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[SOLVED] [FE7] Blazer's All-Instrument Patch?


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(I hope this isn't the wrong place to post this...)

So, I was experimenting with music insertion lately and I came up with a little problem... Mainly, I needed to use Blazer's All-Instrument Patch for some testing, and it seems like the FEShrine site is down (which as far as I know, and I've googled a little, it's the only site where it is hosted).

So, here's the thing. Does anyone still have that Patch, per chance? I'm searching for the FE7 version.

Thanks in advance.

Edited by ShadielTH
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Here's one.


Now, there are actually two patches on Blazer's site - the original, completely jumbled up one (pointer wise), and a second version with the pointers fixed. This here's the second one, so it should work fine without any fiddling (it does for me - although drums muck up if I insert music via Sappy; they work perfectly fine if I go the old fashioned way and insert via hex editor). There's a notepad file in there as well - that'll give you the location of the instrument map, and where the patch inserts stuff. You may have to use it on a clean FE7 ROM, but I'm not entirely certain about that.

(I've also left the pointer for the instrument map in the notepad file just in case you're using a hex editor to insert music. But remember it's the offset, not the pointer, that you need to insert in Nightmare or Sappy (whichever is appropriate).)

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Well, thanks for the link, Wayward Winds!

Works perfectly (on a clean rom, at least) and the notepad file will be useful, thanks.

This topic can now be closed ooorr whatever. It is solved, though.

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it does for me - although drums muck up if I insert music via Sappy

You need to head to the drum track (probably track 10 in the txt file) and add a line that says .byte VOICE , 127 to the beginning

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You need to head to the drum track (probably track 10 in the txt file) and add a line that says .byte VOICE , 127 to the beginning

(Not that I'm going to start a full blown discussion in some else's topic, but...)

Thanks Agro! There's a lack of info on that issue on the board - people asking/commenting is easy enough to find, but not the answer. All I'd figured out was that the problem arose during the conversion from midi to .s file, and that it likely wasn't an issue with Sappy itself. Now I no longer have to decide between proper drums and cymbals, and getting things to loop properly!

Edited by Wayward Winds
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