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~ Official Touhou Chat Thread~



19 members have voted

  1. 1. Best final boss theme?

    • Now Until the Moment You Die
    • Swordsman of a Distant Star
    • Complete Darkness
    • Faint Dream ~ Inanimate Dream
    • Legendary Illusion ~ Infinite Being
    • Septette of the Dead Princess
    • Bloom Nobly, Cherry Blossoms of Sumizome ~ Border of Life
    • Gensokyo Millenium ~ History of the Moon
    • Flight of the Bamboo Cutter ~ Lunatic Princess
    • The Venerable Ancient Battlefield ~ Suwa Foughten Field
    • Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion
    • Emotional Skyscraper ~ Cosmic Mind
    • Great Fairy Wars ~ Fairy Wars
    • Shoutoku Legend ~ True Administrator
    • Kobito of the Shining Needle ~ Little Princess

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my last draft attempts:

IN Hard: Credit lost in Hourai jewel

DDC hard: Credit lost in You grow bigger

PCB: Credit lost in Ghost's second non-spell

Also J, is that Normal Rin or Hard Rin?

unfortunate me is unfortunate

Edited by Kakari Leap
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Emerald is probably one of the most qualified, so yeah.

I'll make sure to keep you on my list of people to contact if I lose my computer- Either way, it would still be cool if you could help judge people's performance and give feedback.

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I don't have time to check these replays but I can give you advice for those.

First of all, in case you aren't aware, Last Spells are not mandatory. They're just there for extra points. The first and last spell you listed are both Last Spells so failure to capture them will not affect anything but your score.

It's really just my perfectionist side speaking when it comes to those :p

11 o clock: This is basically finding a safe area from the bullets and then not moving. Once there's a break in the bullets, you have to relocate to a different safe area (since the red bubble would hit your previous area). Identifying a safe area requires you to read criss-crossing bullets very well, or just get lucky.

Yeah, I figured that when I wasn't panicking from all those bullets when playing the Stage itself >_>

I guess at least the theory part I'm fine with this one I think

The hard part is being recognizing these gaps in time and utilizing them, I also like to go a bit to the side because I seem to have a better time avoiding the red bubble i got so many deaths on the last second ;n;

Fire Rat's Robe: I know two ways of dealing with this. One way is to stay near the center and dodge left or right to avoid the lasers, while trying to make sure you don't get hit by the fire bullets. The dodging here can get quite difficult, but you'll be hitting Kaguya a lot. Another method is to go to the extreme left/right and go human mode (unfocused, Reimu/Marisa/Sakuya/Youmu). This will allow you to damage the familiars. When the lasers get dense, try to move to the complete opposite side (extreme right/left). Unless you're using Sakuya, you should be able to destroy all four familiars soon. Then you can return to the center, which is now 100% safe and finish Kaguya off. Try both approaches and see which one is easier for you.

I can effectively kill those familiars?

most of the other endgame spells either re-spawned too soon to be worth it or didn't seem to die

I guess I could try that, I've been basically just dodging the lasers and fire as they came, and I don't trust me enough to that

Galaxy in a Pot: Two ways again. Go focused and try to dodge all the bullets. Try to watch the familiars as they form the next circle and be sure to return to the circle. Dodging can get quite intense here, but it's not TOO difficult. The other way is to go unfocused when Eirin sends the familiar and try to destroy as many of them as you can. Depending on the shot type, this may significantly reduce the dodging required.

I think most of my trouble with this one is being paying attention at both the small bullets and where the new familiars are forming, my successful captures were usually a mater of the familiars forming around near of where I was and depleting Eirin's health faster than the failed attempts

This last part even led me to attempt to time out the spell, which I managed to do once, but I'm still not getting much confidence

Rainbow Danmaku: Start at like, the bottom or something. For the first wave of bullets, find a gap (e.g. bottom, slightly left/right) and go through it asap so that you are inside the bullet pattern. Once the bullets get reflected, find another gap (e.g. lower left/right) and go through it to leave the pattern. The next phase involves a lot of streaming. Try to stay under Kaguya and the familiars, close to the straight rainbow bullets. The familiars will fire bullets that will reflect and aim at you. When the familiars are being fired, do not move. But after they reflect and are about to hit you, dodge by moving vertically very slowly i.e. vertical streaming. You can use the sound effects to help you maintain the rhythm. Try not to move any more than necessary, because you don't want the bullets to spread.

For the final phase, it's the same as the second phase, except the straight rainbow bullets aren't straight anymore. So you still have to vertically stream the reflected bullets, but you will also need to slip between the bigger rainbow bullets if necessary. Also, note that Kaguya gains armor until the final phase, so depending on your shot type, you may want to go human mode for the first two phases to destroy familiars, making the reflected bullets less of a threat for the final phase.

The fist part was okay, I guess.

As for the rest, I guess I'll try what you said :/

1st Day's Moon: Stay in the gap between the diamond bullets. Stay at the bottom until the red bullets threaten you. Stream them vertically i.e. move slowly up until you get somewhat close to Kaguya, and then move slowly down. If you have a hard time with the streaming, you can change lanes whenever there's a break in the diamond bullets, but that requires you to stream at an angle, which is not advised.

btw it may help if I knew what shot type you use.

This one is actually the one I've had less trouble with among those, I stay in the center and dodge the red bullets vertically, though sometimes I go so much down I might end up trapped >_>

actually, I don't remember why I posted this one with the other :s

And as stated in the other post, Border Team!

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if it's suika!reimu then uh

adjust times of nonspell cheesing for stageskip to slightly later, cat rin doesn't exactly have much hp

bomb through zombie fairy

everything will take longer

rin is love, rin is life


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SA's anything mode is hard compared to others.

except extra

also I'm going to steal proto's lines before he posts them: "change your shot type, j"

preferably to yukari!reimu (or patche!marisa but nah)

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i've made it farther with reimu b than a

maybe i'm just annoyed i never capture parsee's midboss spellcard with reimu a

but it's worked for me so far

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move as little as possible in green-eyed monster

after 2 seconds parsee has no hitbox so you can sidle up to her all you want she ain't killin nothin

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I don't know if I'll cry or scream sucess when I play MoF for the first time. Maybe both, but I'm not looking foward to May 30th..


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Poor Momiji.

So abused :<

I said eww MoF, the game itself. Not the characters >_>

Listen Kalas. As soon as I beat MoF, I'm never playing Touhou until I get a reason to. So I don't care about what it is

Enter and leave as soon as you beat it? That's what they all say.

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You think I jest?

No really. You're gonna want to challenge yourself with Touhou (by no means the most difficult series ever, but it is really stimulating), and simply beating one game isn't on most people's agendas. So yeah.

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I don't have the time anymore to do such a thing, and doing Touhou as an LP would be time consuming as all hell. I've a schedule I want to meet this summer, and it doesn't fit.

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