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~ Official Touhou Chat Thread~



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  1. 1. Best final boss theme?

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    • Septette of the Dead Princess
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That was seriously fast...

Gonna watch and analyze it soon, but congratulations!

It seems you might have a similar attachment to Extra Stages that me and Annie have~

I think you'll beat Ran before I do tbh

You could like, try to PCB Ex more then...

wow, I must be a scrub, still no extra clears

Extra Stages require dedicated grinding. You've been playing Touhou for a long time (probably longer than myself? idk) but you probably never had the motivation to grind through an Extra Stage. I'm fairly sure you'd be able to beat PCB/MoF/IN Ex if you tried...
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Thanks Proto.

Yeah, extra stages seem to be a lot of work.

But it pays off.

Extra Stages are the best~ <3

Anyway, analysis time

Pre-Keine - Opener streamed well, but you didn't auto-collect after the third kedama set, missing out on some Power. This delayed your max power slightly but eh, that doesn't matter. Everything else handled really well. Perfect run so far.

Keine - For Ancient History, I'm not sure about the route you took for the second wave but I'm gonna assume you messed up on your timing or speed. A few close calls on Returning Bridge, but you captured it! Standard capture on New History too!

Post-Keine - Kedamas got wrecked by Reimu. Played it safe on the familiar fairies and missed out on autocollection; you're getting the 666 Extend anyway so no point in being too greedy. Oval bullets handled well, including the refraining of autocollection at the vertical bullets. Death Fairy was safespotted, of course.


Non1 - Some close calls, but that's a good thing, since it indicates that you have a good idea on the location and size of the bullet hitboxes (which are really deceptively small).

Moon Curse - Starting lower on the screen? Not sure what route you're going for but I trust that you managed to capture it on Spell Practice this way. Both hits here were due to failing to cross the green diamond bullets. There's no real trick to that, so you just need to practice, I guess?

Flying Phoenix - You captured it, but I'm not confident that your approach can't trap you. My advice: after the phoenix circle, try to stay close to a stationary bullet wall that is opposite the direction you plan to move to. This will ensure that you will be able to avoid the next phoenix without having to move to the area occupied by a stationary bullet wall left from the circle. Otherwise, solid capture!

Forgiving Shrine - Standard cheese

Non4 - Wasn't expecting you to get hit so early... I think the error was due to distance control though; moving too far than you intended to.

Xu Fu - Standard blue-ignoring capture that also demonstrated proper identification of the bullet hitboxes.

Non5 - You seemed a bit panicky but you captured it!

Honest Man's Death - The oval bullets are aimed, so you will really want to minimize your movement here. In fact, I would suggest moving ONLY when a) a laser is coming, and b) when the bullets aimed at your current position are approaching. And even then you should move at a small distance only. First screwup was due to moving too much, second one seemed more like a precision error, which can happen even in an optimized approach tbh.

Non6 - Captured! Looks like you had no problems with watching both the red and purple cards~

Hollow Giant Woo - ...Uh, the whole reason why my approach involves moving above Mokou is so that the bullets after the second wave all get tossed into the small top area (so most of the bullets end up offscreen and don't exist) instead of the large bottom area. Moving above Mokou AFTER she already generated all her bullets kinda ruins the whole point. Then again, if the bullets are at the bottom and you didn't successfully stream their generation or pull off some mystic Glaceon misdirection, then the dodging would have been hell anyway.

Second iteration was executed really well though, you should consider trying that approach all the time.

Non7 - Further confirmation of your skill at reading multiple threats at once.

Phoenix Tail - Excellent micrododging and correct identification of relatively safe areas, leading to a solid capture!

Rings of Death - Only one Reimu Last Spell spent? That's actually pretty impressive, considering this is like, the third fastest attack pattern in Touhou history (if my sources are correct).

Fujiyama Volcano - This feels like Annie's approach, which tends to be much more demanding on timing and speed. Not surprised at the two mistakes here. Fujiyama Volcano is hell after you screw up. Still though, the fact that the first error was only followed by one more mistake is pretty impressive, since Volcano tends to be much more cruel.

Possessed by Phoenix - Phase 1 captured nicely. As for Phase 2, I seriously hope you had an idea of what you were doing. Rectangles and circles are generally pretty difficult to handle here, imo. My own approach (which I actually learned from some unknown dude online named Flareon) involves starting in a diamond with semi-focused speed (alternating between focused and unfocused), and it tends to work perfectly. Anyway, even if you screw up, try to maintain your approach since the pattern doesn't stop. Moving vertically after a Last Spell isn't going to help. Phases 3 and 4 are lol.

Hourai Doll - Okay, it seemed like you had the right idea at the start, circling clockwise. It looked like you were using blue bullets to guide you (I use red ones myself, fyi) and you were handling it just fine... until the diamond bullets were generated. For some reason, you stopped moving in your circle and turned around, which screwed you over. You tried to return to your circle (this time using red bullets as a guide), but you didn't really follow the red bullets, which messed you up. After that, the spell advanced too far that the spell gets pretty tough, so there were more bombs and stuff. At least you had the resources to burn through it.

Basically, for Hourai Doll, you should move clockwise in a circle. The pacing should be carefully controlled and increasing with the spell progression, so it's strongly recommended that you use either the red bullets or the blue bullets to manage your pacing (unless you have superhuman Glaceon senses of timing).

Imperishable Shooting - Unlocking this spell requires you to capture at least 7 (out of 13) spells in a single run of IN Ex. And considering how well you performed so far, I think you can actually pull this off!

Overall - Perfect stage sections, excellent performance at Mokou's nonspells. Most of the spells were handled really well too, with a few minor screwups and only PbP2 and Hourai Doll being really awful. I'm going to guess the Hourai Doll was a blind attempt so that makes sense. Spell Practice should help you learn those spells, and master the other ones too. I would suggest you do that if you wish to unlock Imperishable Shooting. Otherwise, I think you should consider trying out other Extra Stages. They're very different from Story Mode, so don't worry too much about not clearing Normal Modes before Extra Stages. Anyway, this was a really solid run and you cleared IN Extra really fast. Congratulations!

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Thanks Proto.

Yeah, I hated doing the same spell over and over again in spell practice, which became painfully obvious in things like Woo.

If you don't like Spell Practice grinding, then I'd suggest going for PCB or MoF next for Ex. PCB Ex is the easiest Ex imo, and MoF Ex is even more trick-based than IN Ex.
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I'll do PCB.

Ran's somewhere in my top ten too, and PCB's just one of my favorite of the games.

Now watch yourself clear it before Annie does

Which shot type do you prefer for PCB btw?

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I don't know.

I like Reimu for stability. ReimuA and B I'm comfortable enough with.

IF you decide on Reimu, don't touch ReimuA. Use ReimuB instead.

But, Sakuya has that near-infinite bomb thing going on. Which I've been relying a lot on in PCB...

SakuyaA's bomb spammage is pretty useful. Note that Ex bosses are completely invincible if you bomb during their spells, so the weak power of SakuyaA's unfocused bomb isn't an issue. Being able to spam more bombs lets you avoid dying more.

That being said, SakuyaA's shot damage output is kinda low, even when focused, and aimed aspect isn't as invaluable against Ran as it is with many Story Mode bosses. Still though, SakuyaA is a very solid choice.

My misdirection approach isn't THAT hard, it's definitely not mystic...

It is, and it is. Like, seriously, I still don't know how you can consistently pull that off. I don't know ANYONE else who can capture Woo that way, fyi.

And yep you said a lot of the same stuff I did.

Well, we ARE watching the same run and we have about the same knowledge and proficiency in IN Extra so that's to be expected. Well, except for your supernatural timing abilities...

I think I'll just do Sakuya A for Ran.

Okay, have fun~
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I'm doing PCB Normal, I told you.

I'm very close, though default lives is screwing me over big time.

Get used to it. Later games don't use increased lives.

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I am, I am.

PCB's just such a long game, you know.

And you can't take advantage of all the lives and bombs it showers you with because deathbombing is so difficult...

*pats* You'll get by.

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It's literally just periodically switching sides

The fact that you can make it sound so simple is part of what makes it so unreal.

And my sense of timing is not supernatural, look at my (lack of) proficiency at Fujiyama Volcano.

That's because your approach at Volcano is awful! Go learn a better approach!




Join Eientei so that you can keep that badge for display on your posts.

I'm doing PCB Normal, I told you.

I'm very close, though default lives is screwing me over big time.

Hmmm, are there any specific stuff that are troubling you? And also, which point threshold yields the last Extend that you get?

Get used to it. Later games don't use increased lives.

Later games either throw loads of lives at you anyway (SA, UFO, DDC), or have other factors that make the fewer lives less of an issue (TD patterns are lame, MoF has bomb spammage). Admittedly, securing and maintaining lots of lives for SA and UFO isn't very easy, but that's all part of their charm~


You must really favor this game over the others, if you're already doing that.

Understandable, I guess.

IN is a great game. Not my favorite, but it's great.

It's also the only non-PoFV Windows game I 1cc'd on Lunatic

Ran's extra doesn't look nearly as bad as Mokou's.

Like I said, PCB Extra is easier than IN Extra. It's only because IN Ex has Spell Practice that people are more motivated to grind through IN Ex more than PCB Ex.

It seems a lot more random though.

Not sure if you actually meant "random", since most of the patterns are pretty straightforward. The patterns in the stage section are less intuitive to deal with than IN Ex, but they're still mostly simple once you learn how to deal with them.
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