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It's Amiibo time


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Went to my local ebgames store this morning at 9am and there was already a lineup with about 10 people already. We played a bit of smash 3ds and one of them challenged me to a one on one. He was a sheik main and we had a pretty awesome time together. He even told me I was the best player he ever faced against so far locally. That's a nice compliment.

Also got a chance to talk with a FE fan who played all the local games so that was a nice conversation to kill time. We played a bit of FE:A double duel local. Funny part was that he was so underleveled that all my units had to do all the work for him hehe. He wanted Pacman, Ness and Robin. A lot of people in the lineup wanted Robin and Lucina. By the time the store was opened we had a 30 people lineup for the store. I'm really glad I didn't go to the downtown one. That one must have been sold out in instant.

I got the preorder for Robin and Lucina put down so hopefully they can actually guarantee the preorder.

Edited by kingddd
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^Man, that kind of thing is why I wish I could go to Nintendo-related gaming events more often. I got to play Smash with people locally on the day of the GameStop open tournaments just after Smash 3DS came out. It was really fun. I just wished I could've made friends with them, but they quit playing with me kind of quickly so they could play with other people...

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That's been known for awhile. But people say that that doesn't really matter much, as we don't know NOW many figures exactly got produced in that time.

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EB Games in Canada is doing Wave4 Preorders (no Puff/Gold Mario).

In-Store only

Wal-Mart is adding Product Keys for Wave4Amiibo. REV UP DEM F5 KEYS!

Edited by Sara.
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Too bad I can't get Jigglypuff from Walmart...

I dropped by GameStop today, still no word on my Ike. :(

But Walmart was Pokeplushie gold mine for me today! Eevee, Sylveon, and Glaceon. :D I also want to add Flareon and Leafeon to that set. These are my favorite Eeveelutions! And I think Eevee itself is adorable too. <3

I'll get new Amiibos soon enough though! I'm sure my Ike will come in someday. And I have a Best Buy Robin. x3

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Too bad I can't get Jigglypuff from Walmart...

I dropped by GameStop today, still no word on my Ike. :(

But Walmart was Pokeplushie gold mine for me today! Eevee, Sylveon, and Glaceon. :D I also want to add Flareon and Leafeon to that set. These are my favorite Eeveelutions! And I think Eevee itself is adorable too. <3

I'll get new Amiibos soon enough though! I'm sure my Ike will come in someday. And I have a Best Buy Robin. x3

Plz pics your eeveelutions :)

Also, Toys R' Us reps all over the place (two different reps, to me, plus other claims from /r/amiibo) have announced that, well:

William Z.: Hi Chris - thanks for chatting with the 'R Us Family! My name is William Z.. I’m your ‘R Us Web Specialist. How can I help you today?

Chris: I'm interested in a specific product, of which I have one in my cart. SKU#-6A7659FF

Chris: I'm curious if there is any news on when it will become available for purchase

William Z.: I'll be glad to assist you with that inquiry!

William Z.: The Greninja amiibo will be released and available for purchase on 05/29/2015! Also, we will hold an in-store only pre-sale on Monday, April 27 with extremely limited quantities per store. Your local stores may not yet have this information, but stay tuned for further details!

Chris: hmm

Chris: when you say In-Store only, presale

Chris: how does that work?

William Z.: I am afraid I did not quite understand the last inquiry, sorry. If you are referring to the general info, you will be able to place a pre-order for the item, but only through a store's system.

Chris: Oh, that makes sense. Walk in store, Pre-order at the counter (customer service/electronics/whichever location handles it at the time)?

Chris: Not online

Chris: Gotchya

William Z.: That is correct!

William Z.: Now that we've verified the options for ordering Greninja, would there be any other inquiry I may be of assistance with right now, Chris?

Chris: Yes; is shipping handled the same as it would be if I ordered it online? What I mean is, can I opt for in-store delivery, or to-my-home delivery?

William Z.: Sadly, we have not been informed about that detail, but most likely, it'll be to pick up at the store, unless they place an online order through their system, in which case, it may also be shipped.

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Plz pics your eeveelutions :)

Alright, here ya go. :3


I hope Jigglypuff goes up online again, because everybody here has to go to work on the 29th...

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I hope Jigglypuff goes up online again, because everybody here has to go to work on the 29th...

27th you mean?

If anything else comes up I'm half tempted to just preorder what I can if I get fortunate enough to snag my time, just so I can distribute the 5 or so puffs around to those here who just can't get their hands on it

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Oh derp, gotchya. I thought you meant like if Puff would be out for in-store preorder on 4/27, like Greninja was announced


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Someone posted a newspaper article on Reddit too, about a boy "bringing a game store to its knees" with a picture of the Ness Amiibo. lol It referenced GameStop's servers crashing and the fact that Ness is exclusive to them.

Amiibos are the biggest invention since the wheel, it seems. :P

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Wario lasted the longest of every amiibo, reaching about 3.5 hours through Gamestop.

Everything, even splatoon, are sold out pretty much so far

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Robin and Lucina lasted the shortest amount of time, I think... Which means I might've gotten even luckier with my Robin preorder than I did with the gold Mario. Damn...

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Same with Lucina for me. Hey at worst its trade fodder if you can stumble on another. Fe is in high demand after all!

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Seems Megaman has a Amiibo, will other 3rd party dev studios cash in on such collaboration? Can a Trevor(GTA) or Scorpion(MK X) Amiibo sell well with the Nintendo demographic?

Even RE characters who are also from Capcom e.g. Wesker; will the Nintendo fanbase buy into those?

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Canadians who want amiibo; amazon.ca has them up as of like 4 minutes ago:


Looks like Wario and Robin are either not up or sold out; i see Lucinas Pac-Mans and Charizard available though at this moment


More News for American Toys R' Us hunters: TrU will only release Pac-Man and Greninja in stores with the April 27 Release



Fuck Amazon.ca already seems out of Lucina; Zard and Pac are still there

**Second Edit**

Splatoon Trio available at Amazon.CA

Edited by Sara.
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