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Diabetes awareness month


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So November is Diabetes awareness month and I as a Type 1 Diabetic would like to let this forum know a bit about it because Type one Diabetes does not get much coverage where I live. First I will tell you a bit about it, Type one Diabetes happens when your body decides that the part of the pancreas that makes insulin is bad and attacks the pancreas where insulin is made. A normal person's body makes insulin while some one with Type one's body make zero insulin and has to take shots or be on an insulin pump and check their blood sugar every time they eat. Insulin is what makes it possible for cells to use the sugar that you eat and turn it into energy. the ting about shots or the pump is while they help they are not perfect and when I was a teen even though I took care of myself I still could not control my sugar and almost died a few times because my body ended up having too much insulin and I did not have enough sugar in my body. Diabetes is a big part of my life and I hope that this makes people a little more aware of what it is and that a shot does not make it all better. Type one happens to younger people normally I was diagnosed at the age of 3 most Type ones are diagnosed before they are 30. Type 2 Diabetes is not the same thing and normally happens to older people and the body of a Type 2 still make a little insulin but not enough to be healthy. Anyway thanks for reading this.

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Diabetes is a horrible thing lost my uncle to it he died on Halloween night after a bit of candy 15 years ago i know tons of people who have it me myself i am very healthy eater because of this im glad that i see younger children eating more healthy. it would be great to see more awareness then just a month

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I have type 2. Diagnosed in 2009 when I was 18. Don't have to give myself shots atm and I hope I never will...I'm on metformin to keep it under control. Generally I'm pretty healthy, I am nearsighted so I have glasses, but that's a lot better than having kidney problems and stuff like that.

The way I explain it: Type 1, you make no insulin, Type 2, you don't make as much as what's normal. I didn't know with type 1 your body actually ATTACKS your pancreas. Learn something new every day...

Diabetes runs in my family on both sides. I was doomed to get it eventually, plus I ate junk food like a pig all the time and didn't exercise it off. So...yeah. Now I know that's a no no. It scares me to death thinking about how my grandma died from complications of diabetes, if she wouldve came out of that coma they wouldve had to amputate both her legs because they had lost all circulation. For the longest time I didn't know exactly how she died. I was in first grade at the time. When I got diagnosed I was told that story.

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