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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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9. First was moving to Cali. What's the next three big things to do on your list?

10. Do you change avatars a lot because you get bored quickly of them?

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9. First was moving to Cali. What's the next three big things to do on your list?

10. Do you change avatars a lot because you get bored quickly of them?

9. Hm... does getting a job count. Maybe moving in with Ein in the future. That's the only one I can think of.

10. Yup, pretty much the reason why.

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11. Favourite clothes?

12. How much do you love pink?

13. How much Chinese do you know?

14. Are you bored?

15. Can you cook?

11. Dresses and skirts! Pretty ones!

12. A loooooooooooooot. I like pink clothes, have pink: bedsheets and pillowcases, have some pink clothes or maybe nighties, pink plushies, let's see... pink flowers! And if I could, I'd have pink walls too.

13. Decently to communicate, I guess... but not in deep conversations.

14. Very bored.

15. Nope, only rice and Chinese sausage though. I forgot how to cook salmon by now. ;w;

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pink pink pink <3

16. Which two SF members would you put secluded on a desert island for two weeks?

17. Do you like playing pranks on people?

18. Which SF member would you put in political power?

19. Which thread on SF would you make into its own subforum if you had the power?

20. How many penguins does it take to outweigh Ein?

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pink pink pink <3

16. Which two SF members would you put secluded on a desert island for two weeks?

17. Do you like playing pranks on people?

18. Which SF member would you put in political power?

19. Which thread on SF would you make into its own subforum if you had the power?

20. How many penguins does it take to outweigh Ein?


16. Hm... Charlie and Tangerine. *runs*

17. Not really.

18. Vincent. >_> <_< TOTALLY NOT CHEATING.

19. FE4 thread so it's all special again.

20. I asked Ein and he said probably 3-4 so... probably around there.

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15. Nope, only rice and Chinese sausage though. I forgot how to cook salmon by now. ;w;

QQ. Y u forget :(

5. You are forced to become half-human, and half some other animal. What would you choose, what bestial features would you take on, and why?

6. What would be your reaction if you woke up in that way?

Edited by Interest
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QQ. Y u forget :(

5. You are forced to become half-human, and half some other animal. What would you choose, what bestial features would you take on, and why?

6. What would be your reaction if you woke up in that way?

I'm sorry. :<

5. Probably half cat. I'd like their (night) vision. And maybe cat ears. Night vision because then I wouldn't have to be afraid of the dark and know exactly where everything is. Also energy efficient! I wouldn't need to turn on the lights! But yeah.

6. I'd be pretty freaked out, as I told you. As much as I'm not proud of being human, I think I rather stay as full human than half human and half animal...

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I know I said I wasn't feeling motivated, and I'm still not, but I'll give it a go, regardless.

1. Hey Shirley?

2. Have you had Paella before? If so, what did you think of it?

3. Did you ever get a new psp charger?

4. Favorite fruit? (if for some reason you would include tomato, exclude it)

5. What are your dreams?

6. Which part of your life is your favorite, past or present? (If not favorite, preferred)

7. Which of the seven virtues do you think can do the most harm to a person?

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I know I said I wasn't feeling motivated, and I'm still not, but I'll give it a go, regardless.

1. Hey Shirley?

2. Have you had Paella before? If so, what did you think of it?

3. Did you ever get a new psp charger?

4. Favorite fruit? (if for some reason you would include tomato, exclude it)

5. What are your dreams?

6. Which part of your life is your favorite, past or present? (If not favorite, preferred)

7. Which of the seven virtues do you think can do the most harm to a person?

1. Hey! o/

2. Nope, but it looked pretty delicious until I saw it has rabbit in it. But if there is a seafood version of it, I'd love to try it someday!

3. Nope... >_>

4. lmao not tomato. Probably apples.

5. Hm... Living with Ein, holding a stable job, and staying in California probably!

6. I'd probably say present, if only because I rather not think on the past and my past was mostly tragic anyway.

7. I'd say wrath because I think you'd never know what one can do in the moment of heat/anger/etc.

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Heheh, virtues, Shirley

Also, with regards to the paella, you can always get a seafood paella instead. There are many kinds of paella.

Edited by Soledai
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Heheh, virtues, Shirley

Also, with regards to the paella, you can always get a seafood paella instead. There are many kinds of paella.

woooooow I just

I dunno what I read. @_@

Okay, redoing: I think temperament because of the whole restraint idea... I think. Kind of hard to choose one. >_>

Wow, I really derped.

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You answered a later question though, so it's all good.

8. What flavor ice cream do you like most?

9. if you had 45 seconds to address the world, what would you say?

10. What do you enjoy doing the most and have you done it lately? If not, why not?

11. Do you ask enough questions or are you satisfied with your current level of knowledge?

12. Fiction or non-fiction? Why?

13. Which of the 12 zodiac, that isn't yours, do you like the most?

14. Have you played any of the Trauma Center games? If so, did you like what you played? If not, would you?

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You answered a later question though, so it's all good.

8. What flavor ice cream do you like most?

9. if you had 45 seconds to address the world, what would you say?

10. What do you enjoy doing the most and have you done it lately? If not, why not?

11. Do you ask enough questions or are you satisfied with your current level of knowledge?

12. Fiction or non-fiction? Why?

13. Which of the 12 zodiac, that isn't yours, do you like the most?

14. Have you played any of the Trauma Center games? If so, did you like what you played? If not, would you?

Oooh. :o

8. Oreo!!

9. Don't fuck it up.

10. Playing video games, but not lately... because depression blows.

11. I don't ask enough questions, but I'm not really satisfied with my current knowledge. Mostly shyness and fear of looking stupid prevents me from asking more.

12. Probably fiction because reading is like an escape for me, and I like more fantasy-type of escape... usually. And to know that it can't really happen in real life is a bit reassuring.

13. Western: Scorpio probably, because compatibility. 8) Chinese: horse because Ein since I love horses and they're usually independent.

14. Nope, but possibly. I'm afraid of messing up though...

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Do you think TheOldMan has finally gone senile?

Curse your meddlesome edits, OldMan. Now this question makes no sense!

Edited by Starman
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why do you say the penguin is evil

Because Ein IS evil! He ... uh... He noms me. :<!

Do you think TheOldMan has finally gone senile?

Curse your meddlesome edits, OldMan. Now this question makes no sense!

What. I don't think he has. What did he ask first.
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Because Ein IS evil! He ... uh... He noms me. :<!

how is that evil if you nom him back

What. I don't think he has. What did he ask first.

see fe4t
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how is that evil if you nom him back

see fe4t

Oh right. He just is evil! Penguins are evil by default too.. they slap each other around with their wings/flippers at times.

I don't see anything related. >_>

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Oh right. He just is evil! Penguins are evil by default too.. they slap each other around with their wings/flippers at times.

I don't see anything related. >_>

but you like penguins, does that mean you're evil too


so don't worry about it

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