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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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Okay so..

6. If I were to draw you..example: [spoiler=]LBFxjXu.gif

what hair colour and style would you want? ALSO what shade of blue do you prefer?

Hair color should be a bit, like, more brownish. A tinge I think.

as for blue, a bit lighter in tone.

18) Cats or Dogs?

19) Based on Hashuni Mei's question, are you Canadian?

20) First Impression of me? Current Impression of me?

18) I like dogs!

19) nope.

20) First/current: you seem alright.

1) First and current impressions of me because I am curious

2) Uhhhh... What's your favorite holiday?

3) What are your opinions on cheese (any and all varieties)?

4) Do you have a favorite piece of clothing?

1) First: Oh an artist, that's nito. Current: you're a really cool person.

2) Probably christmas.

3) J'aime le fromage.

4) My fedora you might've seen a few times in my pictures.

You should read some. I recommend the Thrawn trilogy. Especially if you can get the audio books read by Marc Thompson.

I wonder if reading some EU will change your opinion...

It's so bad even George Lucas wants you to forget it

21. Do you like Star Trek?

22. What of the EU have you experienced? Games, comics, whatever.

23. Favorite Star Wars music piece?

24. Favorite made-up SW language?

25. Venator or Imperial class Star Destroyers?

I see, I'll keep it in mind.

Fair enough.

21. haven't experienced any of it so no opinion.

22. the three rogue Squadron games, Shadows of the Empire N64. Nothing else from what I can remember.

23. Battle of fates.

24. I .. can't really chose one.

25. Imperial.

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24. I .. can't really chose one.

you should pick the one from Jedi that only has one word.

26. Favorite Starfighter from the prequels?

27. Seen any of the TV shows?

28. Favorite ground vehicle?

29. Favorite red shirt from the space battles (and Hoth)?

30. Favorite planet?

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you should pick the one from Jedi that only has one word.

26. Favorite Starfighter from the prequels?

27. Seen any of the TV shows?

28. Favorite ground vehicle?

29. Favorite red shirt from the space battles (and Hoth)?

30. Favorite planet?

bochi i guess.

26. Naboo N-1 starfighter.

27. Some of the first wooden CGI series. I don't think i've watched any of the other ones much.

28. AT-AT

29. Wedge Antilles.

20. Maybe Hoth.

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1. Ever play any of the Tekken games?

2. Opinion on fighting games in general (excluding Smash Bros.)?

3. Would you dye your hair blue/green/purple/some other unnatural color?

4. Favorite book?

5. Any music genres you hate?

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1. Ever play any of the Tekken games?

2. Opinion on fighting games in general (excluding Smash Bros.)?

3. Would you dye your hair blue/green/purple/some other unnatural color?

4. Favorite book?

5. Any music genres you hate?

1. I remember playing tag tournament, in the time before times.

2. They're pretty great, but I fucking suck at remembering combos and stuff.

3. Was thinking about doing that eventually for cosplay.

4. Probably to kill a mockingbird.

5. OH HERE WE GO. Rap, R&B, modern pop, hip hop, when people do covers of good songs but make it sound shit.

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wedge doesn't count

31. Would you rather be eaten by a Sarlacc or spend a week with Jar-Jar?

32. Favorite sound effect from the films?

33. Good things about the prequels?

34. Favorite lightsaber type?

35. Are you interested in the new Battlefront game?

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wedge doesn't count

31. Would you rather be eaten by a Sarlacc or spend a week with Jar-Jar?

32. Favorite sound effect from the films?

33. Good things about the prequels?

34. Favorite lightsaber type?

35. Are you interested in the new Battlefront game?

Wedge always count.

31. Isn't it obvious? Sarlacc, at least that'll end quickly.

32. wilhelm.

33. ............................. battle of fates.

34. Standard, although the sabre-saber from EpII was okay.

35. Kind of, yeah. If only i had a console for it.

hi kalas?

Hi tonton.

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1.5) sup?

2) what ys games have you played?

3) favorite ys song?

4) played any other falcom games?

1.5) Not much.

2) 1&2, Some of Origins and some of SEVEN.

3) either first steps towards wars or Scarlet tempest.

4) i.. .don't think so.

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36. Battle of Yavin, Hoth, or Endor?

37. Favorite droid?

38. You like Darth Maul?

39. Have you seen the Red Letter Media videos?

40. How are you feeling about Episode 7?

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36. Battle of Yavin, Hoth, or Endor?

37. Favorite droid?

38. You like Darth Maul?

39. Have you seen the Red Letter Media videos?

40. How are you feeling about Episode 7?

36. Probs Yavin.

37. Those ones from Revenge that get burned up by R2.

38. He's okay. I heard that

he comes back in the CG series though

, and I don't know what to think about that.

39. No mister.

40. Kinda hype, but won't watch it until it comes to DVD.

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41. How do you feel abou Rogue One?

42. Favorite monster from the films?

43. Yub-nub or Victory Celebration?

44. Thoughts on the Ewoks?

45. Favorite random Rebel general (Dodonna, Rieekan, or Madine)?

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6. Favorite Marvel Cinematic Universe movie so far (if you watch them)?

7. Favorite Marvel character?

8. Apples or oranges?

9. Chocolate or vanilla?

10. Any movies you're REALLY excited for that are coming out in theaters later this year?

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6. Favorite Marvel Cinematic Universe movie so far (if you watch them)?

7. Favorite Marvel character?

8. Apples or oranges?

9. Chocolate or vanilla?

10. Any movies you're REALLY excited for that are coming out in theaters later this year?

6. I hate them and think they're overdone and overrated so none.

7. Probably Deadpool, but i don't comics so.

8. Apples.

9. Chocolate.

10. None Applicable.

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6) when are you finishing origins (with all characters obv)

7) when are you finishing seven

8) when are you playing other ys games

9) when are you playing other falcom games

10) has my questionnaire gotten annoying yet

6) Eventually

7) Eventually

8) when money is a thing

9) Refer to 8

10) 5/10

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