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It's Amiibo time


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So after not tuning in to amiibeaux for a few months, I looked up again rare amiibos just to see what's been driving people nuts.

Apparently Sheik has been tough to find.

I have a Sheik amiibo, pre-ordered it back in December.

Am I going to get mugged by Nintendo fans on my way to School?

not really. Sheik is pretty common. They are everywhere in my area and in online retailers like amazon for MSRP.

Edited by kingddd
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I haven't seen Sheik anywhere in my area... I thought that one was rare. Though not unicorn.

I saw about eight Sheiks when I went to Wal-Mart for Gold Mario, and another three when I checked GameStop for Wave 4 Preorders after work today (still no preorders, by the way). The only place I don't see Sheik very often is Target, and even then we get a few occasionally.

Of course, this could change with the SMB Line being probably a lot of the Amiibo that stores will get now. However, I still think that the SMB line will be on shelves instead of so many of the common Mario characters, not instead of characters from other series.

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Huh. Maybe North Carolina's Amiibo stock just sucks. Because GameStops I've gone to got very few of like everybody, Toad seems to be out of stock everywhere but Target, the GameStop I preordered Ike at only got TWO of him, and my work didn't get a lot of Amiibos either. I'm willing to bet our Walmarts got only a few Gold Marios. >.>

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So after not tuning in to amiibeaux for a few months, I looked up again rare amiibos just to see what's been driving people nuts.

Apparently Sheik has been tough to find.

I have a Sheik amiibo, pre-ordered it back in December.

Am I going to get mugged by Nintendo fans on my way to School?

I've seen several Sheik amiibos in each of the Gamestop retailers in my area.

They seem to fit the uncommon category.

Speaking of unicorns...



Here is the list on the meaning of the words of the amiibo rarities.

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Ooh, that's pretty useful, thanks, Puff. Some other rarity lists differ a bit though, like I've seen one or two list the retailer exclusives as unicorn, but those might be NA-only lists since they were only retailer exclusive in NA.

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That IGN guide isn't a very good (when it comes to my area, at least). For example, Sheik and Dedede do not belong on the same tier. The store exclusives are all pretty much Unicorns (Shulk might drop a bit in rank when Gamestop restocks him, and Meta Knight might be getting a restock, too. However, Rosalina and Lucario seem to be gone forever). The subreddit's Wave 1 list is pretty weird, too. Although I can totally see the Smash versions of the Mario characters getting rarer, I don't know what possessed them to say Smash Yoshi is "Semi-Rare" right now (or that Donkey Kong, Link, and Kirby are "Uncommon)". Also, Link being only "Semi-Common" on the IGN list is weird, too. He should swap ranks with Toon Link, who isn't that hard to find anymore but is still not as heavily-stocked as normal Link.

Here's a list that I think is accurate right now (for where I live at least):

Common (Pretty much in every store): Mario (Smash), Peach (Smash & Mario Series), Yoshi (Smash & Mario Series), Pikachu, Link, Kirby, Donkey Kong, Luigi (Smash & Mario Series), Zelda, Bowser (Smash & Mario Series)

Uncommon (Not in every store, but almost guaranteed to be in at least one store at any given time): Samus, Diddy Kong, Toon Link, Sheik, Mega Man, Sonic.

Rare (Show up occasionally): Toad (Unclear if he'll remain here since he just came out yesterday), Mario (Mario Series. Only because you need the bundle to get him. He'll probably drop to Common the instant April 3 hits and you can get him by himself), Fox.

Unicorn (No way in hell you're going to find these for retail price): Marth, Wii Fit Trainer, Lucario, Ike, Meta Knight, Shulk, King Dedede

Super Unicorn (These ones get a tier of their own in my mind due to how high their online prices are even compared to other Unicorns): Villager, Little Mac, Pit, Captain Falcon, Rosalina, Gold Mario

Edited by ClevelandSteve
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There are still Gold Mario's in my area as I'm by three Walmarts. But...pick them up while supplies last! 2 only had 8 and one has alot. But...they have to be, or nearly be gone by now!

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Went to the mall today! After shopping for more clothes, I ventured over to GameStop, hoping for a Toad amiibo. Unfortunately, no luck.

I wasn't sure if I was going to get a Super Mario Peach, simply because I already had the Smash version. But after seeing it in person, I just couldn't resist! She looks so beautiful!

The crew welcomes Peach V2 into the family!


It's just so weird how much bigger Super Mario Peach is than Smash Peach! It's adorable, though :)


I say that I won't get Super Mario Rosalina, but I probably will once I see in person (if I can even find one)!

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I was able to order Toad on GameStop.com, Carter. Maybe he's still available there. I also hear some Targets and Toys R Uses got a lot of him.

But yeah, SMB Peach is lolbig compared to Smash Peach. :P

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Dang, just checked! Not available... oh well :( I'll just check again the next time I go to the mall.

And something I noticed, the Super Mario Peach amiibo in person is much more colorful than GameStop shows her to be. That's probably why I wasn't going to get her at first.

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Aw, bummer. Maybe next time! :)

Yeah, I like how brightly colored the SMB Amiibos are. Makes me wish for a Daisy one even more. I love her yellow and orange dress and her flower accessories!

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Dang, just checked! Not available... oh well :( I'll just check again the next time I go to the mall.

It's not a rare amiibo. Pre-Orders were open on it for quite sometime now, but should get restocked shortly after the Pre-Orderers get theirs. ...And why that Princess Peach is enlarged looking like she gobbled up a Super Mushroom. But...Peach has always been quite a tall character that she's even taller than Mario, some other smash characters. Guess Nintendo wanted to make her amiibo more realistic this time.

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It took sometime but it finally came in during the weekend :D



Again, my thanks to Elieson!

Mine is among the lucky ones too :O

His eyes look right and his sword isn't even bent much!

Edited by Celice Baldos Chalphy
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:D Post the Socks too!

I had a DDD<->Lucario trade this weekend that went south, but it might get revisited this weekend. Car trouble on the other party's end caused our meetup to fail.

still hoping...then I'll only be missing 6

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So I just took a trip to my local GameStop, seeing if I could pre-order Marth. (I've been aware of his restock age for awhile, I'm just really impatient for the blue-haired Lord)

They had a good bunch of Mega Man's, a few Sonic's, and one Sheik.

It's not the busiest place, but there aren't too many GameStop's in the area, so are there any I should consider grabbing?
I'm not really a fan of any of them, but if they're worth it to grab now, I might, I dunno.

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Go ahead and nab them while you can, if you're a collector. They're uncommon, so...idk how valuable they are to you, but they aren't that valuable across the board.

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I hope I can preorder one of those Marths, but it doesn't look like that will be available. I'll just hope I can get lucky when they appear in stores, whether it's my work or the GameStop right outside. Or I just happen to be in some other store that sells Amiibos. :P

My gold Mario should be here tomorrow, hopefully! It's in my town now, waiting to be driven over here. :D

My Toad from GameStop also shipped. But weird thing is, while it says that order is closed, my SMB Luigi and Link Fight Pad Controller order is listed as open...even though I already picked those up. Glitch much, GameStop?

I also searched my Toad's tracking number, and it came up as unavailable. Wtf?

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I hope I can preorder one of those Marths, but it doesn't look like that will be available.

In that case...

If anyone finds like, Marth's from this point onward at their local GameStop, post that shit ASAP.

Because I.


My Marff.

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I got Lucario today. That's the first of the Amiibo I ordered last week, despite being the last one I ordered (buying from a US seller means much shorter shipping times than buying from a non-US one, obviously, so this actually makes perfect sense. I also bought my Ike from a US Seller and he's not here yet, but I have a tracking number for him so I'm not worried. And, of course, he's not estimated to arrive until Thursday so it's not like he's late yet or anything. Lucario actually arrived a bit earlier than his estimated time. I think Dedede might, too, since I'm not supposed to get him until Friday at the earliest but he's already in New York. Wii Fit Trainer doesn't have a tracking number, but I bought her from one of the largest and most reputable German Amiibo sellers on Ebay so I think I'm safe there, too).

Despite being bought from a US Seller, my Lucario is actually a European edition. So, I noticed that European Amiibo come with a little "instruction booklet" that basically contains choking hazard warnings in a dozen languages plus tech support phone numbers for every Nintendo branch in Europe, Australia, and a few other places that these Amiibo get officially sold in. Nothing too special, but it is interesting to note what differences there are to each version of these things (even if the Amiibo themselves are all the same).

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Yeah, it's possible to get overseas versions of Amiibos from US sellers. My Lucario was a Japanese packaged one despite coming straight from Amazon's turf. Meaning Amazon imported Amiibos to sell.

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