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Is my Radd RNG screwed?


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FE3 Radd: Lv 13

7 Str (-3)

19 Skl (+4)

15 Spd (-1)

13 Lck (+7!!!)

Wlv: Doesn't matter

6 Def (-2)

0 Res (0)

Would you consider him RNG screwed? He can barely scratch enemies(I mean, even Sheeda has more Strength, and she's only level 9!), but he crits every two seconds. Should I ditch him? Or should I give him a chance to catch up in the IMPORTANT stats? (Although that +7 luck though...I can't remember how many Skill and Luck levels he got.)

Edited by momogeek2141
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I say use him still because FE3 wise 15 speed is pretty good since all stats max at 20. And you said he does crits like every two seconds so crits make up for everything... my personal opinion though you may play different but critical hits help with anything even if str stat is low. Too bad FE3 is not like FE4 - FE5 where critical hits negate defense so in FE3 it is still possible for Radd to inflict 0 damage on like a general or something.

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This is actually a rather common phenomenon in FE3 due to its faulty RNG, which technically follows a fixed pattern when generating lots of numbers at once (i.e. a level up). iirc, it basically alternates between high and low numbers. Since most level ups happen as a result of a critical hit (low RN), levels tend to be extremely hit or miss because they alternate back and forth between strong and weak stats. High skl, luck, and weapon level often come at the expense of low str, spd, and def.

tl;dr, Your Radd is Badd which isn't too unusual due to the game's dated RNG. Still, it sucks that it happened to Radd of all characters since he is extremely reliant on growths ;/ He still shouldn't be too bad with a hero crest and decent weapon. If you have the chapter 8 hero crest to spare for him he's probably still salvageable. Otherwise, he's probably a lost cause.

Edited by SRC
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Thanks for explaining why he got around 7-10 levels of skill-luck. Also, Merric or Linde? Merric is sturdier but Linde is more offensive, and has aura.

Edited by momogeek2141
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Merric gets better promo gains, has better all around growths (Double Linde's HP and Def growths), and excalibur is lighter weight, has a high crit rate, and completely nukes fliers. It really isn't very close.

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Too bad FE3 is not like FE4 - FE5 where critical hits negate defense so in FE3 it is still possible for Radd to inflict 0 damage on like a general or something.

Which is why Arch's FE1 remake should migrate to FEXNA where someone could easily re-code the critical calculations, draw the maps, insert the custom battle animations, and rewrite the events/script.

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Doubled attack != negated defense

As in, FE5 Crit= (Mt*2)-DEF.

Though that would be a hell of a thing, if Radd got Luna (as well as a skill that increases SKILL based on HP Loss/Strength difference)? A legitimate reason to use Radd as opposed to the other 3 (4 if you count Athena) Myrmidons/Mercenaries? The reasons for Arch porting Exalted Legacy to FEXNA keep adding up, here.

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