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Tiled map tile changes not working?


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So my map changes are not showing when it's been triggered. Event wise, you're only able to visit the red houses once and are given the items. But, the house doesn't close. Also, bandits would keep destroying the red house that I did not get the chance to visit yet. The house does not show that it's been destroyed. I've been following Markjoe1990's and Nintenlord's Tiled tutorial and was confused by the ordering of the IDs. I think this could be the issue of why the tiles aren't changing, but I could be wrong. So I'll list the steps that I did so far.

Step 1: Made the map


Step 2: Made the layer properties for each tile change


Step 3: Inserted into empty space on the ROM


Step 4: Changed the tilesets in nightmare


Step 5: Inserted events into empty space and tested the chapter

Any other info/screenshots that you need in order to point out what needs to be fixed, please let me know. Thanks in advance!

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IIRC Mark said they're supposed to go from top to bottom and left to right so your top house should be the first map change and then you just order them down. I think that's the problem so check the ID's numbers although you could fore the changes with MAC1 but try adjusting the orders first

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check nightmare to see if the pointer actually has the right address?

Are you referring to the triggerable map changes? I used the Ch.2 map changes for the previous chapter of my hack, so I used the 3rd chapter for this chapter's triggerable map changes. Sorry that I didn't mentioned this in my original post.

IIRC Mark said they're supposed to go from top to bottom and left to right so your top house should be the first map change and then you just order them down. I think that's the problem so check the ID's numbers although you could fore the changes with MAC1 but try adjusting the orders first

So would this be the right order that I should have the IDs set up?


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Ok, so I tried reordering the ID's and no changes happen. I'm guessing I'll have to use MAC1 to force the tile changes to happen.

EDIT: I managed to figure out what the issue was. It was actually in the events. Originally, I had the red houses event as "House(0x07,RedHouse1,6,6)." I changed it to "Village(0x07,RedHouse1,6,6)" and the tile changes occur correctly. Thank you for all the help.

Edited by OreoStyx
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