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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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He's the Emperor/Palpatine.

76. Least favorite line from the original trilogy?

77. Favorite character overall from the original trilogy?

78. Favorite random little thing from the Star Wars films?

79. Which film has the best score(soundtrack)?

80. What's your opinion on practical effects vs. CGI?

Oh. He was pretty good.

76. hmm... "he's just like his father," "that's what i'm afraid of." I don't know i'm kinda reaching there.

77. Han.

78. potato rock.

79. That's a really hard one and I can't remember any specific ones. Maybe Ep V?

80. Practical.

also did you answer my TIE question?

Not yet, sowwy.

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well GET ON IT

Touhou RS question:

81. You're put in charge of making the Touhou RS. Who do you make playable, and what are their abilities?

82. Give me five missions to include in the game.

Back to regular Star Wars

83. What's stopping you from playing KotOR, lack of interest or some technical/monetary limitation?

84. Would you ride a TaunTaun?

85. Would you eat a TaunTaun?

Edited by shinpichu
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well GET ON IT

Touhou RS question:

81. You're put in charge of making the Touhou RS. Who do you make playable, and what are their abilities?

82. Give me five missions to include in the game.

Back to regular Star Wars

83. What's stopping you from playing KotOR, lack of interest or some technical/monetary limitation?

84. Would you ride a TaunTaun?

85. Would you eat a TaunTaun?


81. Reimu is balanced like the X Wing. Marisa is probably an A wing. Youmu would be B wing because yes. Y wing might be... fuck if i know, sakuya? Speeder got me confused too. The falcon might be Yukari, because it was great in the original RS. The ties would be various fairy type people.

82. Raid on the scarlet devil mansion. Raid on the mood. Defense of the shrine against Tenshi. got me stumped on the others too

83. Money stuff.

84. No.

85. no.

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86. Is there any thing in particular you'd like to see Disney make a Star Wars movie about?

87. Who's your favorite character from the prequels?

88. Have you seen Ralph McQuarrie's Star wars art?

89. How do you feel about the old X-Wings vs. the new X-Wings?(in Ep. VII)

90. Favorite silly flub/special effect failure from the original trilogy?

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86. Is there any thing in particular you'd like to see Disney make a Star Wars movie about?

87. Who's your favorite character from the prequels?

88. Have you seen Ralph McQuarrie's Star wars art?

89. How do you feel about the old X-Wings vs. the new X-Wings?(in Ep. VII)

90. Favorite silly flub/special effect failure from the original trilogy?

86. none really.

87. mace windu is the only character.

88. Nopeeee.

89. I haven't seen them so no opinion.

90: the stormtrooper hitting his head on the door.

1. 1st impression of me.

2. When did you start gaming?

3. What was the first game you played?

4. What console?

5. Food preference? (e.g veggie, fruits etc.)

1. HE seems cool, he plays MH4U so.

2. when i was like 6 i think

3. SM64.

4. the N64.

5. none really.

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88. Nopeeee.

You should really look them up sometime.

91. What are you most excited about in the new SW films?

92. What are you most worried about in the new SW films?

93. See this piece of B-Wing concept art: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/File:MCQ-bwing.jpg

Do you think the B-Wing looks better or worse than the final design?

94. Do you own any Lego SW sets?

95. How do you feel knowing the music from the cantina scene in Ep. IV is called "jizz music?"

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You should really look them up sometime.

91. What are you most excited about in the new SW films?

92. What are you most worried about in the new SW films?

93. See this piece of B-Wing concept art: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/File:MCQ-bwing.jpg

Do you think the B-Wing looks better or worse than the final design?

94. Do you own any Lego SW sets?

95. How do you feel knowing the music from the cantina scene in Ep. IV is called "jizz music?"

I hsould huh?

91. the original cast being there

92. The original cast dying or something.

93. Looks alright but the no rotation doesn't look cool

94. Had a B wing and a Boba Fett-era Slave 1.

95. (´・ω・`)

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yes you should.

96. Would you watch a KotOR movie?

97. What do you think of the battle at the opening of Revenge of the Sith?

98. What's your favorite thing about the B-Wing?

99. Do you know/care about the female X-Wing pilot cut from Return of the Jedi?

100. Would you eat any of the animals seen in the Star Wars movies?

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yes you should.

96. Would you watch a KotOR movie?

97. What do you think of the battle at the opening of Revenge of the Sith?

98. What's your favorite thing about the B-Wing?

99. Do you know/care about the female X-Wing pilot cut from Return of the Jedi?

100. Would you eat any of the animals seen in the Star Wars movies?


96. I'd want to play them first but probably.

97. It was alright.

98. It's designed to destroy star destroyers so.

99. Vaguely know of her, yes. I wonder why.

100. Probably notttt.

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101. Would you prefer to be crushed by a garbage compactor or slowly digested alive by a Sarclacc?

102. Since Factor 5 is defunct, who would you want to see develop a theoretical RS4?

103. Do you ever get sick of seeing the Battle of Hoth in video games?

104. Have you played, or do you have any interest in playing, TIE Fighter?

105. Opinion on each Star wars film?

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101. I don't know, they both sound bad.
102. I don't know many Western game companies. Maybe the guys doing Battlefront 2015.
103. Nah, not really.
104. I havne't played it but i'm real interested in it.
105. Ep 1: slow but gets the point across i guess.
Ep 2. Drawn out by "romance" but still alright for what it is.
Ep 3. I was actually scared of it as a kid but it's okay I guess. Does its job at showing Anakin's transformation to darth Dad.
Ep 4. A bit slow to pick up but it's great.
Ep 5. Improved on the original greatly. Like holy wow.
Ep 6. A bit too cutesy butit deserves the praise it gets.

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6. What was your first Monster Hunter game?

7. Do you think Generation 5 Monster Hunter will introduce aerial combat? (aka flying/gliding with weapons)

8. When did you start playing 2hu?

9. How did you get tall?! =_=

10. Have you ever visited Canada?

Edited by Jester Capri
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Alright, I'm done with the SW questions.

106. You have a Steam?

107. What's your Skype?

108. How do you feel about being asked 100 Star wars questions?

109. Has your impression of me changed at all?

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6. What was your first Monster Hunter game?

7. Do you think Generation 5 Monster Hunter will introduce aerial combat? (aka flying/gliding with weapons)

8. When did you start playing 2hu?

9. How did you get tall?! =_=

10. Have you ever visited Canada?

6. MHTri on the wii.

7. I don't know, that sounds like it's too complex, but it would be great. MAybe like a flying aid would be it. I mean MHStories will have dragon buds so.

8. Ehhhh i think...2010? Wow that long.

9. Beats me dude.

10. what's canada? No i haven't.

Alright, I'm done with the SW questions.

106. You have a Steam?

107. What's your Skype?

108. How do you feel about being asked 100 Star wars questions?

109. Has your impression of me changed at all?

106. Yes I do. Pretty sure i'm under the same UN there too. I'm in Tonton and shock's friend lists.

107. It's on my profile.

108. It was a trap.

109. Nerd.

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touhou x ys game featuring momiji

what ys game would you want it to be based on

maybe Origin because it seems to have the deepest single person (as in no party) combat of the series. I haven't played Napishtim or Felghana so i can't say

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would you want to be involved in hhh x ltpw crossover thingy?

thoughts of The King of Pop?

106. Yes I do. Pretty sure i'm under the same UN there too. I'm in Tonton and shock's friend lists.

can confirm

Can confirm this too, fam

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would you want to be involved in hhh x ltpw crossover thingy?

thoughts of The King of Pop?

i don't know. somewhat hesitant since it might require speaking with people i don't know, but maybe.

He was a great man. Shame to see him go.

1. Do you follow politics? If so, what are your thoughts on the current political landscape?

1. What the fuck is going on with you all. Like this isn't how a country should be run, i'd think. Mexicans aren't all drug dealers and rapists, Trump, and you shouldn't misattribute them as such.

I'm going to eat in a bit. keep the questions coming if you want.

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would you squee over sukusku like capri does?


i don't know. somewhat hesitant since it might require speaking with people i don't know, but maybe.

it's like

still planning who'll be involved

shezzy has a nice idea on who from ltpw would like to be in but eh

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