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It's Amiibo time


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I hope these sales help Nintendo realize they should bump up manufacturing for all amiibo! Maybe keep the ratio the same (as if we're comparing to Mario to Marth 3:1, but maybe give more months). Start working on ZSS now! Hehehehehe...

And Peach, DK, Yoshi got 5 months? No wonder! Easy to find (not DK or Yoshi in my area though) and all 3 have been lowered to $9.99. Coincidence? Nope (I think...)

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And then AGAIN, Villager is the rarest of all amiibo.

I stand by my theory that some amiibo are rare because Nintendo decides they will be.

Well yeah, that too. I didn't mean that the character design was the ONLY factor. But Ike and Marth both got only one month of production, I think. Yet Robin and Lucina both have two. While Charizard only has one. Charizard is arguably the most popular of these five. Maybe he's easier to make, thus they can make more of him in a month than they could any of the FE squad.

Peach, DK, and Yoshi got FIVE months? That's even more than Mario. o.O (he got only four, I think)

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Geez, I'm really surprised. Mario is the mascot, you'd think Nintendo would've produced more of him than anyone. :/ He's definitely better than Peach or DK or Yoshi too, imo.

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I said "imo" though, meaning I think Mario is a better character than those three. xP But yes, he's also the most important Nintendo character, obviously.

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Well...I'm going to be gone in two hours because I want to arrive three hours before mid-night. Gotta travel 30-50 miles to the store! I really hope that I can get one of these. Bearing in mind that he'll be the hardest product to get in history this year. :/

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Man, things like these really make me wish I had a driver's license too... I mean, I still have my gold Mario preorder, but I've missed preorders in the past (like Rosalina...).

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Geez, I'm really surprised. Mario is the mascot, you'd think Nintendo would've produced more of him than anyone. :/ He's definitely better than Peach or DK or Yoshi too, imo.

Not only that, but, like I said earlier, in the Mario Series production line, regular Mario only has one month of production. In contrast with even Gold Mario, which has two. It's possible that this is because he's bundled with Mario Party 10 and maybe that bundle has a different ID number for production than just the Mario Amiibo sold separately or something, but still.

Well...I'm going to be gone in two hours because I want to arrive three hours before mid-night. Gotta travel 30-50 miles to the store! I really hope that I can get one of these. Bearing in mind that he'll be the hardest product to get in history this year. :/

I still think Ness will be MUCH harder to get than Gold Mario, just based on how zealous hardcore Earthbound fans are combined with how few Nesses I think there's going to be.

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My gold Mario still hasn't shipped. :( Should I be worried? I mean, the preorder is still there, but yeah.

Still, gonna check GameStop on my break at work (since it opens not long before and it's right outside my store) if I can't buy Toad and Mario Party 10 in my own store yet (I check my store first because we're tax free).

Ship my gold Mario, Walmarrrrt! D:

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I got Gold Mario at the midnight release. I learned a few things from some of the other Amiibo collectors who were waiting in line, too. Namely, that one of the Best Buy employees in my area is a notorious scalper who bought off most of his store's Meta Knight stock himself (like, they actually saw him do it. Apparently Best Buy doesn't have rules against this sort of thing like Target does). This does not bode well for if Meta Knight gets a restock that's just as limited as his initial stock. However, I stopped by the Target I work at just now and picked up three more of the new series. Bowser because he's my favorite character, Toad because he isn't going to get a Smash Amiibo (Unless they make Toad DLC and give DLC characters Amiibo), and Luigi because he's pretty cool and his Smash pose is dumb. That leaves normal Mario (when he's released independently from Mario Party 10), Peach, and Yoshi to pick up at various times over the next few months, since none of them should ever be rare.

Also, it might just be an illusion based on their poses (SMB Bowser is more upright, which is kind of ironic since being more upright is kind of one of the big things about Bowser in SSB4 compared to earlier Smash games), but SMB Bowser looks noticeably bigger than Smash Bowser. If that's true, Bowser just beat himself for the title of biggest Amiibo all around so far. Ike is still a bit taller (new Bowser is about even with Rosalina in height, while the old one is shorter than her, and it was proven a few pages back here that Ike is taller than Rosalina), but Bowser has a lot more bulk.

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KingDDD is still heavier than Bowser..

Congrats yo. I was lucky enough to preorder from the very first wave of GMario preorders, so I'm just gonna camp and await my package.

Take a look at r/AmiiboSwap....


Edited by Sara.
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My Ike Amiibo came in (along with my Super Smash Bros. CD). He looks pretty good, too! Eventually, I may upload a few pictures of my Amiibos. Don't exactly have any good sources of light, though.

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I got a Toad on GameStop.com! It was thanks to Reddit this time. Sara, Reddit is a good source for Amiibo info, even if some people on there are jackasses. Thanks a lot for showing me this place!

Still no gold Mario shipment though. Srsly Walmart, hurry up already. :(

I forgot to ask about my Ike Amiibo preorder earlier when I was picking up my SMB Luigi and Link Fight Pad controller. Damn it. -_-

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I was out today and I had no desire to pick up the Mario line Amiibos but man I saw Toad everywhere in Best Buy the local Exchange and Target. In fact, they had just put them up on the shelf when I was looking around.

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Really? Everywhere I've been had sold out of Toad. I checked for availability in stores here. Only Target apparently has any. I thought he was rare due to that. o_O

I'm not getting him because of rarity though, I just like Toad enough. And I enjoyed Captain Toad Treasure Tracker, so adding pixel Toads to find in the game is just going to make it more fun!

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It's snowing in New Jersey (it's nice to see it's finally Spring), so I cannot go to the mall today... that's a real shame.

But what that DOES mean, is that no one else is able to either! I might have a chance to pick up Toad, but if I can't, I might just get Super Mario Peach.

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Glad to help! Are you posting there? It's a little tricky to really fit in there, so I'd stick to just using it for information.

I might be getting a Lucario tonight, though I'm driving one hour to do so. After that, I have 2 gold Marios coming to my door on Wednesday that I hope to trade for a Pit/Mac/WFT/Villager/MK NA Boxed. I don't want no japanese runes on my MURC'IN BOXES

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Really? Everywhere I've been had sold out of Toad. I checked for availability in stores here. Only Target apparently has any. I thought he was rare due to that. o_O

I'm not getting him because of rarity though, I just like Toad enough. And I enjoyed Captain Toad Treasure Tracker, so adding pixel Toads to find in the game is just going to make it more fun!

I mean they had just literally put them up so for all I know in the past couple of hours they could now be gone but they sure had alot of them.

It's snowing in New Jersey (it's nice to see it's finally Spring), so I cannot go to the mall today... that's a real shame.

But what that DOES mean, is that no one else is able to either! I might have a chance to pick up Toad, but if I can't, I might just get Super Mario Peach.

I'm pretty sure you'll be able to get her the Mario line aside from Rosalina and maybe Toad in some places is bound to be well stocked.

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Glad to help! Are you posting there? It's a little tricky to really fit in there, so I'd stick to just using it for information.

I considered posting, but there are just too many rude people for my liking. I just foresee trouble if I post. >_<

So yeah, I'm just sticking to using it for info. Although, it's still funny how it actually WASN'T the reason I got lucky enough to snag a gold Mario preorder. I just happened to refresh the Walmart page and HOLY SHIT IT'S GOING THROUGH IT'S IN MY CART I CHECKED OUT IN TIME YESSS!!

Now I'm just a bit worried about why it hasn't shipped yet...

Taco: Ah, I see. Yeah, that could explain why you happened to see a lot.

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