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~ Official Touhou Chat Thread~



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  1. 1. Best final boss theme?

    • Now Until the Moment You Die
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    • Complete Darkness
    • Faint Dream ~ Inanimate Dream
    • Legendary Illusion ~ Infinite Being
    • Septette of the Dead Princess
    • Bloom Nobly, Cherry Blossoms of Sumizome ~ Border of Life
    • Gensokyo Millenium ~ History of the Moon
    • Flight of the Bamboo Cutter ~ Lunatic Princess
    • The Venerable Ancient Battlefield ~ Suwa Foughten Field
    • Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion
    • Emotional Skyscraper ~ Cosmic Mind
    • Great Fairy Wars ~ Fairy Wars
    • Shoutoku Legend ~ True Administrator
    • Kobito of the Shining Needle ~ Little Princess

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I think YuugenMagan is more annoying. Kikuri is definitely the worst imo, but she's not in Makai route so...

Keep practicing them and you'll handle them much better. But I'd say lasers are the most bomb-worthy of Sariel's attacks.

Fun fact: For quite a while, I thought those "bombs" were her tears. I didn't realize they came from her staff.

But yeah, they're annoying because you'd be concentrating on the bullets instead of watching her staff. And if you don't watch her staff, then the tears will kill you.

I actually don't mind the bullet walls. They don't move too fast so...

The Yin-Yang Orb is the worst. Always.

I managed to get Yuugen Magan under control. You've just got to find a spot where you can aim the Yin-Yang Orb at one of their eyes properly, which I don't find that hard to do. The rockets/arrows/whatevers are still pretty annoying though.
I haven't fought Kikuri.
I now find the lasers in her night theme pretty easy to evade actually. I find the lasers in the inferno theme harder, because there's also bullets flying around (and because the lasers are pretty slow, I sometimes find myself sliding into their end trying to fire the Yin-Yang Orb at Sariel).
At least you can hear when she fires a bomb, so you know you have to move away from your current position. However, when I'm slashing away at the Yin-Yang Orb while I hear that sound, I don't always have enough time to move away before the explosion.
I'm starting to get how the patterns of her bullet walls work, so I'm getting better at that.
The Yin-Yang Orb is the hardest enemy in the game.
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Having played Hell route now, I have to say that Kikuri isn't that bad. She's really annoying at first and she has an annoyingly vaguely defined hitbox, but some of her patterns are actually really easy. I got through her bullets just fine by continuously firing shots and slashing at the right times. Her lasers are very easy to avoid most of the time just by standing still in the middle of the screen, so that's not really a problem either.

Some of Konngara's bullet patterns really reminded me of Kikuri's and that made the final boss fight easier. First time fighting Konngara I estimated that the fight was pretty doable and turns out that it was, since defeating her only cost me three continues (maybe two, don't remember exactly). Sariel on the other hand...

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Youmu's quiet simple

sharpen your eye on the slow motion

then go yolo when its not slow mo

Edited by Pukuriripo
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the first spellcard as midboss?

well, i advise you spam bomb if you dont think you gonna make it either way

coz reading youmu's danmaku quiet insane task from beginning.

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What the fuck yuyuko.

So, I'm able to consistently get to stage 6 of PCB with both Sakuya A and Reimu A.

Youmu's enough trouble, but then I get this marathon of a fight...

Any advice?

Bomb spam?


Stage 5 Midboss Nonspell - Overlapping bullet mountains are stupid. You can practice some square-like movements and see if you get better at this, but otherwise, just bombskip it. Also, Youmu aims the mountains at you, so if you start the battle on top of Youmu, you can back down and avoid the first iteration entirely. It's annoying to execute though so I wouldn't really recommend it.

Fasting of the Young Gaki - The bullets are easier to dodge on the side that Youmu is opposite of i.e. you should move to the other side first and let Youmu follow you. Of course, you still need to read bullets during slowdown and then find a way out. If you don't think you can make it, then bomb.

Boss Nonspell #1 - Even stupider Overlapping bullet mountains. Read Stage 5 midboss nonspell.

200 Yojana in 1 Slash - Like Fasting, you should move to the side opposite of Youmu and let her follow you. Also, in case you aren't aware, the white part of the big red bubbles are perfectly safe. Only the colored (red in this case) parts are deadly. This starts off easier than Fasting, but gets harder and harder, so you'll likely resort to bombing it.

Boss Nonspell #2 - There are three openings you need to be aware of for each iteration. The space between the bullet mountains (easiest to pass through) and the two spaces right adjacent to it, separated by only about four bullets on either side of the center. Try to go through the center opening if you can, but if you find that the knives may block it, then one of the other two openings will definitely be feasible. Slip through it. Note, it's very unlikely that you would be able to move through the center for both waves of a single iteration so keep your eyes open for the other two openings.

Karmic Punishment - If you have a narrow shot (ReimuB, MarisaA/B), this will be annoying. Try to hit Youmu while she's on the side, but return to the general center area to dodge. This spell is completely static, so if you practice it a lot, you should be able to learn it and master it. There is also a safespot under the word "history" in the top-right; iirc it was under the letter "t", but I do remember that it aligns with a vertical slash for both types of waves.

Manussya - Start at left-center, stream slowly to the right while dodging the other bullets. Do not be afraid to move vertically or to occasionally move further to the right than your streaming speed. Depending on your shot and your execution, you may need to restream. This involves making a big lead towards the right, and then slowly streaming to the left, slipping through circular bullets whose gaps should be bigger when you approach them.

Deva - I hate this spell, period. It's basically just pure reactive dodging. I've been bombskipping this for the longest time and I'd suggest you bombskip it too.

Stage 6 Midboss Nonspell - Overlapping bullet mountains... but they're not as dense as before so imo it's easier. But they're also faster, so good luck.

Ageless Obsession - Mmmm, not sure if there's a trick to this. I tend to be somewhere at the bottom-right usually, but idk if that makes it easier. Ignore the "slowdown", it slows down nothing. Just read the bullets and dodge them. If you feel threatened, then bomb.


I feel like this is one I won't be able to get out of losing at least one life.

Also, another I feel like I'm guaranteed to fail against is Yuyuko's "Lost Village" or whatever attack.

Move to the side where the bullets are coming from, dodge the bullets. If you're using a narrow shot, spend more time in the center between iterations.

Everything else from her I think is dodgeable.

I say this but I can't even beat her on practice.

Um, imo Lost Village is Yuyuko's easiest spell...

On the other hand, I think I'm getting closer to getting through Stage 4 safely.


Oh, and I'm trying to switch to Sakuya, but I'm having way more trouble dodging as her.

Stupid things hit me.

If you love Reimu so much, go with ReimuB. SakuyaA has better damage output than ReimuA, plus an extra bomb for every life, so those advantages should more than make up for her drawbacks. Have fun getting wrecked by Merlin's opener though
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Oh, yeah, I think Youmu is harder than Yuyuko btw, so don't feel bad about losing so much to Youmu. I can help you learn how to fight Yuyuko though, if you're having trouble.

In other news, I finally captured Nightmare of Heiankyou! This is definitely easier than Kokkuri's Contract, Philosophy of a Hated Person, Ten Transformations, and BLUE LADY SHOW. It's also easier than Great Suwa War with respect to captureability, but imo Nightmare would generally burn more resources than Great Suwa War for the inexperienced player.

Only Grudge Bow left to capture on UFO Extra. I captured all of Phases 1-3 a few times, but Phase 4 is annoying >_<. GrudgeBow4 still looks easier than PristineBeat4 though imo.

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Great job on that proto.


Yeah, my PCB 1cc is looking pretty bleak.

I got within 20 seconds of 1cc-ing it, died to Yuyuko's final attack, Ressurection Butterfly, right at the end.

Died at RB on another attempt too. I've made about 5 more attempts since then, all of which ended with Yuyuko.

Now, I'm having trouble just getting to that attack. Yuyuko's been really tough for me.

Heyyyyy, the fact that you even made it to Resurrection Butterfly is really impressive! Don't give up now, you're really close!

Taking a break for now may be a good idea though, since you might be the type of player whose performance gets worse each time your hopes get crushed.

Youmu and the Primsivers I'm very inconsistent with. Sometimes I'll get past them fine (perhaps with low bombs though), other times they'll doom my run.

Yeah, all considering this is the second touhou game I've played...I'm not so sure about this.

Hmmm, are you spending your bombs well? Dying with bombs remaining is kinda a big loss.

Speaking of Prismrivers, did you know that you can choose which of the three you get to fight for the middle segment? Basically, during the first spell (with all three sisters), the one you dish out the most damage to will be the one taking over for the next nonspell and spell. Players unaware of this tend to hit the center sister the most (who was in charge of the first segment; Lunasa for Reimu, Lyrica for Marisa, and Merlin for Sakuya), but you can easily change which side to start from in order to secure which sister you'll fight for the middle. I would generally recommend Lyrica (imouto no imouto, wears red) for all difficulties except Normal.

Also, this may only be the second Touhou game you played, but imo PCB has the hardest Easy Mode in the series. It doesn't scale too much across difficulties, so Normal Mode is kinda easy for Normal standards. But PCB Easy is really tough for Easy standards. So don't feel too down for not being able to 1cc.

I would recommending continuing to try PCB after you take a break and feel like playing again. 20 seconds left for Resurrection Butterfly is very encouraging. Good luck!

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Yeah, okay, I really think you should take a break from PCB then. Come back to it when you feel a renewed motivation to try Touhou again.

Also, if you want, you can upload and send me your replay and I can analyze it for you to help you improve. I do this a lot, fyi.

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Wow, after playing Touhou with a controller for so long, going back to the keyboard is so weird.

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anyone had tips on divine virtue "Bumper Crop Rice shower" , "Release of the id" and "Super Ego" in SA extra?

I still need to try my potential easy cap on the first one...
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Never mind, 1cc'd it this morning.



> http://replays.gensokyo.org/download.php?id=37673

> PCB Extra

> Cleared: Yes


anyone had tips on divine virtue "Bumper Crop Rice shower" , "Release of the id" and "Super Ego" in SA extra?

Bumper Crop - I hate this spell a lot. Anyway, you can stream the bullets but you have to restream regularly. Sharp leap and then cut back. Avoid the bottom, stay at mid-range to Sanae. Of course, you need to dodge the rain at the same time. What's even worse is that your streaming/restreaming path likely won't be straight; you'll need to move horizontally and diagonally or just curve through.

Id - Avoid the bottom. Try to stay higher up (but still below Koishi at a safe distance, duh). The hitboxes are weird and the trajectories are annoying to read. Avoid getting pushed down and try to rely mostly on horizontal movement to dodge. Really annoying spell.

Super Ego - Similar to Id, except Koishi tries to push you to the top. Try to stay as low as you can, but not low enough that you can't see the bullets approaching you. Avoid getting pushed up and again, try to rely mostly on horizontal movement to dodge. Dodging bullets from the back may be difficult at first, but once you get used to it, this should be easier than Id.

Edited by Formina Sage
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