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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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3. How do you feel about me mixing you up with someone else?

4. Do you even know me well?

5. What are even your impressions of me

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3. How do you feel about me mixing you up with someone else?

4. Do you even know me well?

5. What are even your impressions of me

3. It happens.

4. Maybe.

5. I remember thinking you were really obstinate when I first interacted with you. Now I just think you're a perv.

Edited by shinpichu
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What effect does it have on theirselves,

Sorry, lazy Shezzy is lazy.

Depends. I would guess being an extrovert tends to produce a positive effect on the person in question, but IDK.

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21. What does it mean to be successful in life?

22. If you had to relive the previous year, what would you do differently?

23. Fondest memory?

24. What type of weather represents your mind?

25. What type of musical instrument represents your personality?

26. What personality traits do you admire in other people?

27. Do you tend to be drawn to people with similar personalities as yourself, or different?

28. If you could go back 2 years and give your past self advice, what would you say?

29. Only allowed to glimpse one, would you rather see heaven or hell?

30. Favorite quote from my sig?

21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIfBHXjYgBY

JK. I guess just to find a place in life where you're happy and comfortable. Wherever that is.

22. Shit man I don't remember the previous year. Maybe actually do my second CS321 project.

23. Sorry, I don't really know.

24. Weather that changes a lot.

25. Vuvuzela.

26. Being able to forgive things and being empathetic towards others.

27. Similar, usually.

28. Never start a land war in Asia.

29. Hell to see if it's really that bad.

30. "Anyone's a waifu if you're brave enough"

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20. Apathy.

i don't think we can be friends any more

1. Any ideas for our next collaboration?


3. How did you find SF, and what made you stay?

4. Favourite music genre?

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i don't think we can be friends any more

1. Any ideas for our next collaboration?


3. How did you find SF, and what made you stay?

4. Favourite music genre?

Too bad.

1. Hm.............................................................................maybe KotOR with one prson doing light side and the other person Dark Side? IDK. Not really interested in doing another LP at this point.

2. THE FORCE obviously.

3. I have no recollection. And I have no idea.

4. Rock I guess.

Favorite pizza topping?

How did you come up with your un?

Favorite VN you've read and why?

One vidya gaem or vidya series you want to play?

1. Cheese.

2. It's a fighting game joke. Shin as in Shin Akuma + Pichu.

3. Kagetsu Tohya I guess, because it was funny. Higurashi was good from what I read too, though.

4. Uh I don't know. Usually if I want to play something I just play it.

1: Ever played any of the Earthbound games?

2: Favorite Nintendo villain?

3: "Pop" or "soda"?

4: Any foods you genuinely hate?

5: First video game you ever played?

6: Opinion on Star Wars?

7: Favorite video game genre?

1. All of them, actually. But I've finished none of them.

2. I really liked Dimentio.

3. Soda.

4. Most seafood.

5. Some crappt licensed game for the GBC. Dinosaur, I think.

6. Well I asked some guy 100 Star Wars questions so I obviously like it.

7. Platformers I guess.

1. Can you master the art of foot behind your head?

1. I don't know what that means.

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1. What motivated you to play FE2?

2. Do you have any intentions to play FE1 (or have you already played it)?

3. Favorite Touhou game?

4. What achievement in your life are you most proud of?

5. Are you interested in languages and/or linguistics?

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was my idea for a list that bad you had to ignore it ?



1. (´・ω・`)

2. How are you?

1. Eb1ce1M.png

2. Fine, I guess. Somewhat tired.

For Shin: Is a Master Ball fine?

For what

Favourite platformer game?

Probably Symphony of the Night.

1. What motivated you to play FE2?

2. Do you have any intentions to play FE1 (or have you already played it)?

3. Favorite Touhou game?

4. What achievement in your life are you most proud of?

5. Are you interested in languages and/or linguistics?

1. Boredom. And also DodgeButt asking me to co-LP it.

2. Not really, and no.

3. SoEW is the only one I played that I liked so that one.

4. Helping to create this.

5. Not beyond a passing curiosity.

I'll link a video later.

2. Have you gotten your mouth numbed before?

oh my

2. For surgery/dentist stuff? Pretty sure I have. I know I've been put under before but I dunno if I ever had just my mouth numbed for sure or not.

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