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It's Amiibo time


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And I just posted the real best new Amiibo. lol I'll be preordering Bowser Jr. and Palutena too. I dunno what it is I like about Palutena other than her vague resemblance to Elincia though. lol

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I just called four Gamestops.

Three of the Four (the last one i know as an incompetantly operated one) stated that:

  • They are in the system right now
  • They are available for Pre-Order right at 2:00 PM CST
  • Ness is a Gamestop Exclusive, and the only known exclusive at this time
  • The other 5 of the wave will be available through Gamestop, so the entirety of Wave 4 SSB is available through Gamestop
  • One Amiibo per type, per GameStop account (so no Double Ness's, no Double Lucinas, etc). They all said notes in the system specifically mention "to minimize scalping opportunists."
  • First Come First Serve
  • Orders made through "Web In-Store" out prioritize ones made online, and ship for free 7 days after Public Announce date, to your door or to your store. I'd go To Your Door since it's free and then they aren't accidentally sold out from under you
    • ​To do Web In-Store with free delivery, you gotta pay full price upfront In-Store, so you're looking at an $80.00 (give or take because taxes) for all of Wave 4 with free shipping
  • They are set to ship on 5/29, so with free shipping, expected delivery date is around 6/6
  • All are expected to ship, in the same package (but this is not confirmed, only expected).
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I salute you, GameStop, for battling the greedy scumbag scalpers! *salutes*

Also, definitely gonna be bringing up the GameStop website right away when I get home from work tomorrow (if I'm not staying home because of allergy colds, ugh). Can't wait for the yarn Yoshis and wave 5 to be put up too!

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I just called four Gamestops.

Three of the Four (the last one i know as an incompetantly operated one) stated that:

  • They are in the system right now
  • They are available for Pre-Order right at 2:00 PM CST
  • Ness is a Gamestop Exclusive, and the only known exclusive at this time
  • The other 5 of the wave will be available through Gamestop, so the entirety of Wave 4 SSB is available through Gamestop
  • One Amiibo per type, per GameStop account (so no Double Ness's, no Double Lucinas, etc). They all said notes in the system specifically mention "to minimize scalping opportunists."
  • First Come First Serve
  • Orders made through "Web In-Store" out prioritize ones made online, and ship for free 7 days after Public Announce date, to your door or to your store. I'd go To Your Door since it's free and then they aren't accidentally sold out from under you
    • ​To do Web In-Store with free delivery, you gotta pay full price upfront In-Store, so you're looking at an $80.00 (give or take because taxes) for all of Wave 4 with free shipping
  • They are set to ship on 5/29, so with free shipping, expected delivery date is around 6/6
  • All are expected to ship, in the same package (but this is not confirmed, only expected).

Thank you for the info. Seriously I'm glad we got confirmation on this. I might be a little late to my last class but hey it'll be worth it.

Edited by LordTaco42
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Well, in other news, my Wii Fit Trainer came in the mail today.

Also, looks like I'll need to trade in some more stuff to afford Greninja, Jigglypuff, and the Splatoon set. If I can't afford it all, then I hope some of this stuff will be easy to find (I stand by Ness probably being the rarest due to the rabidness of Mother series fans combined with him now being an exclusive. I think the Splatoon squid is probably going to be rare too since it can only be bought in a combined set with the male and female Inkling).

I'm going to go to the store itself after work (I get off at 11: 30 AM Central Time) and just wait until 2 PM there like an old fashioned person.

Edit: On another note, I think Dark Pit and Palutena getting a wave to themselves in July is a bit weird. Pit restock possible at the same time? Coinciding with the planned announcement of a new Kid Icarus game? Sakurai bias (though he has no control over Amiibo waves)? Some combination of the three?

Edited by ClevelandSteve
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1. I can't call my GameStop when it opens tomorrow at 10:00 AM and pre-order the amiibo I have my eyes on? Or wait until 2:00 PM?

2. Can I pre-order via phone?

3. Do I have to pay right then and there, via phone, if it's an option?

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He's rumoured to be a Toys R Us or Best Buy...no confirmation as of yet frustratingly



Sup Toys R' Us Greninjamiibo!

Edited by Sara.
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I just called four Gamestops.

Three of the Four (the last one i know as an incompetantly operated one) stated that:

  • They are in the system right now
  • They are available for Pre-Order right at 2:00 PM CST
  • Ness is a Gamestop Exclusive, and the only known exclusive at this time
  • The other 5 of the wave will be available through Gamestop, so the entirety of Wave 4 SSB is available through Gamestop
  • One Amiibo per type, per GameStop account (so no Double Ness's, no Double Lucinas, etc). They all said notes in the system specifically mention "to minimize scalping opportunists."
  • First Come First Serve
  • Orders made through "Web In-Store" out prioritize ones made online, and ship for free 7 days after Public Announce date, to your door or to your store. I'd go To Your Door since it's free and then they aren't accidentally sold out from under you
    • ​To do Web In-Store with free delivery, you gotta pay full price upfront In-Store, so you're looking at an $80.00 (give or take because taxes) for all of Wave 4 with free shipping
  • They are set to ship on 5/29, so with free shipping, expected delivery date is around 6/6
  • All are expected to ship, in the same package (but this is not confirmed, only expected).

Let us hope that pre-orders online are available on that day and that we don't have to use a telephone.

I salute you, GameStop, for battling the greedy scumbag scalpers! *salutes*


Even though they have done this sometime ago. Why else would they limit us to getting the Gold Mario Amiibo?

Jigglypuff announced as Target Exclusive

It's not available yet, but it IS up on Target's site.


This will suck since these won't be in print after one wave. Gahhh. Another one that I may have to get from a scalper. This also speaks for Ness as well which won't be in print for long.

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Let us hope that pre-orders online are available on that day and that we don't have to use a telephone.

This will suck since these won't be in print after one wave. Gahhh. Another one that I may have to get from a scalper. This also speaks for Ness as well which won't be in print for long.

From what I gather, they will be available for Online preorders from mobile/home.

Also, Puff and Greninja don't have release times/dates yet, and Greninja isn't even announced by TrU yet (thanks to an amiibro leak we know early)

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I hope it's not cancelled

Sold out in 7 minutes.

I wonder if they'll do it like how Walmart did it, with like ten sessions of Preorder time

Edited by Sara.
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I hope it's not cancelled

Sold out in 7 minutes.

I wonder if they'll do it like how Walmart did it, with like ten sessions of Preorder time

I hate to be constantly bumping and doubleposting but this shit keeps coming out

Greninja confirmed


Ah, I forgot about Toys R Us. xP

Also, you should've blotted out your address. It's not safe to have it publically shown like this.

And Jigglypuff went already? Jesus Christ...

I was kind of considering getting her too. Of course, I was away at the time she was up. >_>

Edited by Anacybele
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Also for what it's worth that's just the delivery address; it's not actually my home address~~ I do appreciate the warning though

I blocked it out, Ana you should totally remove it from your Quote now :)

Hola amiigos! I'm here to let you all know that we're going to be making the Charizard, Wario, Pac-Man, Robin and Lucina figures available for pre-order shortly (within the next 20-60 minutes). Since I don't have these live on the site yet, I can't provide a link but here is a list with their Best Buy SKU numbers to make it easy to find online: Charizard - 5713098 Wario - 5715023 Pac-Man - 5710106 Robin - 5712035 Lucina - 5711027

Just like the Super Mario Bros. series of amiibo, we will only be making these available for Ship-to-Home orders. Good news here is that many of you should be noticing an improved shipping experience from us (no more bubble mailers! :)) and if you're a Gamer's Club Unlocked member you'll save 20% on your amiibos. Good luck to all, I hope you're all able to get the one (or ones) you want most!

From a Best Buy rep, in-store. Posted 11 minutes ago http://www.reddit.com/r/amiibo/comments/317mtu/best_buy_wave_4_preorder_info/

Edited by Sara.
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Ah, well, I was just trying to be helpful. :P And right!

Reddit says Best Buy should have preorders up very soon! I'm watching closely. I gotta nab Robin asap. I don't want a repeat of my Ike Amiibo situation here. >.>

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I can't see Robin, can you Link please?

nvm here it is


NEvermind Robin's sold out wow

Gemma and I got a Lucina out of it wow!

Edited by Sara.
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Whaaat?! Seriously?! Then I got extremely lucky... o_o

EDIT: The preorder button is still there, Sara. Or is it being dumb like Walmart.com and not adding it to the cart anyway?

Edited by Anacybele
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