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Hello Ladies and GentleGeeks! My name is MasterMcDanil, and I'm relatively new to the Serenes Forest Forum Frontier. I've been a lurker for years, and only made an account recently, when I just felt the need to post how much I like Elibian Nights. XD Since then, I've been downloading patches left and right, playing as many as I can get a hold of. Playing so many great hacks, it inspired me to put forth an idea I've been crafting for a few months now, ever since I rewatched the Terminator TV show while playing Fire Emblem 7 again; A Steampunk-y Fire Emblem game. I've noticed that most hacks tend to revolve around a fantasy setting, not straying too far away from whatever game they're based off of. I mean, why would you?! Everything you need is already there... right? Well, it got me thinking about a Fire Emblem world that is just starting to edge into a more modern period. And from that STEAM EMBLEM a working title was born!.

So, after months of writing and designing, I have about 30 pages of notes written. Here's the general idea of this world... sorry if it's a bit confusing, my ideas get a bit jumbled sometimes.

- The world is primarily still in a fantasy setting, and is essentially comprised of 5 countries; An archipelago run by a council of Mages, a continent that contains two Monarchies, another continent that has an early Japanese Shogunate system, and an island that is highly advanced, run by a king, and is really just one big city.

- As of right now, there COULD be a story for 30 chapters. But I've heard that long hacks never get finished... so I'm sticking to the traditional 10, plus a few gaiden chapters

- These first ten chapters take place solely on this technologically advanced city/island, which is called "Elsinore". This city actually consists of 4 levels, with the poorest people living in the dark and dirty lowest level, and incredibly rich living in the top level, near the palace.

- The advanced technology is essentially ummm... robot based? I think. The militia and lower-level servants are all artificial creations (for which I have not thought of a cheesy and stupid name). Most of the technology is based around replacing limbs, eyes or other body parts, and around these robots. There are a few things that have become more modern, such as how weapons are made, and a few weapons have been upgraded... but for the most part things are relatively fantasy-like.

-The plot follows the young, incredibly handsome (and vain) prince of Elsinore, Luke. In the prologue, he barely escapes an assassination attempt on his life, and falls down through the many levels of Elsinore, coming to rest on the lowest (and poorest) level. His body broken, he is found by one of only three "Cybersmiths" in the world, Arnold, who rebuilds his shattered limbs and face, and nurses him back to health. The next 10 chapters is Luke's struggle to cope with his new body, his new image and his new life, and to find out who tried to have him killed.

- The general progression is that Luke will be moving up through the levels, until he reaches the top and discovers who hired the assassins.


Did any of that make sense? Probably not.


- New classes, items, and (if I'm lucky) new ways that weapons interact with characters

- All new maps and all new map tilesets

- New Mugs and sprites, not just recolors

- That's it hacking wise... I'm not looking to change up the gameplay so much as to create an interesting world and a compelling story


If I were to look at my skills... I would say I'm a pretty good on-stage actor, a decent scriptwriter, and an amazing okay world-builder.

*do you see what's missing?

That's right, I have absolutely NO artistic talent, and I apparently did NOT inherit my father's aptitude with hacking. So pretty much.. all I've got is ideas. 30 pages of story, growths, new classes, and a massive world to explore.

Sooooo That's my idea. :D I'd love to pursue it, but I pretty much would need some heavy support from spriters, mappers and hackers... at least until I've gotten my hacking sea legs underneath me.

Let me know what you think!

Edited by MasterMcdanil
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To be honest, this project seems more suited to be a short (or not so short) story. That isn't to say it couldn't work as a Fire Emblem hack, but it'd be more constraining to the narrative, require more manpower, and be accessible to a smaller audience.

Edited by Slartibartfast
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Well, that's what I thought as well... but then I happened upon some of the hacks on this forum... and some of the changes I'd be making would not be as difficult as it sounds. Granted, mayhaps it is better as a short story... but I did write the story with Fire Emblem in mind. I guess I'm just hoping somebody takes a chance, helps out for a bit and finds out it's impossible, rather than never try at all.

However, I do believe it would be possible... nay, it would be PROBABLE.waitaminute that's not that much better to build a great and unique hack with my concept.

although I will definitely look into that, thanks for the input :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Instead of this giant project, just try making a small project, maybe two chapters long, all on your own. See how that works out for you. Then, do it again, and again, and then finally make a bigger project. It'll work out for you in the long run, believe me.

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