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Screw Sims 4


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It's so terrible that it's literally unplayable. My laptop can't read it. It didn't read the disc at all at first, then it wouldn't install Origin (because it's required to play it), then it stopped trying to install it at all. I've tried half a dozen times now to get it to function.

I've never had any problems like this before, my laptop can play games from ten years ago just fine and it's Windows 8. And since this game is brand new, it obviously should be compatible with Windows 8.

So what the fuck, EA? -_-

Has anyone else had this issue with the game? Maybe found a solution?

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My mom said she wasn't crazy about it either, but I wanted to give it a shot anyway because while Sims 2 is amazing, imo, I'd like to be able to move on from it someday.

But I guess that's still not happening. Sigh...

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I wanted to base some Sims off of FE characters too because of the variety of hair colors available in Sims 4. I saw this in a video of the demo. But it looks like I'll have to either go back to Sims 2 again or give Sims 3 a second chance (I just didn't fancy it the first time).

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Are you sure you laptop has all the things required to play the game(what's required should be written on the box)? It might be that you need to change your video card... I haven't played Sims 2, but I can tell you that the third is better than the fourth, IMHO.

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Are you sure you laptop has all the things required to play the game(what's required should be written on the box)? It might be that you need to change your video card... I haven't played Sims 2, but I can tell you that the third is better than the fourth, IMHO.

If that were the case, she'd be having trouble in game rather than trying to install it. From what I've heard, there's a lot wrong with Sims 4. They're still working out a lot of ingame issues and the content is incredibly lacking. I'd give 3 another shot, I have a feeling that you'll like it if you give it some time.

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While I havent played the fourth yet, I heard that the third is better than the fourth. And from my experience, the third with a ton of dlcs is still fun.

It's fun even without it. More importantly, DLC was blatantly on the mind of EA when they released Sims 4 as they hacked out huge staples, such as pools, in Sims 4. You can TELL that they're just going to be sold as DLC later.

I heard someone mention a while back that Sims 4 was originally being designed to be an always-online experience similar to the Simcity boondoggle. But once they saw how bad that turned out they redesigned Sims 4 for solo-play, despite having been made with single-player in mind. I somehow doubt that this is true though. Seems more likely that they designed it for multiplayer, went '**** it' when they saw the reaction, and simply disabled the always-on requirement.

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If that were the case, she'd be having trouble in game rather than trying to install it. From what I've heard, there's a lot wrong with Sims 4. They're still working out a lot of ingame issues and the content is incredibly lacking. I'd give 3 another shot, I have a feeling that you'll like it if you give it some time.

True, but at the same time, my laptop isn't one of those fancy expensive gaming computers. Still, I thought it'd be able to handle the game because my last one could handle Sims 2 and every one of its expansions, including Stuff packs (I collected them all because I enjoyed it so much lol) and it wasn't a gaming computer either. But maybe Sims 4 is too much for this thing...

And maybe, I'll think about it.

Also, Sims games are always incredibly lacking in content from the beginning. It's how EA can pump out so many expansion packs. It never bothered me though, for some reason.

Edited by Anacybele
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lol Absent-minded Ike. You can make him as buff as you want in TS3, Ana. XD It will be worth your time. Trust me. I played it back in 2009 and I'm still having fun with it.


And there's Ellie.

I don't have a top-of-the-range PC either, but it still runs TS3 and around 3 EPs just fine.

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Oh wow, lol. Why'd you give Elincia a mole on her face though? XD

I guess I'll just give Sims 3 another chance sometime. :P

Felt like it, lol. Mind you, you need some custom content to get them to look like that, since TS3's head sizes are ridiculous. XD

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Ea doesnt give a shit about its fans. Simple as that. I bet sims 5 will be 59.99 and willl only have the features base sims 1 had.

Well, that will start biting them in the butt if that's the case...

Felt like it, lol. Mind you, you need some custom content to get them to look like that, since TS3's head sizes are ridiculous. XD

lol, I see. Will look into that.

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