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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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I lied about there being no more SW questions

110. Death Star I or II?

oh no

110. No pref.

21. What are your triggers?

21. Gun triggers.

1. What brought you to the forest?

2. What do you do for a living? Just in general. You don't have to answer if its too personal.

3. Hobbies outside of gaming?

1. Resources for being not a scrub at FE9 and shit.

2. Nothing.

3. Existing but even that's boring me.

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11. Judging by your lack of desire for having children, are you aromantic?

12. Would you want to one day gain Koishi's power?

13. Have you ever wanted immortality, or just slowed aging?

14. Do you think Dark Souls III will "suck" more like how Dark Souls II "sucked" compared to DaS I?

15. What would you do if you encounter me irl?

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11. Judging by your lack of desire for having children, are you aromantic?

12. Would you want to one day gain Koishi's power?

13. Have you ever wanted immortality, or just slowed aging?

14. Do you think Dark Souls III will "suck" more like how Dark Souls II "sucked" compared to DaS I?

15. What would you do if you encounter me irl?

11. I wouldn't say that no.

12. The power of not being noticed? Sometimes i'd like that...

13. Slowly aging. Immortality fucking sucks because then i can't die which means i'm mokou (and I don't want to be mokou)

14. Probably not? The first two are great games in their own way so i don't see why the third would be like that.

15. I dunno. Say like "hi capri" or something.

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21. Do you know really bad pick up lines?

22. How about puns, know any really bad puns?

23. Do you like apple pie?

24. What about pie in general?

25. When's the last time you ate pie?

26. Do you know when pie was invented?

27. What about cherry pie? Yes, no?

28. What dark ritualistic holidays do you celebrate?

29. Do you celebrate Pi day?

: o

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It's known as a "sukusuku hakutaku," a species of creatures that are adapted from touhou character Keine Kamashirasawa's were-hakutaku form. They're mostly based on touhou characters (the suku in my signature isn't based on miss Keine). They're probably unique to the Touhou fandom but maybe if you fish around you'll probably see one based on a non-touhou character

21. Do you know really bad pick up lines?

22. How about puns, know any really bad puns?

23. Do you like apple pie?

24. What about pie in general?

25. When's the last time you ate pie?

26. Do you know when pie was invented?

27. What about cherry pie? Yes, no?

28. What dark ritualistic holidays do you celebrate?

29. Do you celebrate Pi day?

: o

21. Hey girl are you breakfast because i'd eat you up.

22. I don't know, it would be really pungent.

23. I suppose, yeah.

24. They're okay but i haven't eaten many.

25. A while back.

26. No.

27. No.

28. Chistmas, Thanksgiving and 4th of July.

29. Oh hell yeah.

Edited by Komeiji Koishi
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30. What's your dad's name?
31. What's your mom's name?
32. Have you ever used the love calculator?
33. Have you ever played the akinator?
35. Do you like zee pegapony sisters?
36. Do you want to be a pegapony person?
37. Have you watched Saint Seiya?
38. Do some bums live UNDER DA SEAAA, UNDER DA SEA~?
39. What do think is a better for the title muh new SRPG, Baka Bumblem or or Bum Bakablem?
40. You know what foxy foxes who love money say, right?
41. Why do people die when they are killed?
42. Do some bums like to live underground?
43. What's something utterly stupid you've done in FTFF?
44. Do you think I'll beat your record of questions asked?
45. Do you want senpai to notice you?
46. WELL WHAT ABOUT KOUHAI. Nobody ever cares about kouhai, want kouhai notice you too?
47. Pick one: iguanas or sloths, which is better?
48. Have you played Earthbound?
49. Is murrica the eagles, or are the eagles the murrica?
50. Do you consider yourself a goddamn independent, or just a damn independent?

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30. What's your dad's name?

31. What's your mom's name?

32. Have you ever used the love calculator?

33. Have you ever played the akinator?


35. Do you like zee pegapony sisters?

36. Do you want to be a pegapony person?

37. Have you watched Saint Seiya?

38. Do some bums live UNDER DA SEAAA, UNDER DA SEA~?

39. What do think is a better for the title muh new SRPG, Baka Bumblem or or Bum Bakablem?

40. You know what foxy foxes who love money say, right?

41. Why do people die when they are killed?

42. Do some bums like to live underground?

43. What's something utterly stupid you've done in FTFF?

44. Do you think I'll beat your record of questions asked?

45. Do you want senpai to notice you?

46. WELL WHAT ABOUT KOUHAI. Nobody ever cares about kouhai, want kouhai notice you too?

47. Pick one: iguanas or sloths, which is better?

48. Have you played Earthbound?

49. Is murrica the eagles, or are the eagles the murrica?

50. Do you consider yourself a goddamn independent, or just a damn independent?

30. Skip

31. Skip.

32. No.

33. Sadly yes.

34. No?

35. ...huh?

36. No.

37. Some of it yes.

38. Probably.

39. The latter.

40. No.

41. Because if they're killed they die. If they die then they're dead. If they're dead they can't breathe and then they asphyxiate and then they'll die.

42. Underground bumkies.

43: Post in FFtF :Knoll:

44. Maybe.

45. Please. ;w;

46.Sure? I don't have one though I think.

47. Sloths only.

48. No.

49. Yes.

50. Damn independant.

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16. You seem like the type of guy who scowls a lot. Do you?

17. Would you cosplay as Koishi if given the chance (and by chance, I mean that the cosplay clothing with your exact measurements just appeared in your bedroom)?

18. Have you dealt with children before?

19. Do you like children?

20. Do you like your name?

Edited by Jester Capri
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16. You seem like the type of guy who scowls a lot. Do you?

17. Would you cosplay as Koishi if given the chance (and by chance, I mean that the cosplay clothing with your exact measurements just appeared in your bedroom)?

18. Have you dealt with children before?

19. Do you like children?

20. Do you like your name?

16. More like serious expression but yes.

17. ...I've thought about it a few times I guess...

18. Yeah I have.

19. Depends on how they were brought up, yeah.

20. It's okay i guess.

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51. How much wood with a woodchucker shuck?
52. Do you like pineapples?
53. In any case scenario, would you ever use a japanese honorific in real life whether it be serious or just for the kicks?
54. Do you suku?
55. Which sun god/dess is better, Amaterasu, Apollo or Ra?
56. Is Kirito a Scheiße?
57. What waifus do you dislike?
58. What is your most hated waifu?
59. How many seashell did shelly sell at the seashore?
60. Do you like eating seafood and/or shellfish?

61. Most loved waifu currently?

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51. How much wood with a woodchucker shuck?

52. Do you like pineapples?

53. In any case scenario, would you ever use a japanese honorific in real life whether it be serious or just for the kicks?

54. Do you suku?

55. Which sun god/dess is better, Amaterasu, Apollo or Ra?

56. Is Kirito a Scheiße?

57. What waifus do you dislike?

58. What is your most hated waifu?

59. How many seashell did shelly sell at the seashore?

60. Do you like eating seafood and/or shellfish?

61. Most loved waifu currently?

51. some of it.

52. It's okay.

53. yes.

54. kZf5nfH.png

55. Amaterasu because she's the only one in SMTIV

56. I...don't understand.

57. Annoying waifus.

58. I don't dislike any of them.

59. All the shells.

60. They're good yes.

61. Take a guess.

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7. Favourite ice cream flavour?

8. Do you have a sweet tooth?

9. Do you know how to swim?

10. What trait(s) do you value the most in your friends?

Also, sorry if you've answered some of these questions before.

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11. Do you like affection, like hugs and stuff?

12. Whats the longest you've had your hair at?

13. Have you or do you want to work out?

14. Do you ever want to see snow irl?

15. Have you ever stayed up all night?


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how pretty is my skype av?

told ya i'd ask something stupid \.w./

Prettiest avy ever

11. Do you like affection, like hugs and stuff?

12. Whats the longest you've had your hair at?

13. Have you or do you want to work out?

14. Do you ever want to see snow irl?

15. Have you ever stayed up all night?


11. It's always appreciated.

12. Down to my shoulders

13. Years ago I used to do taekwondo on a regular basis, if that counts.

14. Yeah, would be cool.

15. One time I stayed up until 4 am.

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1. Any interest in playing the older FE games?

2. Are you interested in languages and/or linguistics?

3. Are you interested in history?

4. Do you cycle?

5. Do you play any musical instruments?

6. Which Touhou games have you played?

7. Which country would you like to visit the most?

8. Opinions on PC-98 Touhou?

9. Opinions on Konngara?

10. First and current impressions of me? (hahaha, do you even know me?)

Edited by Hattusili I
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1. Somewhat if they don't retranslate with the terrible awakening names

2. Depends on the language. I learned French originally because it interested me.

3. European history yes. I'm not all that interested in american history.

4. I used to cycle to and from school but I haven't since I started college.

5. I say I play guitar. :L

6. EoSD, PCB, IN, MoF, SA, UFO, TD, DDC, some of PoFV, StB, ISC, and the fighters not including IaMP.

7. JAPAN (caps intentional)

8. It seems great and underrated but I myself have no interest in playing them honestly.

9. She seems cool.

10 first: shiki guy from a chat I was in for a day. Current: guy with Schrödinger's waifu.

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