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SF Interviews - Nomination for #38


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Ayyyyo, Draco

What it do?

Are you looking forward to this coming school year? Why or why nah?

Obligatory impression blah, you know the drill

Impression of yourself?

Which interviewees were your favorite?

First time YOU ever RP'd?


1. wat

2. No. I don't want my entire life to have to be centered around going to the same place 5/7 days out of the week and see people I don't care for. I do all of the housework at my house (chores mostly, but I'm actually not kidding), so I won't have very much free time at all once it starts.

3. First: Pretty cool dude, nice to have around. Friendly, polite, and likable.

Current: Mostly unchanged, but you're one of the best listeners I've ever seen (you don't try to make it about yourself, etc), even though iirc I haven't vented to you a whole bunch of times? I don't talk to you a bunch anymore.

4. Literally the worst. Polite enough but definitely a lot of room for improvement.

5. Fuuu I don't remember. Iirc yours, Soledai's, and Makaze's were all pretty good.

6. I was on a forum before this one. In the chatroom, there was 3 parts of it: Main, Elsewhere, and Roleplay. In Roleplay, sometimes a few of my on-site friends were in there. One of them had this cool fantasy RP thing that I took part in when I can. It was really similar to my RP thread on this site, which I made primarily for the purpose of trying to recreate the fun I had doing the other RP.

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Howdy Draco~

What countries have you traveled to in the past?

Have you ever played a Harvest Moon game?

Favourite ice cream flavour?

Other than video games, what are your hobbies?

Well why do you want to come here?

Come on Nox. Canada is a nice place to visit, even in the winter ^_^

Draco could go to BC, where it's milder or something.

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Howdy Draco~

What countries have you traveled to in the past?

Have you ever played a Harvest Moon game?

Favourite ice cream flavour?

Other than video games, what are your hobbies?

Come on Nox. Canada is a nice place to visit, even in the winter ^_^

Draco could go to BC, where it's milder or something.


1. None at the moment, I've only been in the US. (Though I have been to a couple states in there).

2. Yeah, actually. Harvest Moon: Magical Melody on the Gamecube. I got a lot done in it before the disc broke, but it also takes up 65 blocks on my memory card, so I don't think I'll ever get to play it again.

3. Cookies & Cream! It's so good.

4. I don't have a lot. I learned how to play guitar in 6th grade and I like hiking or reading but that's about the extent of it.

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11. Happiness without knowledge, or knowledge without happiness?

12. Myers-briggs personality type?

13. If your life was a book, what would the title be?

14. What historical figure do you admire the most?

15. How are you different in real life than on the internet, if there is any difference at all?

16. Do you prefer small groups of friends you know very well, or larger groups of friends whom you have less understanding with?

17. Favorite interview to read through in this thread?

18. How good are you at following your goals?

19. Which can have a more positive affect on a person, introversion or extraversion?

20. If there was one sin you could eliminate from the nature of mankind, what would it be?

11. Knowledge without happiness.

12. Haven't taken it yet. I need to get around to it sometime.

13. fffffffffffudge if I know.

14. Never been real big on history, so I dunno.

15. I'm pretty shy/quiet irl. I don't think it's as obvious online though.

16. Small groups. It's what I do almost all of the time.

17. HK asked me this. My choice is Makaze, HK, or Soledai. I don't know which though.

18. Not very. There's still stuff I haven't gotten around to, even after years.

19. Extroverts. We all need the sunshine. I'm much more introverted myself though.

20. There's a lot of them. My choice is either murder or lies, I dunno.

Or do you mean, like, the 7 deadly sins? Wrath, then.

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17. Probably not. High King would be a permanent title.

I actually meant 'cycle' as in 'move by using a bicycle,' but sure, this works.

21. Do you cycle?

18. Almost! But ultimately, no.

22. What stopped you from making a mud pie as a toddler?

23. Do you like NES music with high pitches (like this piece from FE2) or do you find it rather painful on the ears?

24. Est or Jagen?

25. Have you read any Tolkien books?

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I actually meant 'cycle' as in 'move by using a bicycle,' but sure, this works.

21. Do you cycle?

22. What stopped you from making a mud pie as a toddler?

23. Do you like NES music with high pitches (like this piece from FE2) or do you find it rather painful on the ears?

24. Est or Jagen?

25. Have you read any Tolkien books?

21. It's one of the only modes of transport I use, yeah.

22. I never made one, rather my cousin did (he's 4 years older than me, almost 18 as of now), and he tried to get me to eat it. I might've been a dumb toddler, but I knew better.

23. Like chiptune? Yeah.

24. Est, for sure. I never, never, never use prepromotes, with literally my only exceptions being Gotohs and FE9!Stefan.

25. Those are the Lord of the Rings books, right? I haven't.

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Favorite Love Live! girl?

Would you like to visit Canada someday? If you want to be specific, which part of Canada?

What do you wish to be implemented/removed in the next FE?

Favorite monster girl(doesn't have to be from MonMusume)?

Fave music genre?

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Favorite Love Live! girl?

Would you like to visit Canada someday? If you want to be specific, which part of Canada?

What do you wish to be implemented/removed in the next FE?

Favorite monster girl(doesn't have to be from MonMusume)?

Fave music genre?

6. Either Maki or Umi. Eli is cool too though.

7. I'd like to someday, but I don't know the specifics of where's where.

8. Most of the stuff they changed in Fates tbh, for removed.

9. While I'm pretty disappointed with how MonMusume (and every other monster girl thing ever) is mostly just trash for otaku schmucks who don't know any better (mostly, ofc), I'd kill for something where the monster people aren't exclusively women and what they want isn't exclusively about the banging.

Anyway, mermaid and fox people are some of my favorites in fiction, but harpies are cool too.

10. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I don't particularly care for a lot of music tbh. I guess VGM b/c of how versatile it is.

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21. It's one of the only modes of transport I use, yeah.

Yes, excellent!

25. Those are the Lord of the Rings books, right? I haven't.

Yeah, that's them. And you totally should, they're great.

26. What's your opinion on Touhou music?

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Do you sometimes find yourself to be a bandwagoner?

Why do you have a thing for people with red hair?

Would you like to learn Japanese sometime?

Name any sport/martial art that you want to learn/master quickly.

Favorite 2hu girl?

Would your ideal girl be shorter or taller than you?... or about the same size?

Since you grew up around girls, do you sometimes find it hard to talk to guys irl?

How deep do you think your voice will be at age 17?

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Yes, excellent!

Yeah, that's them. And you totally should, they're great.

26. What's your opinion on Touhou music?

26. It's one of the few things about the series I genuinely like. It's really solid.

Do you sometimes find yourself to be a bandwagoner?

Why do you have a thing for people with red hair?

Would you like to learn Japanese sometime?

Name any sport/martial art that you want to learn/master quickly.

Favorite 2hu girl?

Would your ideal girl be shorter or taller than you?... or about the same size?

Since you grew up around girls, do you sometimes find it hard to talk to guys irl?

How deep do you think your voice will be at age 17?

11. Sometimes, but not all too often. Like, I never joined in on the AMA threads, and probably never will.

12. They're really pretty imo.

13. Of course. I'm trying even now.

14. If swimming counts as a sport, then that.

15. As hilarious as her being taller than me would be, probably around my height. I'm not picky though.

16. I find it hard to talk to anyone who isn't a friend, seeing as I grew up shy as well. So... I suppose? I think I'm still a little bit more comfortable talking to dudes though.

17. Very, of that I am certain. Weird thing is that my voice has always been about the same for a handful of years: deep by 9 year old standards, but now it's not very by 13 year old standards (it goes kind of in between deep and high though, gg puberty).

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21. What does it mean to be successful in life?

22. If you had to relive the previous year, what would you do differently?

23. Fondest memory?

24. What type of weather represents your mind?

25. What type of musical instrument represents your personality?

26. What personality traits do you admire in other people?

27. Do you tend to be drawn to people with similar personalities as yourself, or different?

28. If you could go back 2 years and give your past self advice, what would you say?

29. Only allowed to glimpse one, would you rather see heaven or hell?

30. Favorite quote from my sig?

21. Have everything you need and be happy with it.

22. Most years for me are anywhere between bad and average, I've never had any year consisting of nothing but good. I guess make more friends or something? I was in 7th grade at the time, just moved into a new school.

23. I don't know. I guess most memories with my sisters or M!Cousin. (I've mentioned him a couple times, he's the one that's 4 years older than me).

24. Draught uh I mean rain uhhh I mean. Yeah, realistically, rain, with all that paranoia and negativity.

25. I might have to cop out of this one, because I've got nothing. Sorry.

26. Kindness, honesty, and reason, above all else.

27. I'm pretty shy and quiet irl, so most likely different. I like when people have similar interests though.

28. Ahaha, this is the one I've been waiting for.

Me now: yo don't do the thing

Me then: k

Realistically though.

Me now: Hey kid, I'm you from the future. Don't throw those scissors in math class, okay? It's not gonna hit anyone but you'll get detention anyway.

Me then: What the? Oh, um. Okay. I think.

29. Heaven, definitely. Hell is the place of suffering made eternal according to christians, so definitely heaven.

30. Nobody's is the best one.

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Final questions

Would you pursue becoming an ideal anime protagonist?

Name any friend in SF and what do you think would happen if you encounter each other irl?

Same as above except it's now with me.

What do you find yourself optimistic about?

How much do you value/love family and friends?

Have you usually seen yourself as a good person?

and finally:

Would you nominate me to be interviewed?

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Favorite 2hu girl?

I think I skipped this one.

Koishi, Chen, Satori, Momiji, Ran, Rin, Mokou, the mermaid girl whose name I am forgetting, and the shipwrecking girl whose name I am forgetting are among my top picks.

Probably Koishi or Chen though.

Final questions

Aww. :C

Would you pursue becoming an ideal anime protagonist?

What do you mean? Probably not, but still.

Name any friend in SF and what do you think would happen if you encounter each other irl?

Probably Shezzy, since I think he's up there as one of my best friends on this site and he's close to my age so it wouldn't be quite as awkward, but

I'd probably see him from afar and be like "Wait, is that...? Oh my god it is, what." and try to start a conversation as non-awkward like as I can.

Same as above except it's now with me.

I'd probably be like "Holy fudge, Capri is that you?" or something.

What do you find yourself optimistic about?

Mostly just thinking everything will get better some day.

How much do you value/love family and friends?

Family more than anything, possibly ever. IRL friends I mostly hang out with since I... well, have to, I see them 5/7 days, every week, every year, so. But internet friends I like a litle more than IRL friends; it's more than literally nothing but other 13 year olds.

Have you usually seen yourself as a good person?

Not usually. I'm well aware that I'm polite enough and usually not a hostile person but I know I can get annoying and such.

and finally:

Oh boy!

Would you nominate me to be interviewed?

Sure, but I don't think it will happen before the interview thread dies down. I wouldn't be able to find many other voters without campaigning, which iirc is against the rules in here.

Bold is my answers.

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26. It's one of the few things about the series I genuinely like. It's really solid.

Excellent. The music is what got me into the series, man.

27. Favorite Touhou music?

28. What feature(s) in Fire Emblem do you like the most?

29. What feature(s) in Fire Emblem do you like the least?

30. Have you ever considered LP'ing?

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Excellent. The music is what got me into the series, man.

27. Favorite Touhou music?

28. What feature(s) in Fire Emblem do you like the most?

29. What feature(s) in Fire Emblem do you like the least?

30. Have you ever considered LP'ing?

27. uhhh

iirc suika's in the fighting game she debuted in was good (something something in the fairy land?), and the wriggle song in whichever game that was. idk the names of each though.

28. Base convos and Base EXP, I guess.

29. The FE Amie stuff.

30. When I was younger, yeah. Not so much anymore though.

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31. Favorite video game protagonist?

32. Weapon of choice?

33. Favorite place to visit in the world?

34. Sci-fi, fantasy, or a mix?

35. Favorite SMT demon off design?

31. Most don't really stand out to me, rather, they're pretty alright. I guess GV from Azure Striker Gunvolt if nothing else.

32. Sword. Yeah, I'm original.

33. Never been out of the states. I've only been to Ohio twice in my life (dad's hometown), and that was pretty fun, so there.

34. Mix.

35. Probably Bifrons, in every one of them but Demi Kids or whatever it was.

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how does it feel have the longest time to be interviewed?

Pretty cool, but it was a little underwhelming, with only a handful of people really persevering with the questions (thx you guys <3).

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Ventus, or Vanitas?

Who would come out the victor in an epic battle of Agni Kai? Me, or Soledai?

What are you getting me for my birthday?

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

How well do you think your zodiac sign matches you?

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Ventus, or Vanitas?

Who would come out the victor in an epic battle of Agni Kai? Me, or Soledai?

What are you getting me for my birthday?

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

How well do you think your zodiac sign matches you?

Ventus. He's my favorite person to play in BBS and the only one that doesn't suck imo.

uhhh Soledai, probably.

Socks. :Kappa:

Only time will tell. I dunno at the moment.

I'm a Scorpio/Sagittarius(Spelling?) cusp, but according to my mom, I fit Scorpio pretty well.

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