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I honestly can't believe people were expecting much of this game to begin with. I wouldn't compare it to '06, but this game is the definition of mediocrity. I wouldn't bother playing it even if it was free. The sad part is that this had 3 years of development, while '06 had around a year. Big Red Button definitely proved their name.

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Hmmm... So now that the fact that the Wii-U version is a travesty is commonly known, has anyone been willing to try the 3ds version to see how it is? (It's definitely not something I'm willing to get, but I'm morbidly curious) I haven't heard much about it.

Edited by Monado Boy
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We all know the only reason the game exists is to promote the cartoon.

It's free money for the studio that's behind Boom.

Although I have heard the 3DS version is better than the Wii U version. Don't know why, though.

Also watch the first few minutes of this for cutscene antics:

Edited by Raven
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The reviews are IN!



And it seems both games are extremely subpar. I can't believe people thought this would be good, considering the quality of games published by Sega is seemingly random. And the fact that it's a cash-in for a TV show. That last bit is really important. Remember kids, NEVER buy a video game based on a TV show or movie, because 95% of the time they're mediocre at best.

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I personally haven't played the full 3DS version, but I've heard that after the first world, the game decides to focus on level exploration more so if you're fine with that, you may enjoy it. It's not winning any awards but its not an abomination of a game like some say. There are better games out there though.

However, the WiiU version has some flaws I cannot excuse and I wouldn't recommend it.

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I played the demo for the 3DS version. Surprisingly, it's not broken in any way. Definitely slower than your average Sonic game, and probably worse than Sonic Colors, but I might pick it up for a heavy discount.

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I played the demo for the 3DS version. Surprisingly, it's not broken in any way. Definitely slower than your average Sonic game, and probably worse than Sonic Colors, but I might pick it up for a heavy discount.

The 3DS version is actually the one that plays more like a Sonic game but progression was implemented poorly.

Edited by Sirius
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I played the demo for the 3DS version. Surprisingly, it's not broken in any way. Definitely slower than your average Sonic game, and probably worse than Sonic Colors, but I might pick it up for a heavy discount.

Sonic Colors is actually pretty good om the speed department (Unless you are talking about the DS version, I have only played the Wii version)

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I was referring to the quality of Sonic Colors, not the speed. But yes, Sonic Colors is faster than Shattered Crystal - both the Wii and DS versions.

Oh. Then again, it's really hard for a modern game to be better than Sonic Colors (Except Generations)

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