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Road to Smash Wii U Tourney (Smash 3DS tournament)


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The thing is, you'll all end up playing. You dont have to do them in order really. As long as you play everyone. That's swiss.

And Knife I don't think I have a PM from you o.o

EDIT: Oh, I did have a PM from you. The message box never told me I had it tho, lame :/

Technically, playing everyone is round robin, but for that we'd either need less players or more rounds to do that. This is pretty close to a round robin though, everyone will have played about 50% of the participants.

That is strange PJ, but I will be sure to inform you personally next time I TO. Again, sorry about that I just feel we are past the point of adding new players. I was willing to do it for Roxas only because he signed up in the first place.

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You get better by playing in tournaments, win or lose. Though Dodge, you should consider sparring with Raven sometime. You guys live like in the same area so a lot less lag. It's too bad Challonge didn't pair you at all this tourney.

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You get better by playing in tournaments, win or lose. Though Dodge, you should consider sparring with Raven sometime. You guys live like in the same area so a lot less lag. It's too bad Challonge didn't pair you at all this tourney.

Yeah, I know all that. It's just I'm a bit rusty right now, not playing seriously for about a week or two. I'm sure I'll be to my standard in a couple of days, if I play for a bit every day. And Raven and I have played online before; I think there were spots of lag now and then. Hell, I've played with someone who lives 10 minutes away from me online (we never meet up anymore, though) in this game, and it's been bad

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Damn, well that sucks. Hopefully SSB4 Wii U will have much better servers or something.

If we all get our matches done before Sunday, I may end up starting top cut a little earlier (though the deadline stays the same). Likewise, if the semi-finals get done with early, I'll push up the finals.

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I meant, sorry for disappearing haha.

I know what you mean though. Those were some good matches even if you were not at your best.

After this I will go up against Red, ggs Dodge!

Oh, right. Don't worry 'bout it. And yeah, ggs. I'll still never understand how to fully adapt my gameplay to fight Peach effectively

Damn, well that sucks. Hopefully SSB4 Wii U will have much better servers or something.

I'd be surprised if it didn't, to be honest

... And there's Roxasia. Hello. I see you're new

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Hey, who the hell are you and how did you find this tourney? I did say that if you posted here within 24 hours, you would be allowed to enter. Though I do need a definitive statement from you whether you'd like to participate (though you creating your account here probably means you do). "Hm..." doesn't cut it. I also need your 3DS FC cause it's not posted anywhere around here.

I beat Horace 3-0. Though damn those last two matches came really close. I can't believe Bowser KOed Falcon when he was 85% with a U-Smash, that's unreal. Rage helps a lot though. And I loved getting the gimp on your Falcon with Link's fair. That almost never happens. GGs.

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Posted (edited) · Hidden by Florete, November 7, 2014 - No reason given
Hidden by Florete, November 7, 2014 - No reason given


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