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Is Excellus male or female?


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The first time I saw Excellus, I thought, "Gee, I wish we can stick that pompous Ursula-clone's head on a pike!" That is, the Ursula from Little Mermaid bizarrely reminded me of her and thus I though, "girl." But, then Aversa attacked Chrom and let slip the little eunuch's true nature and I was like, "Oooooh... okay." Funny story indeed.

For Libra, I had the advantage of playing FE7 a hundred times prior and so I recognized the trope of "womanly-man" in a second. I originally thought Lucius was a dude in FE7 when I first played (when I had only the in-game portrait to look at) and then I wondered about his gender afterwards before people referred to him as a dude in-game. It wasn't until later when I saw the artwork and fan-art that I found out how allegedly feminine he is... XD

I think Libra's more manly than Lucius. In my mind, when the two are asked if they're a girl, Libra would go, "Pfft. I'm a man, loser," and then fight urges to axe the person whist Lucius would go cry in the corner or something... I think Libra has (still) an advantage of not having 10 years of fanfiction supporting girliness...

Meh, I got off topic! Bad me! Excellus is a dude, a very girly-eunuch-dude. Basically, a new spin on an old FE trope. :3

Edited by Doctor Robert
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