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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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I see perfectly now

Thanks for clearing that up, TE

Do you know VincentASM personally?

if so, what kind of person is he?

not offline, since he lives in england and stuff, but yeah i used to bother him a lot talk to him back in fess, a decade ago

he's a humble guy who does his stuff seriously, but very lacking in ambition and distant from people

also a loser big brother, just like me

would befriend

favourite line/series of legos?

favourite lego set you've ever built?

first/current impressions of me?

will you accept Radd as your lord and saviour?

i'd say the modular house series, they're huge and detailed

i'll go with the parisian restaurant, i'm a sucker for the clever detailed furniture

i really don't know, sorry


i didn't want to be that guy, but fuck it

First and current impressions of me?

you used to be thunder and lightning, but you are now that guy
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one more: Opinion of FE3?

book 1 is garbage so i won't talk about it

book 2 had one of the most interesting stories in the series, though the game mechanics were fairly primitive

it was no coincidence that i accepted helping translate fe12

can i be that thunder and lightning guy?

sure why not Edited by TravelingElder
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Why do you call Vincent a loser big brother?

because from what i see, he's a big brother who kinda lost the admiration of his younger sibling

hey velhote what was your biggest gaming accomplishment

finishing phantasy star 2


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11. On the subject of Phantasy Star, your thoughts about Phantasy Star 3?

12. Preferred time of day?

13. Shining Force 2; Kazin - Sorceror or Wizard?

14. If you could teach someone just one thing, what would that be?

15. Do you ask enough questions, or are you satisfied with your current knowledge?

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What would be the one thing you would want more out of in your current living state?

What would you do if you were forced to spend time with those that just annoy you to no end?

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11. On the subject of Phantasy Star, your thoughts about Phantasy Star 3?

12. Preferred time of day?

13. Shining Force 2; Kazin - Sorceror or Wizard?

14. If you could teach someone just one thing, what would that be?

15. Do you ask enough questions, or are you satisfied with your current knowledge?

11. almost a sequel in name only, really

it has some interesting ideas (like tech grids and the generation system), but the execution is pretty subpar

btw, it was released in portuguese with a hilariously terrible retranslation from english (thankfully i didn't buy it)

12. the time when i get home from work

but i really like the silence of the night too

13. actually i never bothered using sorcerers in sf2, because of the whole "discard your spellbook and learn anew" shenanigan

so wizard by default

14. do you mean one subject or one idea

subject: i don't have much confidence outside of japanese... and even then

idea: don't stop studying, ever

15. neither, as weird as that might sound

What would be the one thing you would want more out of in your current living state?

What would you do if you were forced to spend time with those that just annoy you to no end?

ntg's attention

i wouldn't, if it's simply a social obligation or something

but at work, i just put up with it and bitch about it on the internet later

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6. how do you like your eggs

7. what do you think about POLYAMOROUS RELATIONSHIPS

8. what kind of soup is the best soup

9. classic, sweet, or gothic?

10. crumple or fold?

11. can harry dresden kill servants

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6. how do you like your eggs

7. what do you think about POLYAMOROUS RELATIONSHIPS

8. what kind of soup is the best soup

9. classic, sweet, or gothic?

10. crumple or fold?

11. can harry dresden kill servants

6. fried

7. absolutely disgusting

8. i'm not particularly picky about soup

9. classic

10. fold

11. i have no idea

When will you learn to cook?

when you teach me
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12. how many hats would you wear on your head

13. what material would your cape be made out of

14. how angry would you be if you found out that your donuts were made out of rice

15. what is the next level of logic

16. how hardcore can you make princesses

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12. how many hats would you wear on your head

13. what material would your cape be made out of

14. how angry would you be if you found out that your donuts were made out of rice

15. what is the next level of logic

16. how hardcore can you make princesses

12. i don't like hats tbh

13. something durable and practical, fanciness be damned

14. i'm okay with rice

15. meta logic

16. are we talking badass hardcore or porn hardcore

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