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It's Amiibo time


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[spoiler=The crew, as of now]


Got this man a week or so ago from a Pit trade. I was originally going to put him up as an trade offer, but I decided against it today. Like the rest of my Amiibo, he looks fantastic (Villager's odd sock makes him special). Once I get Robin and Lucina next month, that should be it for the collection. Well, until Pokémon eventually gets one. When that happens, Torkoal must simply be mine

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My mail's here. :D


I got my self-made Ike poster in the background too, hee hee.

And the Anacybele Amiibo Gang as it is now!

Presented by none other than gold Mario himself! ^^11075175_856199354444684_687351709634713

(Sorry for the hairs, I tried to clean them up... It's either dog hair or my own hair from brushing it. >_<)

And soon enough, Toad will become the newest member! Back to waiting for mail. lol

I also couldn't resist doing a selfie this time. XD

Tidbit, btw: my Amiibo collection is now 1/6 Luigi. Haha. But I love it, cuz I love me some Weegi. <3

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Dat filthy desk, yeesh. Anyway, here's my collection. Intending to get Lucina, Robin, Ganondorf, and Zero Suit Samus. Probably Shulk too, if I can manage. Anyone else is bonus.

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I'm just so happy that my Toad came in the mail today. ^_^

He looks so good. ^_^

My other three

-Luigi Ver 2

-Peach Ver 2

-Yoshi Ver 2

will come tommorrow. :D


It's always a nice addition to anyone collections. :D

Edited by PuffPuff
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D3 trade looks to be back on this weekend for Lucario, and I just authorized a Gold Mario <-> Meta Knight (store exclusive for store exclusive) trade, i'm shipping to Wisconsin in an hour. Looks like I'll only be missing Trinity+Pit+Mac soon enough

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And I, the biggest Ike fangirl an Ike fangirl can get, am still without an Ike Amiibo because of dumb shit (not GameStop's fault though). Why must this happen to me? ;_;

I might just end up ordering another online (or, if he shows up at my work, I'll definitely buy him there), regardless of whether my pre-order is ever filled or not. I don't care how expensive he is, he's Ike...

And that reminds me, Sara. I was thinking of buying another gold Mario if I saw one, to trade for a Meta Knight. I don't know if I'd ever find a trade partner though, I don't trust others easily, especially online. I just don't want to get scammed. Not to mention that past experiences have caused me to distrust most for awhile, even after I've talked with them a few times.

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And I, the biggest Ike fangirl an Ike fangirl can get, am still without an Ike Amiibo because of dumb shit (not GameStop's fault though). Why must this happen to me? ;_;

I might just end up ordering another online (or, if he shows up at my work, I'll definitely buy him there), regardless of whether my pre-order is ever filled or not. I don't care how expensive he is, he's Ike...

You're not the only one whose Ike amiibo is delayed. Stay calm! Don't give in! I mean, your Ike amiibo is still confirmed, just delayed, right?

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Yeah, but I've thought lately, how does GameStop really know that they'll be getting more Ikes in? So far, people have said that Nintendo has said nothing official about restocking any of the rare Amiibos from any wave, save for Marth, of course. So for all we know, GameStop is making promises that they'll never be able to keep. Which sounds cruel, but I've also seen people say that they're a bad company.

I've personally not had any bad experiences with them (closest being my mom ending up buying me TWO screwed copies of Link's Awakening. First one couldn't save my game, the second couldn't get past the start screen without freezing. But that can just be blamed on GameStop needing better policies on buying back games, not them as a company overall), only heard stories about employees being dumb or jackasses, but others could have. So...

I don't mean to be a Negative Nancy or anything, I'm just trying to prepare in case the worst case scenario happens. If we get our Ikes though, awesome! I'll be so happy!

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And I, the biggest Ike fangirl an Ike fangirl can get, am still without an Ike Amiibo because of dumb shit (not GameStop's fault though). Why must this happen to me? ;_;

I might just end up ordering another online (or, if he shows up at my work, I'll definitely buy him there), regardless of whether my pre-order is ever filled or not. I don't care how expensive he is, he's Ike...

And that reminds me, Sara. I was thinking of buying another gold Mario if I saw one, to trade for a Meta Knight. I don't know if I'd ever find a trade partner though, I don't trust others easily, especially online. I just don't want to get scammed. Not to mention that past experiences have caused me to distrust most for awhile, even after I've talked with them a few times.

IMO people on Reddit (r/AmiiboSwap). I've had two successful trades through it already, and everyone on the other end supports collecting. Plus, traders are marked with Flair, which puts a little # next to their name, so it's not too hard to find people worth trading with.


Read points 5, 7 and 8. While there's little to do for official compensation, I still feel like the people involved in Amiibo trading on reddit are a trustworthy bunch in general, and it's easy to track succesful traders.

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Yeah, but I'm still pretty wary about the whole thing. And shy. And I'd still need to get my hands on another gold Mario first. Or some other Amiibo that I don't want that someone would trade a Meta Knight for.

But I'll definitely consider this, thanks, Sara. :)

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You're not the only one whose Ike amiibo is delayed. Stay calm! Don't give in! I mean, your Ike amiibo is still confirmed, just delayed, right?

Mine got delayed...too, but took about another 20 days before I got it! It could be less depending how close to the store that the item was ordered from.

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Well, I ordered my Ike Amiibo on Dec. 8th. I was supposed to get it Feb. 1. But it got pushed to Feb. 13th. Then Feb. 25th, which was the date I got when I finally got a phone call to come pick it up. Now it's been pushed to "spring." It's been over three months now since I first ordered that Ike. :(

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Well...he already got re-stocked...you can pick yours up at one of the Gamestop retailers if they have them...otherwise, I'd call/send them (FedEX/UPS) an e-mail about the delivery which I had to with my Yoshi one since they got the wrong shipping address and had a failed delivery which I was supposed to get it today. I guess that this happens often to first time shoppers at a new store. Especially, when I just had to make an account at Walmart.



Why does she have weird looking eyes? O.O






Yay! The real look that he should have. <333

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He couldn't have been restocked. I'd have gotten a call from my GameStop if he was, and I never did.

Oh...well, then...

Contact the deliverer. Fed EX/UPS. I had to for Yoshi since they had my delivery address wrong and I was supposed to get it today.

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My mom already asked about when I could get it when she tried to pick it up for me on Feb. 25th. There's nothing more we can do right now except ask about it again, which I'm going to do next time I'm there.

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C'mon Meat Night!

If you're hungry for non-Unicorns:

[spoiler=Best Buy.com]Sheik
Toon Link

[spoiler=Toys R Us.com]SMB-Yoshi

Yoshi/DK/Peach for 10.99

Other commons like Pikachu/Mario/Link/Luigi/Zelda


Mega Man
Toon Link

Other Commons like Pikachu/Mario/etc nothing special

etc you don't care about these probably; if you want them i'm sure you already do. What about the good stuff, Elie?


Check Gamestop too, for this;


Odds of Shulk being close to you in GameStop are low as heck, but hell, it's 1 click for dat 1%.

Captain Falcon at certain Hastings; check their site and punch in your Zip to see if one's close to you. No online purchases.

[spoiler=Also Pit Rage, thanks Nintendo.com for the recommendation to purchase $68 Pit]




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Yea idk maybe it's a straggler from port strikes? Or a trade in/never-picked-up? from what I've heard, if there's one in the system somewhere, it shows as available with store search on GS.com

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