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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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6. When is the right time then???
7. Would you pursue Lu-bu?
8. Wei, Wu, or Shu, or Jin which is technically different.
9. how about the factions from Samurai warriors (haven't played so i can't name them)
10. Since you like musous, have you tried or have interest in Hyrule Warriors.

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any other vidya gaem series you would play?

why shimoneta?

were you aware your sig image was a bit too tall? .w.

thoughts on HKs current un?

thoughts nowadays on the goons and bums that occupy your thread?



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64. Yeah

66. Where, and did you enjoy it?

67. Desert planet or ice planet?

68. If you could make everone wear panty masks, would you?

69. If you could ride a dinosaur what dinosaur would you ride?

70. Do you like steampunk?

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6. When is the right time then???

7. Would you pursue Lu-bu?

8. Wei, Wu, or Shu, or Jin which is technically different.

9. how about the factions from Samurai warriors (haven't played so i can't name them)

10. Since you like musous, have you tried or have interest in Hyrule Warriors.

6. When the Rooster crows 3 times at dawn

7. I'd rather pursue Tadakatsu but no

8. Wei

9. Oda

10. I wouldn't touch it, not a fan of the crossover

any other vidya gaem series you would play?

why shimoneta?

were you aware your sig image was a bit too tall? .w.

thoughts on HKs current un?

thoughts nowadays on the goons and bums that occupy your thread?


i wanna try vn's again


nope, it was the sig itself

It's a great inside joke.

buncha whippersnappers


66. Where, and did you enjoy it?

67. Desert planet or ice planet?

68. If you could make everone wear panty masks, would you?

69. If you could ride a dinosaur what dinosaur would you ride?

70. Do you like steampunk?

66. One of the ones near me, it was a nice area. Wouldn't call it national though.. XD

67. Desert.

68. YES

69. Velasorapter op

70. nope

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21. What does it mean to be successful in life?

22. If you had to relive the previous year, what would you do differently?

23. Fondest memory?

24. What type of weather represents your mind?

25. What type of musical instrument represents your personality?

21. Find happiness and be good at what you do. Achieve something with your life.

22. Everything.

23. I don't have one, sadly.

24. Thunderstorm

25. the amass amount of instruments that play in the witches domain in Madoka Magica

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71. If you ruled the universe would you be a benevolent ruler or would you a use your power as you saw fit?

72. How would you punish traitors to your empire?

73. What uniforms would your soldiers wear?

74. What would you call your flagship?

75. Favorite sandwhich?

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71. If you ruled the universe would you be a benevolent ruler or would you a use your power as you saw fit?

72. How would you punish traitors to your empire?

73. What uniforms would your soldiers wear?

74. What would you call your flagship?

75. Favorite sandwhich?

71. tumblr_m6m0zmeois1qcev3no1_500.gif

72. See above.

73. make them all wear Oda/Wei like outfits

74. The Wei Flag combined with the Oda Symbol

75. grilled cheese

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11. Why aren't you a fan of the crossover?

12. Beyond Warriors Orochi, what series would you like to see crossover with the Warriors series, if any.
13. Why do you prefer Yukari over the other touhou characters, again?
14. What Vn's would you try out.
15. If you could choose a power what would you choose?

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11. Why aren't you a fan of the crossover?

12. Beyond Warriors Orochi, what series would you like to see crossover with the Warriors series, if any.

13. Why do you prefer Yukari over the other touhou characters, again?

14. What Vn's would you try out.

15. If you could choose a power what would you choose?

11. Musou style Hyrule is cool, but i liked it for Ganon only. Not my thing for nintendo to do so.

12. a pure SW and DW crossover, with Legends of Troy as well. Bladestorm for token points

13. Answered this question already. She's what I believe to be the strongest, and I like strong characters.

14. tsukihime, Fate, Umineko and School Days

15. being stretchy and stuff

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76. Would robots have rights equivalent to humans under your rule?

77. Would you execute traitors yourself or delegate your work?

78. Would you excercise prima nocta?

79. Would your capital be Earth or somewhere else?

80. Say you encounter another empire/organization with equivalent power and resources to yours. Do you attempt to be friendly with them, maintain a friendly facade but covertly try to undermine and control them, or declare war and try to conquer them?

Edited by shinpichu
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76. Would robots have rights equivalent to humans under your rule?

77. Would you execute traitors yourself or delegate your work?

78. Would you excercise prima nocta?

79. Would your capital be Earth or somewhere else?

80. Say you encounter another empire/organization with equivalent power and resources to yours. Do you attempt to be friendly with them, maintain a friendly facade but covertly try to undermine and control them, or declare war and try to conquer them?

76. No.

77. I'd have my retainers do so.

78. ahahaha, maybe

79. Yes

80. Wait for the right moment and repeat the battle of Sekigahara...


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favorite theme you've done?

if the peeps in hhh could come together for some group project, what would you like it to be?

i wanna try vn's again


why haven't you?


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16. If you were a video game character of some sort, what would your stat layout be like, and your class for that matter.
17. Why the dislike on FPS games?
18. Any music you listen to, other than video game stuff?
19. Do you think some sort of 2d musou game would work?
20. Do you favor offense or defense?

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favorite theme you've done?

if the peeps in hhh could come together for some group project, what would you like it to be?

why haven't you?

my Tenryuu theme, as well as my Ezio theme with Breezy

hhh vn

everlasting summer and rising angels

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16. If you were a video game character of some sort, what would your stat layout be like, and your class for that matter.

17. Why the dislike on FPS games?

18. Any music you listen to, other than video game stuff?

19. Do you think some sort of 2d musou game would work?

20. Do you favor offense or defense?

16. Speed and Defense, Samurai and Sword for weapon

17. Eugh, I'm bad at them and guns are loathesome

18. Eh, occasional songs i find from my travels

19. I'm working on it with my games to make them musou/rpg based!

20. Offense

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81. What do you think of the idea of mind wiping/brainwashing criminals to make them good people?

82. You are at war with a rival empire. You have recently cracked their encryption codes, but they do not know yet. You uncover intelligence that a planet under your rule will soon be attacked. The planet is not heavily defended, and it is likely that there will be very little left afterwards. If you move to reinforce this planet in any way or try to evacuate the populace, the enrmy will most likely learn of their broken encryption. Do you move to protect the planet and risk alerting the enemy to their broken encryption, or let the attack happen so as not to lose your intelligence source?

83. What are your thoughts on genetic engineering of humans?

84. Dual-wielding or double-bladed lightsabers?

85. Would you eat meat grown in a lab?

Edited by shinpichu
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81. What do you think of the idea of mind wiping/brainwashing criminals to make them good people?

82. You are at war with a rival empire. You have recently cracked their encryption codes, but they do not know yet. You uncover intelligence that a planet under your rule will soon be attacked. The planet is not heavily defended, and it is likely that there will be very little left afterwards. If you move to reinforce this planet in any way or try to evacuate the populace, the enrmy will most likely learn of their broken encryption. Do you move to protect the planet and risk alerting the enemy to their broken encryption, or let the attack happen so as not to lose your intelligence source?

83. What are your thoughts on genetic engineering of humans?

84. Dual-wielding or double-bladed lightsabers?

85. Would you eat meat grown in a lab?

81. a-okay chief

82. let the attack happen

83. The future is now

84. double-bladed

85. no

why are you so down for some obscene take over?

do you think sol should take it up shirleys place?

nobunaga oda


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86. What will happen to your empire after your death?

87. Would your empire be ever-expanding or would you stop once you reach a cetrain size?

88. How much participation would the general populace in government under your rule?

89. Would aliens have the same status as humans?

90. Vibrosword or laser sword?

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1). something something first and last expressos

2). favorite breakfast meat?

3). do you have a favorite restaurant?

4). what do you usually eat for dinner?

5). if you do have a favorite restaurant, what do you usually order?

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86. What will happen to your empire after your death?

87. Would your empire be ever-expanding or would you stop once you reach a cetrain size?

88. How much participation would the general populace in government under your rule?

89. Would aliens have the same status as humans?

90. Vibrosword or laser sword?

86. it'll crumble

87. ever expanding

88. 25%

89. yes

90. Laser sword

1). something something first and last expressos

2). favorite breakfast meat?

3). do you have a favorite restaurant?

4). what do you usually eat for dinner?

5). if you do have a favorite restaurant, what do you usually order?

1. pretty cool person in IP chat

current: major cool person on skype

2. sausage yo

3. Red Robin

4. anything with meat

5. Chicken Strips with fries always satisfies.

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91. You have no desire for heirs?

92. What is your stance on human cloning?

93. Would you ride a hoverbike?

94. Would you bring back the dinosaurs?

95. It has been centuries since your death, and the galaxy is a disorganized mess. A group of cultists have resurrected you in the hopes that you will restore the gakaxy to a golden age of order and prosperity. What do you do?

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91. You have no desire for heirs?

92. What is your stance on human cloning?

93. Would you ride a hoverbike?

94. Would you bring back the dinosaurs?

95. It has been centuries since your death, and the galaxy is a disorganized mess. A group of cultists have resurrected you in the hopes that you will restore the gakaxy to a golden age of order and prosperity. What do you do?

91. Nada

92. Most of it is okay

93. Yes

94. Hell no, that's a bad idea/

95. tumblr_m6m0zmeois1qcev3no1_500.gif

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