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If you could be any Fire Emblem character, who would you be?

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Man there are way too many to list but i'll put down my top 3

1. Ike- strong badass who kills a god plus dat headband though

2. Lon'qu- silent but deadly badass, plus who doesn't wanna say "how well do you die" and mean it

3. Owain- self explanatory

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I'd be henry, i had a similar childhood and i am absolutely like him but instead of being a mage with white, short hair i would be a myrmidion/SM with long, black hair, like karel, but Joshua is better.

Edited by Flareragnarok
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I would probably be Gerik, seeing as I have gotten into something just because my friend did, and then kept going even though my friend had to drop out for one reason or another. That, and I just really wanted to find a character in the Sacred Stones that was similar to me

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There are a ton on Awakening Lunatic+.

Yes but "that one enemy" is a single enemy who is far above the rest. In L+, every enemy is a nightmare so there is no one enemy that can claim the title lol.

I'd be that one NPC who gives your unit a useless booster like a Goddess Icon, because I'm hording all the Seraph Robes, Energy Drops and Speedwings for myself.

Even a goddess has some use and can at least be sold for 4k. Give me a vulnerary and that'd piss me off. Unless it is early game where vulneraries are useful. Edited by Ownagepuffs
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Marisa because... username

maybe Ilyana because then I could feel slightly less guilty around thanksgiving (or anytime I over eat for that matter)

or mia because forced shipping yay \(^o^)/

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Say'ri. Because:

1. She wears a headband. That's a given.

2. She talks awesome.

3. She starts out as a swordmaster and has a different color scheme. I like that.

4. I have a brother. She has a brother. It all adds up.

5. Totally doges EVERYTHING and demolishes enemies with Vantage and Killing Edge combo.

Yep. Sounds like me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll list 5 just because:

Pent - He's quite calm and collective. Extremely respectful and learns under the best teacher Athos. He has high amounts of power and influence because he is in fact "The Mage General."

Rutger - Cold and silent yet filled with discipline. He has an upholding grudge on Bern fueled by the power of vengeance. Nothing shall get in his path to get his revenge on Bern.

Percival - Loyal and honorary as well filled with discipline. He fights for the well being of the Lycian alliance and Etrurian army.

Karel - Driven by blood and power. He seeks only to prove his worth and skill by laying blood on his sword to prove himself the best as the Sword Demon. Killing his family and friends possessed and blinded by such skill and power he holds. Eventually being able to make himself tame and control himself. Humbling himself down as he proven his worth and skill now respected as the Sword of Saints.

Legault - A man who left the Black Fang organization due to it's corruption. He was the most skilled except to those of the Four Fangs in which he had large respect for them. With his tentative and open-minded personality he is honest and ethical yet after the war he finds himself lost in his woes and sorrows looking for Black Fang refugees to ease his pain.


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It's more like people don't want the curse of eternal life. It must be fun witnessing everyone and everything you hold dear being taken away from you with nothing you can do (and dying when the planet could no longer bear life). Since an afterlife do exist (at least in Jugdrall, so it should apply to Archaneia and Valencia) death isn't as scary.

Edited by Sartek
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I'd be either Ike,Hector,Ephraim,Eirika or Lyn.I share some personality traits with Ike,a LOT with Hector,I'm brave like Ephraim,kind yet pushy like Eirika,and an all around badass nature-lover like Lyn.

Though I'd most likely be a woman,I'd prefer Hector because I'm a dick like he is sometimes.Though I'm dick all the time.

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