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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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11. Do you like any sci fi?

12. Played any of the Lego games?

13. Have you seen Forrest Gump?

14. Read any good books lately?

15. Who is worst Touhou?

11. Yeah. Sort of depends on the series though.

12. Yeahhh but I didn't like them. I have a bias against them, like, 'What can they do that the non-Lego version can't?' or something

13. I haven't.

14. I read the Hunger Games trilogy and the Maze Runner books when I was in 7th grade (last school year). I liked them both a lot.

15. Damn, I had a list of this iirc. Most of them don't get a lot of characterization so it's hard to like or hate many of them buuuut I don't recall liking Yukari very much since iirc she's a dick to Ran or something? I don't remember. I also don't like Emerald's waifu, the, uhhhhh... tanooki girl?

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9. Do you know the Muffin Man?

10. Do you know where the Muffin Man lives?

11. Have you ever had one of the Muffin Man's muffins?

9. Yes, I know the muffin man,

The muffin man, the muffin man,

Yes, I know the muffin man,

Who lives in Drury Lane.

10. He lives in Drury Lane.

11. Nah.

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12. Well why haven't you had any of his muffins?!

13. Is this the most random set of questions you've gotten so far?

14. ...muffins, or cupcakes?

15. Aren't my questions the best?

12. I haven't gotten around to it.

13. Yeah, probably?

14. uhhh probably cupcakes

15. To be honest, not really. I'd prefer something a bit more serious.

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16. Are there any movie genres you completely loathe?

17. Do you watch any sports?

18. Did you ever make a mud pie as a toddler?

19. Do you like to write or draw?

20. What's your favorite holiday?

it's all good m8, I don't really mind.

16. None that I know of. There's ones I don't particularly care for but that's it.

17. I'm afraid not. Sports don't interest me.

18. Almost! But ultimately, no.

19. I'm trying to get into writing (not fanfictions, mostly just stuff for school) but I don't really have the talent for drawing.

20. Christmas, if nothing else. Halloween too.

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21. Any particular reason you like Christmas and Halloween?

22. Would you rather shovel the driveway, or mow the lawn?

23. What foreign country would you like to visit, if any?

24. Could you survive without the internet for a month or more?

25. Are you afraid of rodents?

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21. Any particular reason you like Christmas and Halloween?

22. Would you rather shovel the driveway, or mow the lawn?

23. What foreign country would you like to visit, if any?

24. Could you survive without the internet for a month or more?

25. Are you afraid of rodents?

21. Halloween for the candy, Christmas is hard to describe. I like the presents, but mostly I like the time spent with family.

22. That's a tough one. I do most of the housework around here (I'm not kidding, actually) so I usually end up stuck with both, but probably mow the lawn since I don't have to bundle up a bunch for it.

23. Canada seems pretty cool, so does Japan I think?

24. I have before, several times, and totally could again. I'd rather not though since the internet is where I spend a majority of my free time.

25. Never ran into many, if any, of them so probably not.

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26. What about spiders and other arachnids? Do you have arachnophobia?

27. Have you ever seen the movie "Arachnophobia" with John Goodman and Jeff Daniels?

28. Who's your favorite Fire Emblem character?

29. Have you ever gone camping?

30. If you could instantly master one melee weapon (sword, axe, etc.), which would you pick?

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Well why do you want to come here?

Same reason I said. Only thing I got is that it looks pretty cool.

Though I don't like that it's apparently 'frozen half the year', it still looks at least mildly appealing and I'd like to visit it at least once if given the chance.

26. What about spiders and other arachnids? Do you have arachnophobia?

27. Have you ever seen the movie "Arachnophobia" with John Goodman and Jeff Daniels?

28. Who's your favorite Fire Emblem character?

29. Have you ever gone camping?

30. If you could instantly master one melee weapon (sword, axe, etc.), which would you pick?

26. I don't, actually. I like spiders, they get rid of the bugs that I don't like.

27. Nope.

28. I thought you asked me this one...? Anyhow, probably Edward.

29. All the goddamn time. At least 3 times every summer. Not like I like it; I'm an inside person.

30. Sword, definitely.

Fun fact: Ever since I remember, I've been collecting any sort of sword I could, real or fake, wooden or metal. Anything shaped like one too. Always liked 'em.

Only real one I own to this day is also 1/2 of the ones I own that still have the sheath. It looks pretty cool though.

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I think that's all the questions I have, at least for tonight. As for that Fire Emblem question, I double-checked to make sure I hadn't asked yet. The ones I asked before were "favorite game" "favorite RD character" and "favorite Lord" so this one was new!

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Ahh, maybe I was thinking of someone else? Sorry about that.

Thanks for all the questions by the way! If you ever have any more I'm happy to answer them.

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Draco, what inspired your current username?

What would you use if Draco was taken?

It defines it as 'Snake' in some dictionaries I think. Snake is my Chinese Zodiac iirc. I used to think that Draco actually meant Snake (not dragon) so I think that's why I went with Draco.

I dunno, maybe one of my older usernames? Probably Anguis since I never realized how dumb 'Dracojawn' sounded.

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31. Have you read any of The Chronicles of Narnia books?

32. Have you seen any of The Chronicles of Narnia movies?

33. Bow and arrows, or crossbow?

34. Favorite Pegasus/Falcon Knight in all of Fire Emblem? Playable, boss, NPC...whatever. Which one?

35. Have you ever swallowed a bug, on accident or otherwise?

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31. Have you read any of The Chronicles of Narnia books?

32. Have you seen any of The Chronicles of Narnia movies?

33. Bow and arrows, or crossbow?

34. Favorite Pegasus/Falcon Knight in all of Fire Emblem? Playable, boss, NPC...whatever. Which one?

35. Have you ever swallowed a bug, on accident or otherwise?

31. I haven't.

32. I haven't.

33. I'm actually trained with bows and actually pretty alright at shooting accurately with it. I've never touched a crossbow, though, so bows.

34. I almost never use them, so either Catria or Tate.

35. I haven't, accident or otherwise.

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36. What's your favorite pizza topping?

37. Fried chicken or BBQ?

38. If you could make one of your favorite series (whether it be a game, book, movie, etc.) real, which would you pick?

39. Would you go on an African safari if given the chance?

40. Have my questions improved?

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36. What's your favorite pizza topping?

37. Fried chicken or BBQ?

38. If you could make one of your favorite series (whether it be a game, book, movie, etc.) real, which would you pick?

39. Would you go on an African safari if given the chance?

40. Have my questions improved?

36. Pepperoni.

37. BBQ.

38. Skyrim, probably?

39. No thanks. I would rather stay at home.

40. I think so, yes.

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Ayyyyo, Draco

What it do?

Are you looking forward to this coming school year? Why or why nah?

Obligatory impression blah, you know the drill

Impression of yourself?

Which interviewees were your favorite?

First time YOU ever RP'd?

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