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