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~ Official Touhou Chat Thread~



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  1. 1. Best final boss theme?

    • Now Until the Moment You Die
    • Swordsman of a Distant Star
    • Complete Darkness
    • Faint Dream ~ Inanimate Dream
    • Legendary Illusion ~ Infinite Being
    • Septette of the Dead Princess
    • Bloom Nobly, Cherry Blossoms of Sumizome ~ Border of Life
    • Gensokyo Millenium ~ History of the Moon
    • Flight of the Bamboo Cutter ~ Lunatic Princess
    • The Venerable Ancient Battlefield ~ Suwa Foughten Field
    • Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion
    • Emotional Skyscraper ~ Cosmic Mind
    • Great Fairy Wars ~ Fairy Wars
    • Shoutoku Legend ~ True Administrator
    • Kobito of the Shining Needle ~ Little Princess

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Oh shit I still need to post the THING

I should do that


So like, Touhou fanfics are like bad and we know but I've worked on something pretty great and not bad, because I've gotten feed back from others. So, I wanted to share it with you guys and update it regularly and stuffs.

This is an open story, you are allowed to be mentioned in the story, by said Touhou character you like, waifu whatever. But you cannot appear in the story at all, you can only be mentioned by Tomiko(Real estate agent/protagonist) who says you're apart of my special squad of real estate agent. But as I said you cannot be in it, only mentioned by Tomiko when she talks to your Loli in mob cap of choice. Oh and if I don't cover any, I'm free to suggestions.

With that let's like, get started.

Prologue thingymajig

Has anyone told you, that being a real estate agent is easy? Well guess what, it isn't. I've spent days and days working.. I went to college to work on my dream of help people have homes, so I became a business woman. Though I'm not very good at it, I've spilt coffee on my coworkers, messed up papers, and jammed the printer with my shirt.. Yeah, don't ask. My name is Tomiko Hiraku, I come from the northern part of Japan. My parents died when I was young, so I lived with my grandparents. They loved me, and even saw me off to college. But now sometimes I feel like I don't get to see them often. Especially now.

Today started out like any other day; Spilling coffee on my coworkers, check. Messing up a contract, check. My boss, Shadowfrost Zenbiniar(They call him Shadow or James or Clause for short) came up to me, and I thought I was gonna get the pink slip. I was going to go home, dreams crushed and in tears, eating ice cream for days, when he invited me to his office to have a talk. Then it all changed from there.

Shadow(I call him that.) or my boss, he's around usually. He's 6'1, Silver hair, and wears silver and black suits(with adorable ties.) He's the one who helped me into my job, he was also a friend of my father. He handles faraway contracts, and sends agents overseas. He's also a master swordsman, though he doesn't do it now. When he started talking to me though, he was calm. Like he usually was.

"Tomiko my dear.. Do you know why you're here?" He had asked me. I replied "I-I don't sir." Shadow leans in his chair and adjusts his glasses. "You see, we had a bit of trouble in the office, you aren't good at any of the stuff here. Even simple copy and paste work, you aren't good enough at." I felt like the whole world just imploded on me. I was going to lose my job at any moment. "So I'm going to have to-" I jump in at the last moment. "Sir don't fire me, I really really love this job, and I don't want to sit on a couch and eat ice cream while watching reruns of Fairy Tail."

He laughs. "What's so funny?" I replied. "You aren't getting fired Tomiko. You're being discharged to somewhere new." I don't love the sound of that. "You mean, a different office in japan.. Right?" Shadow with a unclear look in his eyes says "You see, out on the coast of Japan, probably 10000 miles from here, is a small continent called.. Ah, Gensokyo." I was confused, I've took history before, and there isn't any continent in the middle of the Pacific. He continues. "You my dear are going there. I want you to handle the business there. I cannot do it alone." "But.. Why my help?" I'm a klutz at everything.. Doesn't he know that? "You my dear, are special. Don't let past mistakes haunt you. Besides, you'll be helping me."

My boss just gave the biggest offer of my 19 year old life and I should've said "Thank you boss." And left, but instead it was this. "Oooooh thank you thank you thank you!! You won't regret this!" Shadow goes back to staring out the window and messing with his computer, before giving me a ticket to the boat. "You'll need that, when you get there. And when you do, call me." I ask, "What about my family?" "They'll be fine, you won't have to worry about them. You'll be leaving tomorrow regardless." "Thank you boss, you won't regret this." Shadow replies, "Mhm" and goes back to his computer. I don't know what he does there, but rumors say it's for his special client. But nonetheless, I just got the biggest job of my life. And I don't have to eat ice cream for two weeks. Next stop, Gensokyo!

When I woke up the next morning, two things happened. One, my cat decided to sleep on me. Two, I overslept. I ran down the stairs, threw on clothes as fast as I could(with mismatched socks; dammit why am I color blind?) and ran out the door with a piece of toast in my mouth. Not the best way to start a Tuesday morning.

I got to the docks as fast as I could with the stuff I packed. Ten sets of clothes, one toothbrush and toothpaste, an Android charger, and my laptop. Shadow was there, in a yellow suit, instead of silver, and was waiting at the docks by himself. "S-sorry I'm l-late sir.." I had wheezed out. He smiled which is what he rarely ever does. "It's alright. The boat doesn't leave for another half an hour regardless." And then I realized my clock was 15 minutes fast. Goddamn it.

Shadow says as he buys me some extra breakfast, "Once you get there, visit your first client, Hakurei Reimu." I asked, "Seems easy enough. Why can't I fly there by the way?" Shadow replies, "You'll see. Now, hand me your phone."

I asked, "My.. Phone?" I hand him my Galaxy Android, which he messes around with. "How did he do it.. Ah yes. Yes there we go. Seems Rinnosuke isn't as bad as a mechanic after all. Here, Tomiko." He hands back my phone, and nothing had changed. I think. "Sir, what did you do to my phone?" I asked. "Gensokyo doesn't have any cellular service. But I can contact you with the little app on the bottom of your screen." I looked down. And there it was. A smaller version of our logo, which said under it "Out of serivce Phone only."

A foghorn was heard. Shadow turns his head and his silver hair almost lands in his tea drink. "I suppose that's your boat. Come on." And he lead me through the docks. Multiple boats, and the thing I got was one of those small one bed boats with those little tvs inside them. "Sir, I just wanted to say, thank you again. I won't fail." He replies "I know you won't. Just make sure you call me when you get there."

The boat(which is apparently on auto pilot) drove off, and I could see Japan get smaller and smaller from a distance. But now I had a goal. I went into my room, and saw what was expected. I sat down, and slept. And then everything got weird.

So when I wake up, it appears that I've landed in the land of what Shadow said it was. I got dressed, packed up, and docked the boat where I was. But as soon as I turned away, the boat was gone. Strange indeed. I walked through a forest, not very big, but a big forest all the same.

"Man.. What am I supposed to look for?" I wondered. The only clue I was looking for was that I was supposed to find a woman named Reimu Hakurei, as she's one of my clients. Then I'm supposed to call him. I looked at my phone. ''No service' it said. "Aw fiddlesticks." How am I supposed to call my boss, if I don't have any service?

On my way to actual life, I saw the most interesting thing. Fairies it seemed like. One White one, one Black one, only difference being their clothes. I blinked and they were gone. Great, I'm hallucinating. Finally, I reached this giant building, like one of those old Japanese shrines. My grandfather owns a minature one. I approached it, not sure if what was going to happen. And then I heard this giant explosion sound, and I saw this giant bullet, which I ducked, sail through the air and hit a near by tree. "Damnit, that's not how it was supposed to work! He never showed me exactly how it was suppose to work, and Nitori and Rinnosuke made it worse.." I heard a female voice. A woman with dark brown hair frustrated with a Gatling gun.

"Excuse me, ma'am, are you alright?" I asked. "She replies "Yes, just irritated. Never seen a human come around these parts often." A human? But she's one too, I think. "Come inside, I need a drink of sorts." I followed her. "So uh, what's your name?" And then she told me, and my life changed forever. "Reimu. Reimu Hakurei."

also don't tell me how to write characters, I will do that myself, thank you.

are you happy now Kalas and Vincent.

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She should have ran into someone, I mean, she already had the toast in her mouth. Why didn't you go all the way.

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There will be more moments for her to have toast in her mouth don't worry guys

and not other things?

I'm sorry, I just had to. >_>

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scarlet post yours to.

Fine, just for you. :V



- SA

- TD


- MoF

- EoSD



- PoFV

Decent, but has dumb gimmicks


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God Tier




Youkai Tier



Fairy Tier



It's different tier


i don't have one because i don't play the main games huehuehue
I mean

What's wrong with you?

you mean what isn't :v

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