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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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1. First and current impressions?

2. Favorite video game?

3. How did you find Serenes Forest?

4. Did you get into Touhou because of Glac, or did someone else show it to you?

5. What's the first anime you ever watched?

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1. First impress--I mean, what's your favorite Fire Emblem game?

2. Favorite genre of music?

3. What's the longest you've gone without playing a video game?

4. Summer, or winter?

5. If you could learn one fighting style in an instant, which would you pick?

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Fudge I forgot about this. Thanks, Maka!

1. First and current impressions?

2. Favorite video game?

3. How did you find Serenes Forest?

4. Did you get into Touhou because of Glac, or did someone else show it to you?

5. What's the first anime you ever watched?

1. First: friendly/polite enough person. Seems easy to get along with.
Current: Still polite and friendly, humorous too. Nice to talk to and still easy to get along with.

2. That's a pretty tough one, and I dunno if I've ever actually decided. Persona 3 has my vote up until I think of another thing.

3. I've forgotten, actually. I think I found the main site through another site, found out it had a forum, and joined almost immediately. I had been to another forum before this one so I wasn't new to the concept.

4. I had heard of it beforehand and seen some gameplay and heard some music, but I never actually learned anything about it until I became friends with Glac.

5. I feel like it was either Bleach or Soul Eater. 2/3 of my sisters and most of my cousins were always into anime, so I've been watching it from a pretty young age.

1). first + last expressos?

2). do you drink anything with caffeine often

3). like roguelikes?

4). favorite breakfast meat?

5). favorite board game?

1. First: One of the hardest to describe people I've met. Interesting.
Current: Mostly unchanged, but my opinion of you has raised a bit, I think. You seem pretty cool.

2. Mostly BarqsTM root beer, which I don't drink as much as I did a year or two ago. I still do when I can though. I couldn't get into coffee, however.

3. I dunno if I've ever played any of those, but I've been meaning to try!

4. Probably bacon. I like it crispy, but not crunchy.

5. Apples to Apples, though I don't play too many.

1. Hey bby how u doin
2. First/current impressions?
3. Do you like Star Wars?
4. Have you ever walked out of a movie?
5. Impressions of HHH?

1. I'm doing pretty good! Bought Skyrim pretty recently and am excited to play a bit more of that.

2. First: Alright enough, I think? Not one I've talked to terribly often.
Curent: A pretty friendly, respectable person. Humorous.
3. I could never get into it, I'm afraid. The movies are meh but I noticed they're making a bunch of cartoons about it or something...? I don't like those though, seems like they ruined what they had going.
4. I've never been able to. I only go to movies with my mom, and since she's my ride home, I couldn't even if I wanted to.
5. I literally only posted in it the first time because Glac asked me to. I couldn't quit even if I wanted to since it was stuck in my content so I just went with it, but... I didn't like how a lot of it was just 1/2/3-word posts so people could raise their post counts, discussions on things I'm not familiar with, things like that.

1. First impress--I mean, what's your favorite Fire Emblem game?

2. Favorite genre of music?

3. What's the longest you've gone without playing a video game?

4. Summer, or winter?

5. If you could learn one fighting style in an instant, which would you pick?

1. Radiant Dawn. Tons of content, solid gameplay and story, things like that. I like Sword of Seals as well.
2. That's also a tough one. VGM, I suppose, since it's pretty... versatile? Is that the word? I dunno.
3. A month, maybe. It's not often, especially at this point in my life, that I sit down to play games, so usually I'm just fiddling around on a handheld.
4. They're the only 2/4 of the seasons I don't really care for. Summer is too hot (but it's the only free time I get), winter is cold af and I hate how wet it gets (and how dry my hands get, actually). I probably prefer summer though.
5. Tae Kwon Doe (is that how it's spelled)?

Hey there, big boy.

1.How was your summer?
2.Got any big plans for the future?
3.First impression of me.
4.Who would you like to cosplay as aside from Zelda Link.
5.Why do you like stupid cute shit?

hey bb <3

1. It was alright to start with but then it just dissolved into me doing nothing but leaving the house (going out of state, going to a family member's house, etc). I went maybe a month without being able to spend a night at my house. It was tiring.
2. To move out as soon as I can, and to do good in school so I won't have to depend on my mom in the slightest. That's all for now though.
3. Saw you in IPC at first I think. You were likable enough and were pretty funny too.
4. My sister and I are gonna do Alex/Ash from Hotline Miami next year! Aside from that, though, maybe Makoto Naegi or something. I had a whole list or something
5. I'm actually not sure. Maybe it's actually because of how dumb it is. :Kappa:

1. First and current impression of me?

2. Favorite thing about Radiant Dawn?

3. Who do you main in smash?

4. If you could travel back in time, where would you go?

1. I think you've always seemed pretty likable and level headed. I don't know you personally so I don't believe that's changed.
2. The gameplay is solid, there's tons of content, and... probably other stuff but that's all that's coming to me at the moment.
3. Shulk and Lucas are my mains, Mario and to a lesser extent, Villager, are my secondaries.

4. Somewhere in the 90s since everyone is always raving about it.

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3. I could never get into it, I'm afraid. The movies are meh but I noticed they're making a bunch of cartoons about it or something...? I don't like those though, seems like they ruined what they had going.

6. Which have you seen?

7. Which of the shows did you watch?

4. I've never been able to. I only go to movies with my mom, and since she's my ride home, I couldn't even if I wanted to.

8. Have you ever wanted to?

9. Ever played an Ys game?

10. Do you like Star Trek?

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6. Favorite anime opening song?

7. Are you going to get FE14?

8. Why are Swordmasters your favorite class?

9. Why the prepremote hate?

6. Mirai Nikki's first one, Psycho-Pass' second one, and... then there's an anime I haven't seen, but it has a really good intro. I wish I remember what it was called. :c

7. If I can, yeah. I'd like to before I hate on it anymore.

8. The high speed and skill is pretty appealing, and I like how graceful they are in Tellius.

9. Not sure. Maybe Shadow Dragon, due to being my first FE, is the culprit. Like, in Shadow Dragon, almost every prepromote is really bad. I just don't like how slowly they level and how I don't get to train them from a crappy unit to a god. They just start in between.


1. What would you say is your greatest strength?

2. What are your most common negative thoughts.

3. What's a game series you've always wanted to try, but never have?

4. If your life was a video game, what genre would it be?

5. What would the difficulty be set at?

6. Favorite touhou character?

7. Law, chaos, or neutral?

8. If you could learn any instrument overnight. what would it be?

9. What FE character do you relate to most?

10. First and current impressions?

1. I'm pretty understanding and usually friendly enough, I think? Unless I have a reason not to be.

2. Ohoho, there's a lot of 'em. Most common is hoping I'm not being annoying, wondering if my mom actually likes me, etc.

3. The mainline SMT games. I've played P3/P4 and DeSu 2 but no SMT ;-;

4. VN, I guess. It'd make the most sense.

5. Pretty hard if that works for VNs. Iunno.

6. Since most of 'em don't get much characterization, my vote goes for Koishi or Chen.

7. True Neutral.

8. Piano seems pretty cool.

9. Kellam. I dunno since most of them don't get much characterization.

10. First: Friendly enough, gave me a good laugh. Kind of naive though.

Current: A lot less naive but corrupted by the touhous.

6. Which have you seen?

7. Which of the shows did you watch?

8. Have you ever wanted to?

9. Ever played an Ys game?

10. Do you like Star Trek?

6. Bits and fragments of several of them. Haven't sat down to watch any of them since I'm not real big on it.

7. Clone Wars, iirc? Now they got this 'Rebels' thing that looks kinda dumb.

8. I usually don't go to many movies I don't like, so not really.

9. Nope.

10. Not really, it doesn't interest me a ton.

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Why 75

I was gonna do 100 but I didn't know if I would be able to do that, so if someone hits 75 and I decide I can handle more, then I'll raise it from there.

6. Current Impression of me?

7. Excited for High School?

8. Would you try to make your High School life like an anime?

9. What would your ideal girlfriend look/be like?

10. Would you rather be bishounen or gar?

6. Pretty rad dude. Funny but serious when he needs to be, good listener, and definitely very likable. Someone I'm glad to know, I think.

7. lol no. Mostly because of the workload I know it will have.

8. If it's actually interesting, then hell yes.

9. Someone who's kind, above all else. I'm not picky on appearance though.

10. Manly man. I'm already really tall for how old I am now so it could happen in the future.

...That is what gar means, right? I haven't heard that one very much.

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6. Favorite RD character?

7. Favorite FE Lord?

8. Are you a fan of the Marvel movies?

6. Will always be Edward. Monstrous growths, a neat PRF weapon, available from first chapter. His only problem is being stuck with the DB.

He was my MVP on 2/3 of my playthroughs, it was Haar on the other. Haar has my vote for second.

7. Probably Ephraim. Hector is alright too I guess.

8. Nah. I dunno why, but I've never been too big on the superhero type stuff, not even when I was younger.

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Hi Draco.

Starting with some standard questions.

1. Why the name Draco?

2. Have you played any of the older FE games?

3. Are you interested in languages and/or linguistics?

4. Are you interested in history?

5. Are you interested in law?

Why 75

Damn it, I was gonna ask this.

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Hi Draco.

Starting with some standard questions.

1. Why the name Draco?

2. Have you played any of the older FE games?

3. Are you interested in languages and/or linguistics?

4. Are you interested in history?

5. Are you interested in law?


1. uhhhhhhhhhh



hhhh. I dunno. I just thought it sounded neat and after awhile it just stuck. I don't have anything better that doesn't sound dumb, so I stick with it.

2. Oldest I've gone back to at the moment is Sword of Seals. I tried some of Genealogy but I couldn't get into it.

3. Kinda, yeah. I'd like to learn more than just English some day.

4. Not really. It's pretty uninteresting to me.

5. Kind of, actually, but not extensively. I'd just learn what I need to learn and be done with it, probably.

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6. Do you in any way identify with the Attican statesman Draco?

7. Do you in any way identify with a dragon?

8. Why no FE1?

9. What was it like being the Hittite crown prince for a few seconds?

10. First and current impressions of me?

6. "Draco's written law became known for its harshness, with the adjective "draconian" referring to similarly unforgiving rules or laws."

That's pretty cool, I think. I think if I became a powerful figure it would quickly go to my head and I'd go down in history as a tyrant or something. So yeah.

7. It defines it as 'Snake'. Snake is my Chinese Zodiac iirc. I used to think that Draco meant Snake (not dragon) so I think that's why I went with Draco. So yeah again.

8. It seems like it has aged very poorly. It's not one I would want to play. Plus I don't have the proper emulator.

9. It was the happiest few seconds of my life. ;~;

10. iirc at first you came across as pretty shy but also friendly and polite.

That's mostly changed since then but you still seem pretty polite.

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6. "Draco's written law became known for its harshness, with the adjective "draconian" referring to similarly unforgiving rules or laws."

That's pretty cool, I think. I think if I became a powerful figure it would quickly go to my head and I'd go down in history as a tyrant or something. So yeah.

7. It defines it as 'Snake'. Snake is my Chinese Zodiac iirc. I used to think that Draco meant Snake (not dragon) so I think that's why I went with Draco. So yeah again.

8. It seems like it has aged very poorly. It's not one I would want to play. Plus I don't have the proper emulator.

9. It was the happiest few seconds of my life. ;~;

10. iirc at first you came across as pretty shy but also friendly and polite.

That's mostly changed since then but you still seem pretty polite.

That's a pretty clever answer to 7, to be honest. Almost Hittite crown prince clever.

FE1 indeed hasn't aged very well, but it's still fun.

Are you saying I am not friendly anymore?

11. If you were to become a draconic tyrant, how would you pull it off? Would you leave the democratic system intact without taking any big titles for yourself, so you don't across as a tyrant, or would you give yourself all kinds of functions and titles, making yourself the unquestionable sole ruler?

12. How did you get into FE?

13. Why couldn't you get into FE4?

14. Would you play FE3? It's aged a lot better than FE1!

15. Why have you betrayed Radd?

Edited by Hattusili I
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Gonna go to bed after this one. Will respond to your next post some time in the morning.

That's a pretty clever answer to 7, to be honest. Almost Hittite crown prince clever.

FE1 indeed hasn't aged very well, but it's still fun.

Are you saying I am not friendly anymore?

11. If you were to become a draconic tyrant, how would you pull it off? Would you leave the democratic system intact without taking any big titles for yourself, so you don't across as a tyrant, or would you give yourself all kinds of functions and titles, making yourself the unquestionable sole ruler?

12. How did you get into FE?

13. Why couldn't you get into FE4?

14. Would you play FE3? It's aged a lot better than FE1!

15. Why have you betrayed Radd?

11. Unquestionable sole ruler, probably? I might have to give this one some more though though.
12. At around 8 years old, my closest cousin showed me Shadow Dragon when we both still had our DS Lites and I liked that one. Never played another FE until a few years later, at around 12.
13. It's aged kind of poorly and it's too different from what I'm used to.

14. Afaik, it's a FE12 without Kris so I'm all for that! I could give it a try someday.
15. I mean, to be fair. I had it longer than anyone whose name isn't, like, Hattusili I or Shinpichu. I had to delete it to make room for quotes but then I got rid of that, so I dunno.

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15. I mean, to be fair. I had it longer than anyone whose name isn't, like, Hattusili I or Shinpichu. I had to delete it to make room for quotes but then I got rid of that, so I dunno.

That's fine. I actually went some time without Radd in my sig, but shhhhhhhh.

And there's a lot more differences between FE3 and FE12 than just the avatar, but I'm not gonna spoil (also, I haven't played FE12).

16. What would your title(s) as tyrant be? President, king, great king, high king, emperor, something else?

17. Do you cycle?

18. Do you prefer giving short answers or do you like elaborating?

19. Latin-Greek mythology or Jewish-Christian mythology?

20. Do you play any musical instruments?

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That's fine. I actually went some time without Radd in my sig, but shhhhhhhh.

And there's a lot more differences between FE3 and FE12 than just the avatar, but I'm not gonna spoil (also, I haven't played FE12).

16. What would your title(s) as tyrant be? President, king, great king, high king, emperor, something else?

17. Do you cycle?

18. Do you prefer giving short answers or do you like elaborating?

19. Latin-Greek mythology or Jewish-Christian mythology?

20. Do you play any musical instruments?

16. High King seems most appealing out of those.

17. Probably not. High King would be a permanent title.

18. I like to elaborate when I can, but sometimes I'm not able to.

19. I actually kinda like Latin-Greek, so that one's got my answer.

20. Though I haven't touched one since then, I did learn to play guitar in 6th grade. (for reference, I'm going into 8th once the Summer is over)

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11. Do you like any sci fi?

12. Played any of the Lego games?

13. Have you seen Forrest Gump?

14. Read any good books lately?

15. Who is worst Touhou?

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